Hey guys. I'm currently struggling to find a related text for my common module task 1 1984. What's really stumping me is finding a text that meets my questions' criteria. In short:
- it's a multimodal task where I have to do a podcast
- the question is "positive" whereas I think 1984 is extremely "negative". Basically, I'm supposed to talk about how texts encourage us to face against life's challenges because it gives us value as a person.
To be honest, I feel that 1984 counters this (i.e. Winston tries to fight against the Party but in the end, he submits to Big Brother). I'm thinking something along the lines of although the anti-climactic ending, Orwell does demonstrate pockets of joy and hope within Winston throughout his journey. Furthermore, Winston is identified as "the last man alive", so I am thinking about fleshing that statement out in relation to my question.
With this, are there any related text suggestions that portray an individual who faces life's challenges and thus gain value from it? I'm really struggling to find one as they all seem pretty dystopic

. Also, it would be much preferred if the related text isn't too similar to 1984 i.e. another novel.
Sorry for this little rant as it's my first HSC task and I'm kind of nervous

. I really appreciate your help!