Topic 2: Part 3
Ecosystem Dynamics
Changing Ecosystems- explain the concept of ecological succession (refer to pioneer and climax communities and seres)Ecological succession describes the gradual evolution of an ecosystem. Many environments start with bare soil before being colonised. Eventually, grasses will come along, which will then be replaced by a succession of larger plants/trees, until a stable climax community is achieved. Each stage is termed a sere.
Primary SuccessionThe development and change in plant communities over time, leading from bare ground to climax community. Colonisation is initiated by the dispersal of spores or seeds of hardy autotrophs (pioneer species). These autotrophs must withstand conditions such as:
- High light intensity
- Low water holding capacity of soil
Secondary SuccessionThe ‘second time’ an area is being colonised. Secondary succession may occur when the dominant species of a plant community is removed, and the area is left to natural interactions. Secondary succession is faster than primary succession as there is already existing soil and plants and animals are present in the area already.
- differentiate between two main modes of succession: primary and secondaryPrimary succession is the development and change in plant communities over time, leading from bare ground to climax community. Colonisation is initiated by the dispersal of spores or seeds of autotrophs. These autotrophs need to have one or more of the following features:
- Tolerant to extreme conditions
- Able to photosynthesise
- Rapid spore or seed germination
- Use wind pollination and/or seed/spore dispersal
- Ability to fix nitrogen from the air
- Opportunists (r-strategists)
Lichens (mutualistic relationship between fungi and algae) are often pioneer species. A product of their metabolism is an acid that causes rock erosion. Temperature differences cause the expansion and contraction of rocks – this results in cracks and fragmentation. As lichens die, decomposing bacteria break down small amounts of organic matter, leading to the formation of soil. This gradual build-up of soil makes these places unsuitable for rock-dwelling lichens, but suitable for the colonisation of mosses. Further soil enrichment is provided by the decomposition of mosses. Over time, more complex plant life will be able to grow. Each successive change is characterised by vegetation types that are better able to compete for resources than their predecessors.
Changes in vegetation result in changes in animal life. Over time, the bare rock becomes covered in deep soil – this enables the ecosystem to support growing biodiversity and increases total biomass.
Each stage of succession changes the abiotic and biotic conditions of the environment, paving the way for another species to colonise the area. Eventually, a relatively stable, complex community will be reached (this community has reached an ecological equilibrium).
Primary succession starts with bare rock and is the first attempt to colonise an area. Secondary succession is the second time the area is colonised. When the dominant species is removed and the area is left to natural interactions, secondary succession will occur.
A disclimax community is the final community formed after succession and is the result of degrading environmental factors. These factors cause a disruption in the water cycle and the area becomes more arid.
- identify the features of pioneer species (ability to fixate nitrogen, tolerance to extreme conditions, rapid germination of seeds, ability to photosynthesise) that make them effective colonisersPioneer species are autotrophs who are tolerant of extreme conditions, can photosynthesise, have rapid spore or seed germination, use wind pollination and/or dispersal of spores or seeds, ability to fix nitrogen from the air, and are r-strategists.
- analyse data from the fossil record to observe past ecosystems and changes in biotic and abiotic componentsSince ecosystems are dynamic entities, it is reasonable to assume that there have been dramatic changes in them over Earth’s long history. Earth has experienced periods of cooling and warming. Additionally, it has be subjected to large meteor damage and volcanic activity – ultimately resulting in mass extinctions. The length and severity of climate change events can be determined by the levels of carbon dioxide in the polar ice caps. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is trapped in snow. Each season a layer of ice is formed from the snowfall. By taking core samples of ice, scientists can determine:
- The age of each layer
- The depth of each layer (thus the duration of the cold period)
- Carbon dioxide present in each layer (higher temperatures result in more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere)
Similar techniques can be used to examine deep-sea sediments. Two different forms of oxygen isotopes exist: 16O and 18O. 18O has two more neutrons than 16O and so is slightly heavier. The analysis of the ratio between the two isotopes in deep-sea sediments gives an indication of climate variations. Higher 18O levels can be associated with cooler temperatures – this is because 16O is lighter and evaporates more easily, particularly during cold climactic phases.
These changes in climate can affect different species of organisms that are able to grow and reproduce. The fossilised remains of organisms that were present during that period can provide more evidence regarding the components of ecosystems. This is due to the fact that all organisms depend on each other (whether that be directly or indirectly). Thus, the presence of particular fossils provides good evidence of the presence of other organisms.
Unfortunately, fossil records are incomplete since fossil formation requires particular conditions which may not be uniform in any environment. Fossils are most commonly in areas where their remains are protected from consumption or decomposition.
Pollen grains and spores are resistant to decay and are produced in large quantities. Pollen walls are composed of a strong, stable chemical. Since they are dispersed easily, they may be distributed widely from their source. Pollen can accumulate on undisturbed surfaces and can be found in sediments (in peat bogs, lake beds, alluvial deposits, ocean floors) and in ice cores. The amount of pollen, however, may not be indicative of relative abundance since species may produce differing amounts of pollen, or pollen may have different dispersion rates. Pollen grains, do however, have their own unique sizes and shapes. Thus, allowing scientists to determine from core samples the exact species present.
Fossilised plant remains can indicate the degradation of forests due to cataclysmic events (i.e. climate change). Fossils also indicate mass movements of tectonic plates.
- predict the impact of human activity on the reduction of biodiversity and the magnitude, duration and speed of ecosystem changeHumans as Consumers- humans are dependent upon the same sorts of resources as other consumers (water, food, shelter…)
- humans were originally hunter-gatherers, but since they were nomadic and their populations were small, they had little impact on the environment
- humans impacted the environment through the utilisation of fire – fire was used for cooking and flushing out prey… They may also be used to deliberately to maintain open grasslands (these supported herds of grazing animals)
- the hunting mode was succeeded, in many parts of the world, by the domestication of animals
- forests were cleared to increase the land available for pastures for flocs (in some areas this even led to overgrazing – ultimately decreasing soil fertility and increasing erosion)
Effects of Land Clearing- huge tracts of land can be cleared quickly using modern machinery
- land clearing has catastrophic effects on biodiversity
- the reduction in tree species, results in a reduction in the availability of food and nesting sites
- animals that are unable to relocate will perish
Habitat Fragmentation- due to the contours of the land, some areas are more suitable for development
- patches of clearing can occur in habitat fragmentation, resulting in some areas being more inaccessible to organisms or causing them to be less fertile
- habitat fragmentation describes the diversion of a habitat into smaller, isolated portions as a result of human activities in the intervening spaces
- habitat fragmentation alters the distribution and abundance of species
- the shape and size of the remaining fragments of vegetation are important when it comes to determining what species can survive in the area
- it is important that appropriate ‘corridors’ are left, to allow for the movement of native fauna and maintain biodiversity
Land Degradation- clearing land can bring about changes to ecosystems
- reduced vegetation = less organic matter being returned to the soil --> causing nutrient depletion
- the rain causes soil compaction --> reducing ability to absorb water --> this increases surface run-off, resulting in erosion
- water- or wind-eroded topsoil can contaminate marine ecosystems
- lack of vegetation can result in less water being absorbed by plant roots
- this will cause an increase in the height of the water table and can increase the concentration of salt at the water surface and further degrade the soil
Land Pollution- occurs through land clearing from the extraction of raw materials, the disposal of wastes and from agriculture
- a great bulk of waste is placed on unused land. This results in air pollution and water pollution
- as landfill begins to compact and decompose, methane gas is generated
- this gas contributes to enhanced global warming
Effects of Fertilisers- fertilisers can be used to overcome the deficiencies of nitrates, phosphates and trace elements necessary for plant and/or animal growth in soil
- fertilisers can be washed by rain into dams, lakes and streams, increasing the concentration of ions in the water
- eutrophication is a natural process in which nutrients, such as nitrates and phosphates, build up in water
- these nutrients are taken up by plants and passed through the community – excessive use of fertilisers can cause rapid population growth in water-based producers
- photosynthesis produces oxygen for cellular respiration to occur at night. At night, there is no sunlight, thus no oxygen production
- thus, water can become deficient of oxygen --> contributing to an increased population of decomposers, this creates further biological oxygen demand (BOD – measure of the quantity of oxygen used by organisms in the oxidation of organic matter in aquatic environments; BOD> = >oxygen available)
- the natural balance in the freshwater ecosystems becomes disrupted and may result in the ‘death’ of that body
Building Damns- damming of rivers has been used to control flooding
- this causes long-term environmental effects, including erosion, decreased biodiversity, changes in water temperature, and increased soil salinity.
Introduced Species and Pests- European colonists brought with them a variety of plants and animals
- these species are called exotics, many of these species have major impacts on the terrain (e.g. the environment can become unsuitable for other organisms)
- exotic species may directly impact endemic species through predation and/or competition for resources
- pests (organisms that cause direct or indirect harm to humans or their resources) may be animals or plants
- many pests compete for water, light and mineral nutrients with natural communities… some release powerful chemicals from their roots, which can inhibit plant growth
Pesticide Control- pesticides can cause widespread pollution
- they seep into rivers and kill organisms, as well as contaminating groundwater, drinking water and food
- many pesticides mimic the female hormone oestrogen resulting in the feminisation of various species of amphibians, birds and mammals (resulting in lower reproduction rates and the possible extinction of species)
- several indices are used to measure the effects of pesticides: biodegradability, biological magnification, half-life and persistence.
Air Pollution- various types of air pollution
- primary pollutant: a substance that has a direct adverse effect. Present in its original form and has a direct effect on the atmosphere (e.g. smoke, dust and oxides of sulphur and nitrogen)
- secondary pollutant: a pollutant that is formed as a result of interactions between waste and the environment (e.g. acid rain and smog).
Photochemical Smog and Temperature Inversions- photochemical smog is a secondary pollutant that is produced as a result of the chemical reaction between nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight
- its formation depends on the concentration of primary pollutants in the atmosphere and weather conditions (forming when air is calm and at suitable level of UV light and when there is temperature inversion).
- temperature inversion is characterised by the trapping of a cool layer of air in the atmosphere under a warm layer. This prevents the dispersal of heat and other pollutants
- when a temperature inversion occurs, pollution particles remain trapped in the layers of air closest to the ground
Urban Microclimates- a microclimate is a climate of a very small or restricted area, especially when this differs from the climate of the surrounding area
- microclimates may vary as a result of the built environment
- concrete city surfaces absorb more heat, thus making the city and urban areas warmer
- in central city areas, tall builds are usually separated by narrow roads – creating wind tunnels which further spread heat
- these microclimates can cause plants to bud and bloom earlier, and also attract some birds to the warmer areas
Natural, Agricultural and Urban Ecosystems- humans manipulate the environment by growing harvests, rearing animals, manufacturing clothes, constructing houses and other structures, lighting fires and producing energy that can be utilised
- these activities release polluting chemicals which may affect water, soil and climate
- additionally, they add pressure on the environment and ultimately decrease biodiversity (potentially resulting in disclimax succession)
- thus, the biosphere has to support three ecosystems – natural, agricultural and urban
- ecosystems require the cycling of matter and energy to be sustains