Hello everyone,
Just wanted to know the answer to this question - "When an attack occurs on an organisation, what information can be gained and how?"
Thanks in advance. Sigma.
From the top of my head, if the attack was an actual intrusion (as in hackers gained access to information, not just shutting their systems down with a DDoS or physical attack on the power supplies or whatever) personal information like client data and sensitive corporate information could be gathered. A solution to prevent this deliberate threat could be to encrypt any sensitive information, implement a hardware / software firewall to help prevent the intrusion in the first place, use anti-spyware software to prevent keylogging of encryption / authentication passwords, implementing a honeypot to detect intrusions, using physical security techniques such as padlocks and guards, etc.
If the attack's something like a DDoS or destruction of storage media that has the information nothing would be gathered.
Hope this helps