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Help with psych study plan
« on: January 12, 2017, 08:37:21 pm »
Hi fellow unimelbers,
I'm a psych major and need some help with organising my study plan.
I'm going into my 3rd year but am yet to do the cognitive and personality psych subjects (level 2). I'm a bit confused about which level 3 subjects to do and what order would be best. I've attached the quick plan I made with a student advisor

Which electives are interesting/enjoyable? Which semester do you think I should do the compulsory level3 subjects? advice on which psych and neuro subjects overlap?

Any help would be greatly appreciated because i have no idea what I'm doing!

edit; i've realised the 2017 handbook dates are a little different so the electives in my plan may be switched around a little
« Last Edit: January 22, 2017, 05:42:56 pm by sjayne »
2015   BSc: psych at unimelb


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Re: Help with psych study plan
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2017, 10:18:08 pm »
Hey! Fellow psych kid here.
Haha wow, your four psych electives are the four I was interested in. I've ended up going for Neuroscience and the Mind and The Integrated Brain though, cos arts kids can only do two psych electives. But yeah anyway.

I reckon the plan you've made seems pretty sturdy. You're doing all of the 2nd year subjects before you start doing 3rd year electives so assumed knowledge shouldn't be a problem, and according to the handbook the capstone only needs you to complete two second year psych subjects + PSYC30013, so you're all good in terms of prereqs.
I'd be a bit wary of PMC though, it has a reputation for being massively difficult. It's definitely still doable - plus all psych subjects have their marks curved so there's no disadvantage in doing a hard subject - but if stress is something that's likely to be a factor I'd maybe consider talking to a coordinator or something first. But yeah you have plenty of time to decide anyway lol.

The only poooossible dilemma I can think of is doing the third year stats subject (RMHI) before completing cog and social, which have stats components that might be built upon on in RMHI. But social just reiterates easy shit that you would have already done (correlation/regression), so only the ANOVA part from cog would possibly be new to you. But I really don't think that'd be an issue anyway cos I'm pretty sure they build everything from the ground up in RMHI, so you'll be fine.

As for neuro stuff I have no clue lol, I'd say the only psych ones which might overlap a bit are Neuroscience and the Mind and The Integrated Brain. Hopefully someone else can help more with that though lol
2015-2017: Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) at University of Melbourne.


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Re: Help with psych study plan
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2017, 05:42:08 pm »
Hi @Paulrus thanks so much for replying.

Neuroscience and the mind and the integrated brain are definitely electives I'm doing!! (they sound like the more sciency ones)

I've had a look and I think I still want to do PMC but in my fourth year instead which gives me time to catch up a bit.

Just wondering if I should do the required subjects (PSYC30013 Research Methods for Human Inquiry & PSYC30021 psychological science; theory and practice) in my third or fourth year??? This seems to be the biggest dilemma at the moment
2015   BSc: psych at unimelb


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Re: Help with psych study plan
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2017, 07:00:32 pm »
Yeah those two and PMC are the most science-y from what I can tell, that's why I went for them haha. Some Arts kid I am.

I think doing PMC in fourth year is a decent idea actually, that way you'd be doing it after you've done cog psych. It isn't a prereq for it or anything, but I reckon it'd be good to have a solid grounding in cog psych before you do PMC, just because of its reputation for being difficult.

I think that would most likely come down to personal preference tbh - like I said, RMHI should definitely be doable if you're willing to quickly catch up on ANOVA. That's the only thing you would have missed by not doing cog/social yet, so you should be fine if you choose to do it in third year. As for Psychological Science: Theory and Practice, that seems to be pretty straightforward actually, so I think you could definitely do that in third year as well. The only thing I'd warn you about is that you can't do Psychological Science: Theory and Practice until you've completed RMHI because the latter is a prereq for the former, so you won't be able to do PS:T&P this year and postpone RMHI til fourth. But yeah I think you'd be okay doing them in either third or fourth year, provided you put the work in haha.

You can find the subject guides for a lot of third year psych subjects (including both core subjects) here, which might give you a better idea of what to expect and help you reach a decision. Careful though, cos the courses might have changed a bit since 2015/2016. I know the first four weeks of Neuroscience and the Mind have been removed and replaced with auditory neuroscience, for one.

Hope this helps a bit!
2015-2017: Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) at University of Melbourne.


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Re: Help with psych study plan
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2017, 07:04:51 pm »

Hope this helps a bit!

definitely helps!! hope I see you in some classes haha  ;)
2015   BSc: psych at unimelb