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Author Topic: Can I please get some feedback?  (Read 2103 times)

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Can I please get some feedback?
« on: January 28, 2022, 05:04:16 pm »
Hi Just wondering if I could get some feedback on this transcript ASAP (it's a multimodal presentation for 1984 and a related text):

Explore how human behaviors may be motivated by Fear and Self Preservation in 1984 and a related text, discuss the human experiences.

The fears and concerns of a composer are often represented by fictionist societies, that mirror the social and political zeitgeists existing around them. In representing their own human experiences, the responsive human behaviors of characters as motivated by fear and self-preservation creates warnings to audiences by offering parallels to reality. The Juvenalian Satire, Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell reconstructs his own experiences through his representation of the omnipresence of totalitarianism and the destruction of escapology. Correspondingly, Ayn Rand’s dystopic novella, Anthem exposes her encounters with the repression of the collective and restriction over individuality.
Within 1984, the omnipresence of totalitarianism acts as a driver of fear through political pressure that forces the complete subservience of it’s citizens. In creating the retroactive alliances between the three superstates ‘Oceania’ ‘Eurasia’ and ‘Eastasia’ , Orwell rebuilds the political instability present during his own lifetime through mirroring dominating totalitarian regimes such as Stalin’s Soviet Union and Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The ironic ministries of ‘Love’ ‘Peace’, ‘Truth’ and ‘Plenty’ critique Orwell’s zeitgeist by exposing  the corruption and targeting of human’s survival instinct by those in higher classes. While, the constant fear of ‘thought police’, ‘vaporisation’  and ‘telescreens’ extend upon Orwell's own fears by Its outpouring into his “near future”. Thus, THROUGH Winston’s defiant rebellion against the party’s paradoxical ‘War is Peace’, ‘Freedom is slavery’ and ‘ignorance is strength’ Winston aims to preserve himself by hating ‘Big Brother’ and the party. Hence, through Winston’s rebellion, Orwell warns audiences against the dangers of totalitarian control.

Correspondingly, Orwell uses the destruction of escapology through the interference of human emotions to address human's susceptibility. Through the party’s attempts to eradicate, knowledge, love, entertainment, and certainty, Orwell highlights the limitations of self-preservation that exist even in democratic societies. By presenting conformist engagements with the ‘mutability of the past and denial of objective reality’ Orwell, presents indoctrination as subtle means of phycological coercion by characters impulsive obedience to the party. Furthermore, the repression of the sex instinct, comments on faults within human nature, where Winston’s desire to preserve himself entails his fatalism ‘ The sexual act successfully performed was rebellion. Desire was thoughtcrime’. Moreover, The metaphorical chess game in which ‘White always mates’ comments on the distortion of society where individuals appear insignificant amidst the domination of the party and the willing acceptance of ‘doublethink’ .Finally in pairing both intertextuality and adapting Glen Miller’s ‘The Chestnut tree’, the final hope for self-preservation is obliterated by the removal of certainty as showcased by ‘under the spreading chestnut tree I sold u and u sold me’. Thus by exposing Winston’s failure in achieving self-preservation Orwell combines his fears and encourages audiences to withhold their own self-preservation while such opportunities remain possible.
Divergently, Ayn Rand exposes her warnings about moving towards collectivism through the Council’s fear of it’s population and as a result, its repression of the collective. In constructing an entirely dystopian society which emphasises it’s egalitarianism, the ‘we’ regime depicts the faults of disunity which divides its inhabitants despite the ironic teaching ‘ We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever”. As a consequence of such fears, Rand exposes the unavoidable disagreements amongst society ‘What is not thought by all men cannot be true’ to exemplify the lack of ability to progress and the obvious incompetence of both the council and its people, and thereby diminishing self-preservation. Moreover, the restriction over the human connection as denoted by the antanaclasis ‘men are forbidden to take notice of women and women are forbidden to take notice of men’ outlines the council's fear of being overthrown by its populace and aims for self-preservation through the retention of its power. In parallel with the rise of communism preceding the Bolshevik revolution in Russia during her lifetime, Rand outlines the neglecting of individual needs. The biblical semantic and allusion of ‘The will of our brothers be done’ showcases Equality 7-2521’s human behavior of acquiescence and attempt at self-preservation in order to reflect Rand’s fear over collectivist societies in which ‘collectivist’ intentions transform into methods of control in order to attain power. Thereby communicating Rand and Equality 7-2521’s shared fear over losing humanistic qualities in attempts to conform with the collective.

Additionally, Ayn Rand creates subversive characters who upstage restrictions over individuality to present the fears and struggles in attaining it. Namely, Equality 7-2521 directly possesses Rand’s fear over losing individuality, and through his creation of ‘the glass box’, his behavior of solitary resistance reflects the power of common knowledge and hope of which he is deprived. In turn, the interferences of human interaction showcase Liberty 5-3000’s fears of a completely homogenized society  that motivate her own
 rebellion “You are not one of our brother’s equality 7-2521 for we do not wish you to be”, thus seeking autonomy and distinctly supporting the resistance. However, Rand intentionally presents characters who are torn between their fear of the council and desire to preserve themselves by depicting minor acts of subversion, this is especially evident through International 4-8818’s refusal to hand Equality 7-2521 over to the authorities “Rather shall we be evil with you than good with all our brothers. May the Council have mercy upon our hearts!”. Finally, Rand denotes the glorification of the ‘Unspeakable word’ to emphasize the successful attainment of self-preservation through the complete acknowledgment of individuality,’I am. I think. I will’. Thus in presenting the resistance of characters who withhold their self-preservation, Rand encourages audiences to maintain their own autonomy and value the power in wielding it.

Overall, Both George Orwell and Ayn Rand showcase the struggle for self-preservation and the threats of fear to warn against the realistic becoming of their own fictitious societies.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 05:08:53 pm by FloraD »