ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => VIC Year 10 Discussion => Victorian Education Discussion => VCE Subject Selection => Topic started by: fergusthefrog on August 12, 2020, 05:25:32 pm

Title: should i do two 3/4s in yr 11 or one ??
Post by: fergusthefrog on August 12, 2020, 05:25:32 pm
Im planning on doing 3/4 chinese in yr11, but I'm not sure if I should do another one. I'm considering doing either bio 3/4 or psych 3/4, but they both seem quite content heavy and chinese is already difficult. Is it better to do two 3/4s ??
Title: Re: should i do two 3/4s in yr 11 or one ??
Post by: homeworkisapotato on August 13, 2020, 11:42:28 am
Hi fergusthefrog and welcome to AN!
Many people have difficulty managing one 3/4 by itself, especially content-heavy subjects such as bio and psych. Chinese 3/4 is known for being really hard and at times exhausting, and many people who do it as an early 3/4 tend to not do any other 3/4's. 2 3/4's are usually highly recommended but there's no point doing 2 3/4's if you are not able to manage the workload, and can actually be harmful.
- learn time and stress management
- vast exposure to VCE system
- get the content heavy subjects over and done with in Year 11
- if you are not able to manage workload you may not do very well in either
- you may also neglect your 1/2's which can harm your Year 12

If you are very passionate in both chinese and bio/psych then I'd say go for it, but please have a serious think if you can manage the workload and the stress.