Hey guys,
Sorry to be a pain but me and a friend wrote a page and a half extra on the eco exam yesterday in the room for extra responses part and for the 2nd one, we didn't write PTO because it was a continuation of the last question on the previous page. - As in we didn't think it was necessary because it was obvious the question wasn't finished and the examiner would keep reading, but now I remember they only get the scanned copy. Will they remember to scan this part? surely they know under exam pressure people can forget to write PTO.
Also, (ABC you answered this but I'm still unsure), is it impossible to at get at least 1 mark out of 3 for that 6 marker If you talk about how PIT affected the demand-side which then affected supply. - I justified it beautifully with a current PIT example. It's stressing me out a little.
Thanks a bunch.