Hi Nomsie. I did EE1 last year and hopefully my experience can help you. It's important to understand that Section 1 (Common Module) will ALWAYS be an unseen text/s. It is also important to understand that it can only be a critical or creative response. Because of this, I believe the best way to study is simply by 1. improving your writing as much as possible and 2. exposing yourself to these types of unseen prompts. Note: not the advanced English short-answer type, but question in the EE1 format.
The one set of notes I concur could be useful would be deep analysis of the rubric. Try understand exactly what the rubric is asking of you and what it wants you to do in the exam. For example, I found the rubric for any section extremely confusing. I sat down and did a sentence by sentence translation of the rubric into my own words. Then, I summarised the key points in order to gain a holistic view of what NESA wanted us to do in the common module.