how can you recommend it if you havn't even done it yet? It could be the hardest thing ever
Because this is the entire assessment:
• questions 1-4
1. What is the relationship between the development of grasslands and the development of the human race?
2. Explain the role that forests had in both the rise and fall of civilisations of the past.
3. Explain the reasons that net deforestation ceased in Europe in the 19th century and USA in the 20th century.
4. The availability of water to plants depends on more than just rainfall. Explain.
Questions 5 - 8
5 What are the characteristics of (a) tropical rainforest and (b) a temperate oceanic forest?
6. Explain how it is that mangroves can persist in an anoxic and saline environment.
7. Is the rate of deforestation increasing or decreasing? Which continent has the greatest amount of annual deforestation? Which country has the greatest amount of annual deforestation? Which country reports the greatest annual increase in forest area? Which country has the greatest harvest of timber? Which continent has the greatest proportion of fuelwood in its harvest? Which Australian forest type has the greatest proportion in reserves?
8. Explain what is meant by shifting agriculture and how this may cause deforestation.
Questions 9 - 12
Several of you have said that the 150 words guideline is insufficient to provide the answer. You may go to 200 - 250 words but please not much more.
9. What role does logging in tropical forests play in deforestation? Explain how sustainable management of tropical forests for services including wood production can help to save the forests from being cleared for agriculture.
10. What is the transitional argument?
11. Explain the reasons why forest evapotranspires more water and therefore yields less water to streams and groundwater than does grassland. Elaborate on a case study in Australia looking at the impacts of forests on streamflow.
12. Under what circumstances are forests effective in controlling soil erosion. Use the universal soil loss equation to describe the best and worst situations for causing erosion by water. Provide an Australian example where wildfire caused a serious erosion with subsequent deterioration in drinking water quality.
Questions 13 - 16
13. What is an exotic? Provide examples of exotics with negative and positive effects
14. Give reasons why biodiversity should be protected.
15. Explain the argument that wood is an environmentally superior building material than its competitors.
16. What are the key anatomical features of wood and how do conifers and non-conifers differ in their anatomies?
Questions 17 - 20
17. Compare and discuss the arguments for and against human activities being the main cause of current global warming
18. Explain the greenhouse effect.
19. What role can the good or poor management of forests play in accelerating or decelerating global warming?
20. Discuss REDD. Why is this controversial?