VCE Stuff > VCE Information Technology

2017 Exam!


Lethal Sauce:
So how did everyone find the exam?

It felt pretty standard in comparison to previous years, but there were a few unfamiliar things to me. The MC, like usual, contained a few ambiguous ones, but wasn't too bad.

I wasn't really prepared for the web proxy server question, and felt that the final question involving the network diagram was a bit strange - I don't see the reason why each box was numbered. Also, why did they refer to an closed question as a boolean question, and a switch as a patch panel -- I literally have not heard of these terms within the context of this course or any resources provide therein.

The DHCP was so random, it wasn't even in the textbook thing... How are we supposed to know it. :'(

Lethal Sauce:

--- Quote from: Dimmerworld on November 09, 2017, 03:25:44 pm ---The DHCP was so random, it wasn't even in the textbook thing... How are we supposed to know it. :'(

--- End quote ---

Totally agree. I only new the name of it because it appeared in a previous exam. When it came to the requirements for it; total guesswork.


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