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Author Topic: מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008  (Read 5928 times)  Share 

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מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008
« on: January 09, 2008, 09:43:02 am »
שלום לכולם.
ניסיון ראשון להחיות את פורום עברית של אפ.אס.אן, נראה איך הילך.
כפי הנראה ישנם רק 2 אנשים בפורום הזה שעשו עברית וגם הם אינם מרוצים, הם טוענים שעברית הוא מקצוע קשה מדי - איזה שטויות.

בכל מקרה.
כל מי שעשה עברית בשנת 2007 או מתכוון לעשות עברית בשנת 2008 כחלק מהוי.סי.אי מוזמן להגיב :)


I've decided to add an English-Version to this thread for those that are just shy/don't have a clue  :P
This is a Roll Call for 08 students that would be undertaking Hebrew as one of their VCE subjcets which I personally highly recommend. Since I've realised that the number of Hebrew speaking users on this forum is marginal I decided to further extend this thread to those who undertook Hebrew as part of their VCE on 07.
Essentially this is just me trying to desperately come up with a rehab for what could've been a thriving forum full of 99'rs  ;)
If there's anybody out there give us a shout.

Also..., I am willing to help you guys out with your Hebrew inquiries if there are any.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 11:24:20 am by DrowNz »
Tuition in Biology, ESL & Hebrew Available.

Contact me at [email protected]


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Re: מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2008, 05:47:13 pm »
Shalom lecha! Ein ivrit bemachshev hazeh az enaseh be saphat unglit c'eileh.

Ruk hitzlachti le 28 uz ha'ivrit sheli... nidmeh ce'ilu ani sabra ben 4 shanim. >_> Mah koreh, it'cha, ve'le'mah hitzlachta be'ivrit?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 05:49:20 pm by enwiabe »


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Re: מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 05:40:21 am »
haha fair enough mate. I wasn't expecting you to reply honestly since I've witnessed your frustration with this subject from your previous comments - I'm glad you did though :)

Myself? I achieved 43 in Hebrew and I'll be straight up with you, I've put in no work whatsoever. I come from a background of mixed nationalities and tend to pick up languages relatively easily. We speak Russian at home but I've lived in Israel for 4 months. In Australia I've surrounded myself with a few Israeli mates at the start of year 11 and that really did improve my fluency in Hebrew a great deal. The Oral was a breeze since I was able to deviate from the original topics we had to learn and ended up telling them how I'm finding VCE and that the current war in Israel is bad. The written examination required the application of some very basic Hebrew and they overlooked many things such as grammar mistakes and so on. Basic understanding of the Hebrew language and a little creativity was really what was needed to do well. My point is... Hebrew is no harder than any other language if not easier since it makes perfect sense. Everything is spelt the way it is said consisting of mere 22 letters and you are allowed to have a very basic understanding and vocabulary to get through it. On top of that, the state tends to perform very poorly in Hebrew since they take the wrong approach to this subject. You don't study for Hebrew the same way you do for Maths. All you need is to place yourself around people that speak the language and let it wash over you. You'd be surprised how much you're absorbing just by listening. Coming from Bialik I'm sure finding those people shouldn't be a hassle.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 03:08:06 am by DrowNz »
Tuition in Biology, ESL & Hebrew Available.

Contact me at [email protected]


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Re: מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 11:09:31 am »
I'm not frustrated with the language, just its teaching in VCE level. My doing it was a mistake from the start. >_> Oh well...


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Re: מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2008, 10:20:32 pm »
i have expressed this view too many times but it is too hard to do well in hebrew for an average, english speaking, never been to israel, no one in family speaks hebrew student who has been doing it a few years. its discouraging everyone from doing hebrew which lowers the number of people doing it which makes it even harder to do well because the number of israelis doesnt go down which means that there are fewer high scores to give out. my advice is not to do it unless you are israeli. for the same work or less, you can achieve a good score without all the hysteria and stress. maybe im just bitter but the experience was not worth the effort. my friend skipped hebrew, worked solidly in health and got a 50. the markup is down so dont expect it to cushion the low marks. if you do dare to tread the styx, my advice is to read the paper weekly, highlight every word u read and dont understand and LEARN it, make lists of important words and phrases according to topics, come up with a list of 100 essay words/structures to learn for the exam, choose a detailed study no one else is doing because then u dont need much depth, write 1-2 essays a week, towards the oral don't overdo the speaking because it feels less routine and keeps you on your toes. the exams arent very hard but everything else is.... the oral examiners are easy to impress (they asked me if i lived in israel) if you memorize a few good sentences. for the exam, read the instructions carefully and get used to the twisted and not very syllogistic logic used in the listenings and readings because that can screw you up in a major way. the essays require lots of practice and need to be done quickly and efficiently.


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Re: מסדר נוכחות עברית לשנת 2007-2008
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2008, 05:33:15 pm »
אני לפי שעה בדרך שלי לירושלים ללמוד כמה אח של עברית.