Uni Stuff > The University Journey Journal

Communal University Journey Journal

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After the success of this thread here, I thought that we should try out a similar thing for uni stuff. 8)

Basically, you just make journal entries in this thread when you feel like it, pertaining to your day, your concerns, your thoughts about the future, or whatever else. If nothing else, I think it'll be a) really useful to read for those just starting uni in the future; and b) a nice place for collaboration - I feel the university boards are a little segmented at the moment. :)

Will this be the most active thread on the forums? I don't know - but there's only one way to find out. ;D

Oo, I love this!

I'm actually taking a day off uni work today but I'll add a couple of thoughts from the week.

- I had two assignments due this week and one test. History, philosophy, and linguistics respectively. Everything I found alright but I'm still dealing with a lot of uncertainty/self-doubt because I'm just not sure what's expected of me, really. :-\
- We did tongue yoga in our linguistics tutorial this week- that was an experience. ::)
- Early days but I'm still thinking about majors/minors and what units I might take next semester, and just in general what the future might hold for me. I definitely want to take politics next semester (I kind of regret not taking it this semester) but I'm undecided about literature at the moment. I've always been good at English and it's something I've always loved but I really don't enjoy the lectures or tutes. ???

^What was the Ling test, Coffee?


--- Quote from: Joseph41 on March 18, 2017, 05:31:00 pm ---^What was the Ling test, Coffee?

--- End quote ---
The one on Moodle? It was a few admin questions and then about eight true/false questions relating to linguistics. I think it was only worth 5 or 10%.

Great idea!! 8)

I have no real news for today but:
- Tried to research stuff for a physiology presentation (which backfired because I forgot about mum's plans for the day)
- Took a break from studying to visit my grandma in Geelong. (Pro-tip: don't ever wear heels whilst walking around there, plenty of blisters :( )
- Celebrated the physiology quiz score I got hint: the score is wayyyyy more than 50(because I know probably next to nothing on the subject atm lol) by buying sushi. (Sushi is one of my fave foods :P )
- Got home and realised I forgot that I still have to finish some physical chemistry stuff (the Russian lady who runs the subject is really, really frightening)
- I've finally finished reading over the 3 pracs and the lab I have next week.
TL;DR- My typical Saturday, haha


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