Does anyone know how to enroll in a computer science subject (such as Foundations of Computing) in replace of Accelerated Maths 1 in semester 1? Do I add it to my study plan under 'Breadth no maths' or 'Maths breadth' or 'Remaining points level 1, 2 or 3'?
The reason I'm not doing Accelerated Maths 1 is because I completed UMEP Maths last year. I contacted the Centre for Actuarial Studies and they recommended me to do a fourth subject, and not just do three in first semester.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hey there! Welcome to Actuarial Studies at UniMelb!
You should add the Computer Science subject into your study plan under "Breadth No Maths" - any breadth you decide to do that does not have an MAST prefix should be added here. This will give you the flexibility of choosing any subject (Commerce elective, Non-maths breadth, or even extra Maths breadth) for "Remaining Points Level 1, 2 or 3".
Your UMEP Maths will count towards your degree in place of Accelerated Maths 1, and will go under "Maths Breadth". I suggest you don't change anything here unless you want to switch from Accelerated Maths 2 to Calc 2, because all these subjects must be completed in order to enrol in 3rd year actuarial (ACTL) subjects.
If you have any further questions, I believe
stolenclay was in your situation when he started his actuarial degree and might be able to help you