Definitely not playing well for him though that he's made that decision about his own kids, but expects parents to keep theirs at school. Advice on schools is slowly changing though, with a shift to "if you can take your kids out of school, you should but they'll remain open for those who can't/don't want to". This advice is probably misguided. The evidence across multiple settings has consistently demonstrated that school closures are not beneficial (one caveat which I'll explain in a second), yet the ramifications are enormous: huge economic losses, kids lose vital education, essential workers have to be home to look after their kids rather than work etc etc.
School closures are generally seen as unhelpful; however, one Australian modelling study predicted that one side effect of school closures would be that people are forced to stay at home to look after their kids and therefore spend less time in the community spreading covid.
Overall, Covid will probably see a big bounce to the government polls wise. Superficially they look like they're dealing with the crisis. In reality though, they genuinely appear to be struggling. Morrison in particular just doesn't appear to grasp the details of what he's doing in most of his press conferences, has done a dreadful job of public health communication and really seems to be grappling with this idea that the primary issue is the economic fallout, rather than the virus.