Of course! English Extension is da bomb . I'm studying Beckett's Waiting for Godot, Ishiguro's AOTFW and Plath's poetry (I will get to reading what you posted on my new thread) and have yet to choose my related texts (will read the appropriate blog post for that too). Since I haven't really honed in on a certain country/decade yet I'm still really open to exploring any of the areas you suggested above. If you have any additional suggestions that you're willing to share I'd be more than happy to check them out!
Thank for all your help this far
In terms of philosophy/ideology, I think it would be worth writing down a palm card worth of notes for each of the following: nihilism, existentialism, philosophical notion of Other, capitalism, socialism, Marxism, capitalism, gender in Western world, second wave feminism, black civil rights movement, homosexuality in USA (Watch: Milk. or research: Harvey Milk). I think this will give you a really good idea about the notions that relate to your texts, and the last two suggestions kind of just play into the surrounding contexts. If I think of more ideas...I'll let you know! But the texts I suggested on the other thread will play into this as well ^