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Author Topic: Discovery (AoS) MEGA THREAD  (Read 7797 times)

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Discovery (AoS) MEGA THREAD
« on: January 16, 2017, 05:17:34 pm »
This thread will serve as a one stop shop for all the resources available on ATAR Notes for the Area of Study!

Asking Questions

- There are question threads set up for English Advanced and English Standard, where you can ask any manner of English question, including those related to the Area of Study.
- You can also start a new topic if you'd prefer to have your question separated from the rest, or if it is a little unique :)

Getting Feedback

- Our Creative Marking Thread is the place to post your Creative for some feedback from a Band 6 student!
- If you need an essay marked, you can post it in our AoS Essay Marking Thread. It can even just be a paragraph or two - Let us give you a hand!

Note that the above two threads are subject to our essay marking rules ;D

- On the other hand, if you just need some help setting up a Thesis or fleshing out your ideas, try our Thesis Statement Feedback and Discussion Thread.

Finding a Related Text

- We have a guide available on choosing the right related text, which is applicable not only to the AoS but also any other Module that requires a related text!
- For the AoS specifically, check out our list of suggested ORTs, you might even want to suggest your own!

Guides and Resources

Strap yourself in, it's a big list:

Creative Writing:
- Guide to Creative Writing, which contains tips and tricks to enhance your piece.
- ULTIMATE Guide to Creative Writing, which is like the above, but longer and even more, well, ultimate.
- Breaking Down the AoS Rubric, a guide to using the syllabus to enhance your Creative writing skills.

Essay Writing:
- Guide to Writing an AoS Essay, including tips on integrating your texts into a conceptually based response.
- A Guide on Memorising English Essays, and an article on Why You Shouldn't Memorise Essays (you can make your own call!)
- Avoid using these words in an English essay; there are some in here you would never guess. Try using these words instead!
- A guide to Discovery Thesis statements, the most important part of any AoS essay!

- Not an English person? This might be the guide for you.
- Why your essay is like a glass of cordial ;)
- Struggling to reach your word counts in exams? Here is a guide on improving your handwriting speed. If you're able to write fast enough, but don't know what the heck to write in the first place, try this guide on improving your vocabulary.
- Paper One Preparation Guide, a last minute plan for preparing for an English Paper 1.

Don't forget to check out our FREE downloadable English Notes, which includes summaries and exemplars for smashing the Area of Study! ;D
« Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 11:32:27 am by jamonwindeyer »