ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => VIC Year 10 Discussion => Victorian Education Discussion => VCE Subject Selection => Topic started by: Inazuma11 on August 18, 2020, 08:00:01 pm

Title: how much does wood scale down your study score in year 12?
Post by: Inazuma11 on August 18, 2020, 08:00:01 pm
Title: Re: how much does wood scale down your study score in year 12?
Post by: keltingmeith on August 18, 2020, 08:32:39 pm
I'm honestly confused by the question.

I think you're asking how much will the subject, "Product Design and Technology", scale down. And the answer is (as it is for all subjects) - it depends on what score you get and the year you get it. Here's the conversions based on last year's scaling report - with the score you got on the left, and the adjusted (scaled) score on the right:

20 -> 12
25 -> 17
30 -> 22
35 -> 28
40 -> 35
45 -> 42
50 -> 50

As you can see, for lower scores, essentially the study score was decreased by 8 - but the higher you go, the smaller this difference is, only going down by 5 if you got a 40, and only by 3 if you got a 45. This is a common trend in subjects, too - typically, the higher you score, the less scaling affects you or you have to worry about it.