What's the main difference between year 11 and 12 physics in your opinion? Was there a general consensus on the hardest topic or did it vary for most people? What did you guys enjoy/hate?
Personally, most people at my school, including myself. found Moving About to be the hardest topic, while Electricity (as it was really a revision of previous year's) and Cosmic Engine (lots of memorisation but not a lot of skills) were said to be the easiest. Are the year 12 topics a lot different from these (regarding the amount of calculations, extended responses, and not so much the actual content)?
Hey, this is just my experience, (it could be much different for you!)
Year 11 was more difficult, and yes I agree, moving about was the most difficult.
The general outline of Year 12 is the same, the type of questions and the setting out for calculations are almost identical, especially with key terms such as explain, compare and analyse. The way you set out an 8 marker in year 11 will be the same setting out for an 8 marker it year 12 (just different content!)
The main difference as a whole (that I found anyway) was that Year 11 was just content (ie the cosmic engine) But year 12 more focuses on CONCEPTS, and that was the thing I enjoyed the most about year 12, the concepts.
On the hardest Year 12 topic, I personally found Ideas to Implementation the most difficult and Space to be the easiest (but that might be due to having more/less time on them) However mark's wise, out cohort lost the most marks on the Motors and Generators as it can have many tricky concepts!
Out of everything, the AC induction motor was the content I did not enjoy (Took forever to get it fully understand it)
Year 12's content is FAR easier
I've gone from mid 60's in year 11 to low 90's in year 12
This was my outlook on the course, and it could be completely different to someone else though!