Hey! Firstly welcome to ATAR notes!
So I am currently doing UMEP math, however I originally planned to take physics, so attached are some posts that I put out on reddit and atar notes about which one which really helped me. For reddit my comments are deleted but everyone elses are there.
https://www.reddit.com/r/unimelb/comments/odmqmn/deleted_by_user/https://atarnotes.com/forum/index.php?topic=194849.0A summary of them and why I choose math over physics is:
For physics, it is taken as a direct first year subject, aka you go to the same lectures as first years at Melb uni itself, whereas the math ones can be taken at school centers which can be really beneficial with travel and a smaller class with a vce teacher who really knows the subject and how to teach it, this means more support.
Doing math over physics allows u to do second year subjects in first year, which can't be done by doing physics. If you intend to study outside of vic it may be another story, you would need to do some research or email the university about this. Also the pracs in physics run during the holidays so the classes will take up more time.
UMEP math is much more relevent to spec, methods and further (Matricies, vectors, transformations, calculus, calculus, calculus, semester two is a lot of calculus) than physics, which won't help much with the subjects. I would prob need to know what subjects ur doing this year to give better advice here.
Check out these for some more info on the subjects if you havent.
https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/subjects/phyc10003https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/subjects/phyc10004Here is the big part, whether its a waste of your time.
So how the grading works is really simple, pass the class and you get a 30. Every 10% above 50 will add 5SS to ur grase. So a 75% will give you 30+5+5=a 40SS. To get a 50, all you need is 90%. The grades in uni do scale with difficulty but not against each student so if you put in the work, passing should be pretty easy, but in terms of difficulty this is where I drop off, all I know is the math one. However, uni subjects ALWAYS count as bottom 6 or IF you are doing seven, bottom six assuming it higher than one of ur other subjects. So that 50 becomes a meager 5, like all ur 5th and 6th subjects.
Now idk ur subjects, but it sounds like you would be doing one this year, and 6 in year 12. Not sure why but you do you. If i'm being honest...thats alot. Like 6 subjects +uni is not easy, idc how smart you are(not a dig) anyone who could handle that easily would not still be in highschool.
So as a 6th subject it IS great cause it is easier to score higher in, but considering ur work load and future plans I don't think it is neccesary and prehaps not reccomended. The other thing to note is that unlike math for example, physics has a placment test, so ur entry isnt guaranteed without like a HD in a physics olympiad or something.