Hi AN!
I don稚 really know who to ask or where ask, so I thought I壇 start here! I知 a first year science student and I知 a bit conflicted lol. I know we don稚 choose majors until second year, but I知 struggling with choosing. I知 tossing up between Geography or Zoology, but in first year the subjects are so broad that I dont know if I知 actually going to like either? But I also different take a geography first year pre req, so would i even get in? I didnt realise I would like it, so I only took GEOG10001 and not EVSC10001. How could I fix this? I dont think its offered in second sem.
Im also not sure if I should transfer into an Arts degree to study Ancient History. I致e always loved it, and after taking ANCW10001 I知 interested in taking an Arts degree instead. Or should I just stick to a science degree? or should I transfer? I知 just worried about the job market - is there anything in zoology or ancient world studies?
I知 sorry, I know this is all over the place, but I知 really confused! Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.