Hi Angela,
my response to the question below
How does the composer challenge the reader's assumptions about the human experience?
Texts allow us to reflect on the human experience as it exposes us to new ideas concerning personal and cultural identity. The text espouses how seemingly disconnected experiences can jointly affect one's human experience and personal worldview. The choice of words' chance' and 'throw of a dice' conjure up feelings of uncertainty and signifies how we may understand things to happen at random, however the connection of individual squares to create an image, acts as a representation of how the sum of our disparate human experiences can shape an individual's sense of identity which in turn display the interconnectedness of our experiences. One's personal worldview is closely associated with cultural identity, the cultural motif acts as a vessel by which audiences can reflect on their cultural and historical lives which in turn can shape an individual's self-perception and sense of individual identity, thus presenting how a questioning one's understanding of cultural and collective experiences can influence a personal understanding of identity and ultimately the human experience.