ATAR Notes Initiatives > ATAR Calculator

Atarcalc App

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No android app? :(


--- Quote from: dreambig on January 05, 2013, 08:13:47 pm ---No android app? :(

--- End quote ---

yeahwould really like an android app too! :D

Professor Polonsky:

--- Quote from: Zor24 on January 05, 2013, 05:45:12 pm ---I think that's because the atarcalc uses the figures which are given on the scaling report, and they are rounded to the nearest whole number, so the scaled scores will be a little off. That and it assumes linear scaling.

--- End quote ---
Would it be possible to make a database of raw scores and what they were scaled to?

insiders education:
Loving the app!

Agi :
Is there an iPad app available?


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