WOW.... I wasn't expecting that - but overall I'm SUPER happy with the exam. Wrote 9-10 pages for each of my option essays - Family and World Order (the was sooo much to talk about for reform/s) and the HR section was much easier than I expected (Suffrage, UN role in the promotion of HR and contemporary issues - we did child soldiers) - I also found that I needed extra space for this section.
The multiple-choice was quite easy - a few harder questions at the end though...
The CRIME essay question - wow- definitely was not expecting that at all - seems that post-sentencing is such a minute part of the syllabus - but managed to write 7 pages (I know.... I don't know how I did it either) on most heaps of points (preventative/continued detention, sex offenders, mental health defence (post-sentencing - individuals must undergo treatment etc...) , drug court (post-sentencing - rehabilitation) as well as protective custody etc etc)
How did everyone else go??