WACE Stuff > Western Australian Education Discussion

Wace notes


Just wondering is there any free notes I can access for year 12, or can I use hsc or vce notes since they are more available. Thanks.

Hey Hypnotizedoge,

There are a few notes for WACE available to access on ATAR Notes. However, these notes are not as extensive as the other states. From what I can tell, the only WACE subject notes available are for health studies, human biology, visual arts, geography, biological science, psychology, chemistry, accounting and finance, English and media production & analysis. If you're interested in these notes, here's the link: https://atarnotes.com/notes/?pag=1&state=3723&subject=0&unit=0&key=&sort=date

I'll also check with the other moderators and admins to see which state syllabus is most similar to WACE if you cannot find notes on your individual subjects.

Hopefully that helps :)


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