First book I bought: This took some memory retracing as well a re-examination of my small home library. My first actual purchase was the Big Nate Big Six-Book Box Set from Costco. I was obsessed with the Big Nate comics and read all the ones available in school. When I saw it, I carried it to my mum, begged until she finally gave me permission to buy it with my pocket money (yes, I needed to ask her first) and read through all six within a week
First one I read: I absolutely cannot remember to save myself. I have always been surrounded by them so I have zero idea what my first actual read was. If we count being read to, my grandma read me The Little Prince every night to put me to sleep. My first independent read though was probably a book from kindergarten but I have no clue what it was.
Really thought-provoking prompt by the way, insanipi!