I completed VCE last year and enjoyed it for the most part.
I will speak specifically to psych because that is the subject that I enjoyed the most and subsequently performed the best in. I've always had an interest in mental health and how our brains work, so I loved the content and found the work so engaging and interesting. I always wanted to learn outside what was required and connected my learning through real-world scenarios and didn't really neglect studying for it. I loved how applicable it was to the real world - the learning and sleep AOS for example was really relevant and it was easy to apply concepts to real life. For this reason, I performed well in the subject and I knew the content really well. In contrast, I did methods as a prerequisite and I HATED it with a passion. I didn't study, I didn't even do the bare minimum homework, and for that reason it was my worst subject. I didn't apply myself to put in effort to get better because it really wasn't interesting to me and maths was never something I liked. There was a big divide between how I scored in my top four subjects and my bottom two - unlike what some people said, I always knew what my top four subjects would be even before starting year 12 because I picked subjects I enjoyed and the other two were prerequisites.
It's all about where your own interests lie. Of course, VCE examinations are not a reflection of someone's intelligence and you may be super engaged with the content all year and still have some trouble performing well under pressure (which is a significant issue with the VCE system itself and shouldn't be conflated with how well you think). But if you have a personal interest in a certain subject, like history or legal or sociology, you will be much more motivated to study and your studying will actually be more effective because you will apply and evaluate what you've learnt in class to real-life or extraneous examples, which are higher-order thinking skills than just remembering or understanding.