ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => Victorian Education Discussion => VIC Year 9 Discussion => Topic started by: Pary_N on June 18, 2018, 12:28:39 pm

Title: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Pary_N on June 18, 2018, 12:28:39 pm
Hello fellow y9 students!
This is a thread for discussing your plans and aspirations for VCE, whether you're taking a Unit 1/2 in year 10, or whatever else your plans for the surprisingly near future may be.

'Guess I'll start!

(This is how it'll go if I don't get into JMSS)
Eng Lang
Bio (3/4 y11)

If I DO get in,

Eng Lang
Uni Extension (BIOMED/Chem)

Pls contribute and let's keep the discussion going lol!!!
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on June 18, 2018, 12:42:18 pm
I'm not quite in year 9 anymore but I love the idea of this thread & I hope it's ok if I contribute :)

This is what my plan was:
- outdoor ed (3&4 in year 11)
- biology (3&4 in year 11)
- chemistry
- literature
- Japanese second language
- extension bio

@Pary_N  how did you decide on these subjects?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Pary_N on June 18, 2018, 04:17:25 pm
I'm not quite in year 9 anymore but I love the idea of this thread & I hope it's ok if I contribute :)

This is what my plan was:
- outdoor ed (3&4 in year 11)
- biology (3&4 in year 11)
- chemistry
- literature
- Japanese second language
- extension bio

@Pary_N  how did you decide on these subjects?

Absloutely! Sorry I shoul have made that sentence more inclusive...

Well I've always known that I've wanted to work in the medicine field, and up until the start of this year i was SURE I wanted to be a Cardiac Surgeon. But as I progressed through the year (advanced placement) I learnt so much more about the sciences than I thought I could, and currently I have an unstoppable obsession with chemistry (Covalent bonds and polarity and stuff is coooool man). So then I thought, maybe I don't need to sort of, have my future set in stone. I know I will work in medicine, but who knows what I want to do with my education life? So yeah Bio only cuz Human Biology is so fascinating, Chem cuz OMG I'M IN LOVE (affectionately stares at Periodic Table background on laptop). Methods and Spesh cuz I'm an absloute math nerd. Lang cuz I don't like the "grey" aspect of Mainstream English and Literature, like I'm a very black and white person. The answer is either right, or it's wrong. I just can't stand normal English. French because I love it so much omg. Psych because I've always been interested tbh, but it's the one that I'm not like EXTREMELY passionate about. Like I like it a lot but not nearly as much as the rest. I'd do uni BIomed or Chem at Monash since I'm absloutely obsessed with both, but that's only possible if I get into JMSS ( due to many reasons).

ps. How'd you find your subjects? Difficulty level? Enjoyment level?
ps2. So your plan didn't quite match up with what you actually did?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on June 18, 2018, 05:27:06 pm

ps. How'd you find your subjects? Difficulty level? Enjoyment level?
ps2. So your plan didn't quite match up with what you actually did?

That's great!  (Passion is so infectious & it's one of the things I love about my course)

I knew for SURE that I wanted to be a marine biologist since forever, except that in year 9 I started having minor doubts and in year 12 I had major doubts. 

My school was fairly small,  we had 3 VCE (uni pathway for years 11&12) homegroups and 2 VCAL (TAFE/trade pathway) homegroups . So there were lots of issues with timetable clashing and only being able to choose particular combinations of subjects. 
In year 10 bio 1/2 & jap were in the same time slot so I had to drop jap. Then in year 11 bio3/4 and outdoor ed 3/4 were in the same time slot, so I had to drop OE.

I looked into uni bio but I felt that the travel to the nearest place I could learn it was too much. (Jokes on me since I now travel 2 hours each way for uni)

I picked up psych and physics because they were both sciences, and for physics the idea that it was math based was a bonus (I liked maths and was good at it but my school didn't offer spec).

In year 11 I felt that I wasn't learning at all in literature & I had heard about eng lang from friends at scouts, so I decided to do eng lang by distance ed in year 12 (it wasn't offered at my school).

I'm one of those people who would study everything if they had time,  but I really did enjoy my VCE subjects - more so in units 3/4 than in 1/2.    My favourite would have to be biology, simply because I've always loved bio & VCE bio was transformational for me. 

Btw, chemistry will definitely be important to you if you go on to med :)   (and I think it's required for all entry pathways into med too)

I didn't even know JMSS existed until year 12, best of luck getting in - it seems like you'll be a great match !
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Pary_N on June 18, 2018, 05:58:22 pm
That's great!  (Passion is so infectious & it's one of the things I love about my course)

I knew for SURE that I wanted to be a marine biologist since forever, except that in year 9 I started having minor doubts and in year 12 I had major doubts. 

My school was fairly small,  we had 3 VCE (uni pathway for years 11&12) homegroups and 2 VCAL (TAFE/trade pathway) homegroups . So there were lots of issues with timetable clashing and only being able to choose particular combinations of subjects. 
In year 10 bio 1/2 & jap were in the same time slot so I had to drop jap. Then in year 11 bio3/4 and outdoor ed 3/4 were in the same time slot, so I had to drop OE.

I looked into uni bio but I felt that the travel to the nearest place I could learn it was too much. (Jokes on me since I now travel 2 hours each way for uni)

I picked up psych and physics because they were both sciences, and for physics the idea that it was math based was a bonus (I liked maths and was good at it but my school didn't offer spec).

In year 11 I felt that I wasn't learning at all in literature & I had heard about eng lang from friends at scouts, so I decided to do eng lang by distance ed in year 12 (it wasn't offered at my school).

I'm one of those people who would study everything if they had time,  but I really did enjoy my VCE subjects - more so in units 3/4 than in 1/2.    My favourite would have to be biology, simply because I've always loved bio & VCE bio was transformational for me. 

Btw, chemistry will definitely be important to you if you go on to med :)   (and I think it's required for all entry pathways into med too)

I didn't even know JMSS existed until year 12, best of luck getting in - it seems like you'll be a great match !

Hmmm I see... Honestly you're such an inspirational person you went through so many challenges and crappy school problems and still got an amazing ATAR...

Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: lm21074 on June 18, 2018, 07:16:57 pm

Well... here's my rough plan (with not so great justifications lol):
- Psych (3/4 in Year 11) - The brain fascinates me. I read the study design and I was drawn to psych :)
- Health (3/4 in Year 11) - Interested in health and wellbeing in Australia and the rest of the world.
- Chem - Chem really tickles my whiskers. Chem pracs are cool.
- Methods - Maths is fun. Nuff said.
- Bio - Human biology is awesome. Learning about organisms and their functions is fascinating to me.
- English Language - Language acquisition and language change sounds like something I would be interested in learning about. Really looking forward to studying EngLang.


Science is just so fascinating, isn't it? :)
If you don't mind me asking, how come you had doubts about doing marine biology? Also, if you were to do VCE again and you could do any subject combination you want without any problems, would you have followed your original plan?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on June 18, 2018, 08:51:00 pm
I was lucky in other ways, such as having good year 12 teachers & in the end I wouldn't change the school I went to.
Who knows, you could very well surpass me :)


They sound like pretty great reasons to me :)
Eng lang 1/2 & psych 1/2 should complement each other nicely & same for the sciences together

Science is truly amazing :)
For a long time I was cautioned about marine biology because of job security, level of competition, that it wouldn't work out how I wanted etc. and after a while it really got to me & I started questioning myself. 

If I were to do VCE again the main thing I'd want to change would be doing specialist maths,  I'm making up for that with math units at uni, but that's still definetely the main thing I'd want to change. Aside from that,  I don't know. I really like ourdoor ed as a subject but I think it's hard to train yourself to score well on it so I'd probably stick with the sciences since studying then was a really positive experience.  If I could study eng lang at school I'd do that,  otherwise I'd complete standard English for units 1-4.

Do you intend on studying science after highschool?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: hums_student on June 18, 2018, 11:41:17 pm
I hope it's ok if I contribute too (year 12 now but I like to crash different threads ;D)

I actually just dug up my year 9 yearbook the other day and for one section we had to talk about what subjects we were planning to do for VCE, and this was what Lsjnzy13 from 2015 wrote:
• Literature
• Maths Methods
• Specialist Maths (LOL RIP)
• Psychology (bludge)
• Music Performance
• History - Revolutions

Turns out the only subjects I actually ended up doing were lit and methods. I had spesh in my original plan cos my sister was good at maths so I thought I should be too (turns out I missed out on all the good genes).

As for psychology, I actually picked psych for 1/2, but I despised the subject so much I dropped out two weeks later for economics (which I did as a bludge for year 11).

I would've picked music perf (in year 9 and 10 I had my path set on becoming a professional pianist) but my school didn't offer the subject, and same goes for revs. So instead of spesh, music, and revs, I ended up doing chem, global politics, and ancient history (which didn't even exist back in 2015).

So yeah, looking back I ended up doing a nearly completely different set of subjects to my original plan. I know for sure that back then I would've never even considered subjects like chemistry and global politics, 2015 me would be throwing a fit if he found out I'm not doing spesh, music, and revs for VCE. But in all honesty, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in the end, and even though I'm forever complaining about my subjects I do enjoy them (yes even chem and global).
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Joseph41 on June 19, 2018, 10:25:28 am

It's interesting how things change, isn't it? I reckon if I had to guess what I would have predicted in Year 9 (on the assumption I knew a bit about the subjects (which I didn't)):
* English
* Biology
* Methods
* Psychology
* Art
* Visual Communication Design

And that turned into:
* English --> English Language
* Biology --> Health & Human Development
* Methods --> Further Maths
* Psychology
* Art --> Business Management
* Visual Communication Design

So, like you, just the two subjects remained!
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: lm21074 on June 20, 2018, 04:34:35 pm

Interesting! Glad to hear you had a positive experience. :)
Studying science after high school is something I will definitely do! I particularly like the biomedical sciences, but I would enjoy chem, maths and physics. I'll also do some arts units (philosophy, psych, criminology, linguistics, anthropology), and maybe education ones.

What do you think caused the change? :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Joseph41 on June 20, 2018, 04:43:13 pm
What do you think caused the change? :)

Good question. I guess a number of things that come with time: experience, changing interests etc.

* English: I never really disliked it, but I felt a bit disillusioned, I think. I didn't really have any experience with EngLang, but when the time came to choose, I just went with my gut. No regrets.
* Bio: I wish I did it. I dropped it because I had no confidence. Picked up HHD in the end as my last subject because I didn't know what else I wanted to do.
* Methods: See Bio. Wish I continued with it - I would have been fine.
* Art: Didn't like my teacher, also didn't want to do two folio subjects in VCE and was already pretty set on VCD. BusMan was not a good replacement choice (well, it was fine, but not something I'm hugely interested in when I reflect).

If I had my time again, I wouldn't do the same subjects. It's easy with hindsight because, of course, interests change all the time.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on June 20, 2018, 05:05:28 pm
My interesting VCE path:

Unit 1/2:
* English
* General Maths
* Business Management (in Yr 10)
* Chemistry
* Health and Human Dev
* Physical Education

Unit 3/4:
* All of the above, substitute Chemistry for IT Applications. 3/4 Business completed as Yr 11.

My school sucked. It barely ran anything decent so was forced to choose areas which I didn't really want to do. Sad reality for alot of schools today. Would've probably picked Software Development if it ran, and if Algorithmics was introduced earlier, probably that. I wanted to do Accounting/Economics too... so alot of 'what ifs' but its important to understand VCE is temporary and you can correct any mistakes by exploring these areas at uni level later on, which is what I did :)

If I did methods maybe I would be better off as a teacher of maths given my scope is currently 7-10 only.. perhaps my IT degree would've been Computer Science.... again, what ifs that were too late to correct. I think i've done alright for myself in the end though :P
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: hums_student on June 21, 2018, 02:49:29 pm
If I had my time again, I wouldn't do the same subjects. It's easy with hindsight because, of course, interests change all the time.

What subjects would you have picked if you could go back in time right now? ;D ;D
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Joseph41 on June 21, 2018, 02:54:30 pm
What subjects would you have picked if you could go back in time right now? ;D ;D

I reckon something like (changes a bit depending on my mood haha):

* Year 10: Further Maths
* Year 11: Health and Human Development, Visual Communication Design
* Year 12: English Language, English, Psychology, Biology, Methods


IN: Biology, Methods, English
OUT: Business Management

Possibly also English.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: jeffisgod228 on June 28, 2018, 08:10:06 pm
I'm in year 9, and I'm thinking of doing either Methods or Physics (Units 1/2, not the year 10 versions)  in Year 10.
Maths without a doubt is my favorite and strongest subject. (I score high a+/100%s on tests and exams consistently with only studying <30 mins). Physics is great as well.
My career path is much headed towards a mix of Analyzing stocks and program development for the stock market..
My plan for year 10 assuming that I pick physics early:
-Physics (1/2)
-Business Mgmt.
-[insert other electives here]
-English (compulsory)
All subjects listed apart from english, methods and physics are electives and only run for 2 terms each.
At our school, almost all of our year 10 subjects/course are electives.
-Methods (1/2)
-Physics (3/4)
-EngLang (1/2)
-Economics (1/2)
-Specialist. (1/2)
-Methods (3/4)
-EngLang (3/4)
-Economics (3/4)
- Software Development OR Algorithmics (I'm very interested in algorithmics. I really don't know which one to choose, any opinions? I know it's probably really early to even think about it. )
- Specialist (3/4)

So the real 2 questions here are: Software Dev or Algorithmics in yr12? and  vce Physics or vce Methods in year 10? (I believe I can only pick 1 vce subject in yr10)

Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on June 29, 2018, 07:19:13 am

I think you'll be surprised at how simple the maths in VCE physics is (they aren't allowed to assume a methods level of math knowledge/skill when assessing you).

Having been a student that didn't need to study in the past, I think that the best thing you could get from year 11 is the knowledge and skills to study for a 3/4 subject. 

So from that perspective my best guess would be for you to choose physics early.

Why did you assume studying VCE physics early? 

Finally, welcome to atarnotes! :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Joseph41 on June 29, 2018, 09:07:22 am
I'm in year 9, and I'm thinking of doing either Methods or Physics (Units 1/2, not the year 10 versions)  in Year 10.
Maths without a doubt is my favorite and strongest subject. (I score high a+/100%s on tests and exams consistently with only studying <30 mins). Physics is great as well.
My career path is much headed towards a mix of Analyzing stocks and program development for the stock market..
My plan for year 10 assuming that I pick physics early:
-Physics (1/2)
-Business Mgmt.
-[insert other electives here]
-English (compulsory)
All subjects listed apart from english, methods and physics are electives and only run for 2 terms each.
At our school, almost all of our year 10 subjects/course are electives.
-Methods (1/2)
-Physics (3/4)
-EngLang (1/2)
-Economics (1/2)
-Specialist. (1/2)
-Methods (3/4)
-EngLang (3/4)
-Economics (3/4)
- Software Development OR Algorithmics (I'm very interested in algorithmics. I really don't know which one to choose, any opinions? I know it's probably really early to even think about it. )
- Specialist (3/4)

So the real 2 questions here are: Software Dev or Algorithmics in yr12? and  vce Physics or vce Methods in year 10? (I believe I can only pick 1 vce subject in yr10)

Welcome to ATAR Notes - really great to have you here. :) How'd you find out about the forums, out of interest?

Subject selection looks good to me! I love the English Language choice. ;) I only did Methods 1/2 (not 3/4), and didn't do any of Physics, Algorithmics or Software Development, so I don't feel like much help here haha. But I think your subjects next year and the year after will definitely help you decide. I am a little confused, though - are you planning to skip Units 1/2 of Algorithmics/Software Development?

Welcome again. :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: jeffisgod228 on June 29, 2018, 10:58:19 pm
I think you'll be surprised at how simple the maths in VCE physics is (they aren't allowed to assume a methods level of math knowledge/skill when assessing you).

Having been a student that didn't need to study in the past, I think that the best thing you could get from year 11 is the knowledge and skills to study for a 3/4 subject. 

So from that perspective my best guess would be for you to choose physics early.

Why did you assume studying VCE physics early? 

Finally, welcome to atarnotes! :)

Thanks for the advice.
I was assuming that I'd do VCE physics over VCE methods in year 10 just due to the previous knowledge needed for methods. I think I'd be better off just doing the year 10 version of methods and just go with Physics VCE (1/2).

Apparently I'm at an upper year 10 level for maths according to reports.
I could always just catch up on year 10 methods during the holidays then do vce methods, but it seems like unnecessary work.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on June 30, 2018, 09:19:50 am

no problem at all!

That's a pretty logical rationale.
If you do want to accelerate yourself for a subject and prelearn content at any point,  feel free to ask us what/how you can do this & we'll give you guidance.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: pro(crastinator) on August 04, 2018, 03:06:25 pm
Nothings set in stone yet (obviously) but I'm thinking about doing:

- Literature
- Philosophy (3/4 in year 11)
- Methods
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Theatre Studies, VCD, English or Biology

I wish I could do more subjects! A lot of them sound really interesting.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Joseph41 on August 06, 2018, 08:30:58 am
Nothings set in stone yet (obviously) but I'm thinking about doing:

- Literature
- Philosophy (3/4 in year 11)
- Methods
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Theatre Studies, VCD, English or Biology

I wish I could do more subjects! A lot of them sound really interesting.

Sounds good! I think having an interest in a broad range of subjects is a really good thing. Of those subjects, I only did Psych and VCD in Year 12, but that looks like a nice mix!
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Drakonn on September 01, 2018, 01:15:40 pm
I'm planning on doing

- Methods
- Chemistry
- Physics
- English
- Systems Engineering
- Algorithmics
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on September 01, 2018, 01:17:00 pm
Quote from: Drakonn
- Algorithmics
YES!!!!!!!! Fantastic. If you're interested in this space, this will be fantastic for you. Good way to also get some credit if you do a related degree @ Monash/Melb too :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: wog_boy22 on October 11, 2018, 06:02:02 pm
In year 9 now, thinking of doing these subjects in VCE (not set yet, just what I think right now)

- English
- Methods
- Accounting (year 11 3/4)
- Legal studies
- Economics

- Business management? Science subject? Was thinking of doing Aus/global politics but isn't offered at my school :(
Doing really well in science atm getting A+ average in all topics I've done - but not sure if I want to continue science later on?

Any thoughts on these subjects or advice?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on October 11, 2018, 06:06:16 pm
Just because it's not offered at your school doesn't mean you can't do it. Distance Ed is a common route students take to complete subjects that aren't offered at the home school. Keeping in mind that to do it, you require that motivation to self-study as you aren't in a physical classroom (it's virtual/blended learning).

Well I guess the question I have for you (and you probably won't be able to answer it in depth now), but do you have any idea as to what you want to do after school? From what I can gather based on your subject selection, you are more of that arts/humanities type of person. Is it wise to choose Science if that isn't really what you're interested in? Probably not.

The goal of elective options in Years 9 and 10 is to provide you with tasters of the different disciplines - to give you a better idea as to your pathway and VCE options. If you genuinely like Science and want to learn more - two questions: Do I want to do it in VCE and what type (as Gen Science disappears after Year 10 and breaks up into specific subjects - Bio, Psych, Chem, Physics etc).

Also keeping in mind any subject at Year 9 is significantly different from VCE. :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: wog_boy22 on October 11, 2018, 07:06:00 pm
thanks for the response  :D

Just because it's not offered at your school doesn't mean you can't do it. Distance Ed is a common route students take to complete subjects that aren't offered at the home school. Keeping in mind that to do it, you require that motivation to self-study as you aren't in a physical classroom (it's virtual/blended learning).

Well I guess the question I have for you (and you probably won't be able to answer it in depth now), but do you have any idea as to what you want to do after school? From what I can gather based on your subject selection, you are more of that arts/humanities type of person. Is it wise to choose Science if that isn't really what you're interested in? Probably not.

The goal of elective options in Years 9 and 10 is to provide you with tasters of the different disciplines - to give you a better idea as to your pathway and VCE options. If you genuinely like Science and want to learn more - two questions: Do I want to do it in VCE and what type (as Gen Science disappears after Year 10 and breaks up into specific subjects - Bio, Psych, Chem, Physics etc).

Also keeping in mind any subject at Year 9 is significantly different from VCE. :)

I've heard of distance ed and looked up some info about it - I'll likely look more closely into it next year in year 10 when thinking of the subjects I want to go on and do in VCE. Good point with the self-study/motivation, I do have a genuine interest in politics atm getting to understand it (partly because of my Dads interest which helps).

You are correct I tend to be more interested in arts/humanities subjects. I would say after finishing VCE I would want to go into a commerce/law type of pathway in uni, but that's just a quick thought.

I haven't really found a specific science subject I am interested in yet, but I still have general science to do in year 10 to find out. (I don't put as much effort into science compared to maths/english classes atm, but I still manage to get strong results across the course so I'll wait for year 10)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on October 11, 2018, 08:51:56 pm
Maybe Business? I think that'd go well with Accounting and Eco.

Definitely don't just choose something for the sake of it.

Really the two main reasons you should be considering when picking a subject at VCE level:
* Is it interesting to me?
* Do I need this for my future aspirations?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: wog_boy22 on October 11, 2018, 09:25:52 pm
Maybe Business? I think that'd go well with Accounting and Eco.

Definitely don't just choose something for the sake of it.

Really the two main reasons you should be considering when picking a subject at VCE level:
* Is it interesting to me?
* Do I need this for my future aspirations?

yeah I'm thinking Business for now, I kinda have to choose something because my school forces you to do 5 subjects in year 12 even if you did a 3/4 subject in year 11.

Accounting and Eco I'm definitely going to do along with Legal most likely.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Joseph41 on December 04, 2018, 02:44:40 pm
I have two plans that I'm juggling between and while it's a bit early to start deciding these are my plans:

2019 - Biology and PE
2020 - Chemistry and HHD
2021 - Literature and methods, plus two bludge subjects that won't count, plus UCAT.

2019 - Biology and PE
2020 - Literature, HHD, methods, chemistry
2021 - gap year and UCAT.

Cool! Thanks for sharing. :)

Couple of questions/comments.

PLAN A: what do you mean "two bludge subjects that won't count"? If I'm interpreting correctly, these will be your fifth and sixth subjects, which still count toward your ATAR.
PLAN B: so the gap year would be instead of Year 12?

Keen to hear more of your journey. :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on December 04, 2018, 03:09:02 pm
I have two plans that I'm juggling between and while it's a bit early to start deciding these are my plans:

2019 - Biology and PE
2020 - Chemistry and HHD
2021 - Literature and methods, plus two bludge subjects that won't count, plus UCAT.

2019 - Biology and PE
2020 - Literature, HHD, methods, chemistry
2021 - gap year and UCAT.

Idea for plan A: instead of taking a 7th and 8th subject to intentionally throw away,  you could repeat 2 of the subjects you've previously done.  If you don't improve your performance,  no harm done.  But you might do better the 2nd time round, in which case you'll boost your ATAR
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: PhoenixxFire on December 04, 2018, 03:23:04 pm
^Could also see if your school will allow you to do just two subjects, although that could potentially make it harder if you get bored of just learning about two subjects and then lose motivation to study, could also consider doing uni extension subjects, although that's a bit different given they don't run at school.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: PhoenixxFire on December 04, 2018, 05:45:36 pm
I didn't know you could repeat subjects! Well I guess that potentially changes things. Just to clarify, if I messed up and scored a lower SS the second time round, VCAA would still take my higher score?
I was thinking of doing two subjects that I might not necessarily excel in academically, but is applicable and useful post-VCE, like maybe two LOTE subjects or something like that (I actually did French 1&2 this year).
Yeah they'll take the highest. Might also be worth considering doing 2 English subjects if you're aiming for a high ATAR (I assume you're wanting to get into medicine given UCAT) because at least one English subject has to count in your top 4.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: turtlesforeveryone on December 08, 2018, 04:12:58 pm
Certain subjects:
English/English Language (if I go to a school that allows it)
Chinese SL (hopefully I have a heavy advantage as I have learnt SLA content for most of my life)
Physics (my favourite science subject)

Possible subjects:
Biology/Chemistry (I am taking Bio 1/2 as an accelerated subject but don't really enjoy it. On the other hand chemistry would be useful if I pursue a S.T.E.M career, but I may not be the best at it)
Algorithmics (Possible 7th subject but I already have too many subjects I like ;-;)
Extended Investigation (Many teachers have recommended this for me, can be accelerated in year 11)
University Mathematics (If I go to a school that allows this)

I want to pursue a career in the sciences but do not want to do 3 VCE science subjects. I also really enjoy mathematics and am relatively good at it for my year level.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: aspiringantelope on December 08, 2018, 04:21:03 pm
Certain subjects:
English/English Language (if I go to a school that allows it)
Chinese SL (hopefully I have a heavy advantage as I have learnt SLA content for most of my life)
Physics (my favourite science subject)

Possible subjects:
Biology/Chemistry (I am taking Bio 1/2 as an accelerated subject but don't really enjoy it. On the other hand chemistry would be useful if I pursue a S.T.E.M career, but I may not be the best at it)
Algorithmics (Possible 7th subject but I already have too many subjects I like ;-;)
Extended Investigation (Many teachers have recommended this for me, can be accelerated in year 11)
University Mathematics (If I go to a school that allows this)

I want to pursue a career in the sciences but do not want to do 3 VCE science subjects. I also really enjoy mathematics and am relatively good at it for my year level.
Wow Nice! It's great you've already gotten your "certain" choices already. A bit challenging here :[
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on December 08, 2018, 04:37:06 pm
Just from my perspective being a Computing teacher - if you really want to do Algorithmics, i'd ease up on the other subject options. Algorithmics is a classified HESS subject (higher education scored study), meaning the difficulty is far beyond the standard VCE subject (I put it as a end-of-1st-year/2nd year computer science equivalent). It has a pre-requisite of Maths Methods 1/2 for a reason. You tick all the boxes in terms of liking/being strong at Maths, but trying to do 7 Year 12 subjects is crazy, especially the load you have chosen. :) 7 subjects from any discipline is extremely difficult - I would suggest picking 6 at most and focusing all your energy on that to get the best possible study scores. Even four...

I admire your aspirations and pursuit of excellence, but I question whether you have had the opportunity to taste just how intensive a Unit 3/4 subject is, let alone up to seven. There is a significant difference in terms of content/difficulty between subjects in Year 9-10 and VCE Unit 3/4.

I also understand the need to cram as much as possible and be fantastic in as many areas as possible - however VCE is a numbers game (it's wrong because education is about learning not scores, but that's the way the system is) so your efforts would be better spent focusing on a smaller amount of subjects and doing EXTREMELY well in them..

Obviously you are free to choose and complete however many and whatever you want, but my strong recommendation is not to do seven subjects and focus on a select few. You'll drive yourself mad and I'd question the amount of leisure/free time you'd actually get.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: turtlesforeveryone on December 08, 2018, 08:41:44 pm
Just from my perspective being a Computing teacher - if you really want to do Algorithmics, i'd ease up on the other subject options. Algorithmics is a classified HESS subject (higher education scored study), meaning the difficulty is far beyond the standard VCE subject (I put it as a end-of-1st-year/2nd year computer science equivalent). It has a pre-requisite of Maths Methods 1/2 for a reason. You tick all the boxes in terms of liking/being strong at Maths, but trying to do 7 Year 12 subjects is crazy, especially the load you have chosen. :) 7 subjects from any discipline is extremely difficult - I would suggest picking 6 at most and focusing all your energy on that to get the best possible study scores. Even four...

I admire your aspirations and pursuit of excellence, but I question whether you have had the opportunity to taste just how intensive a Unit 3/4 subject is, let alone up to seven. There is a significant difference in terms of content/difficulty between subjects in Year 9-10 and VCE Unit 3/4.

I also understand the need to cram as much as possible and be fantastic in as many areas as possible - however VCE is a numbers game (it's wrong because education is about learning not scores, but that's the way the system is) so your efforts would be better spent focusing on a smaller amount of subjects and doing EXTREMELY well in them..

Obviously you are free to choose and complete however many and whatever you want, but my strong recommendation is not to do seven subjects and focus on a select few. You'll drive yourself mad and I'd question the amount of leisure/free time you'd actually get.

I agree with what you've wrote, and a main problem for me is I'm very interested in a broad selection of topics. It can feel like 6 VCE subjects is just not enough for the scope I want to learn about :/

Anyhow, it is hard to gauge how I will come with 3/4 workload until I get to that level. Thanks for your input!
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on December 08, 2018, 08:46:45 pm
You can learn about things of interest outside of VCE (e.g. in spare time/holidays, at uni later on etc). You don't have to specifically study them at VCE (which is a small component of your life). I get you are eager but again, VCE is a numbers game and unfortunately you have to play the game to get the results you want. It's not about trying to shove as much as you can into this period of time.. you will end up burning yourself out and during VCE mental health is super important.

I am sure nearly anybody on here will tell you that 7 subjects is way too much especially with the subject selection you have listed (and potential lengthy ones e.g. Algo, EI and Uni Extension). I didn't get to do a lot of subjects I wanted to do due to several factors, but that didn't stop me pursuing them and learning more at university level through electives/exploration options. I would also say to you that only six max are counted towards your ATAR, making one completely redundant and meaningless in terms of contribution.

Good luck with your decisions.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on December 08, 2018, 10:37:51 pm
I agree with what you've wrote, and a main problem for me is I'm very interested in a broad selection of topics. It can feel like 6 VCE subjects is just not enough for the scope I want to learn about :/

Anyhow, it is hard to gauge how I will come with 3/4 workload until I get to that level. Thanks for your input!

I feel like this is a pretty common dilemma. I certainly would've studied everything if I could.

I 100% agree with Aaron that you can learn things outside of VCE. There's higher education, the internet, libraries etc which could all give you the opportunity to explore topics you didn't get to cover during highschool.

Doing 7 VCE subjects which would add extra unnecessary stress and pressure onto what's already a challenging year.  I didn't find year 7-10 very challenging but year 12 is a different story.

Best of luck with making your decisions :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: AngelWings on December 09, 2018, 04:05:51 pm
Certain subjects:
English/English Language (if I go to a school that allows it)
Chinese SL (hopefully I have a heavy advantage as I have learnt SLA content for most of my life)
Physics (my favourite science subject)

Possible subjects:
Biology/Chemistry (I am taking Bio 1/2 as an accelerated subject but don't really enjoy it. On the other hand chemistry would be useful if I pursue a S.T.E.M career, but I may not be the best at it)
Algorithmics (Possible 7th subject but I already have too many subjects I like ;-;)
Extended Investigation (Many teachers have recommended this for me, can be accelerated in year 11)
University Mathematics (If I go to a school that allows this)

I want to pursue a career in the sciences but do not want to do 3 VCE science subjects. I also really enjoy mathematics and am relatively good at it for my year level.
Those are some pretty heavy subjects. I agree with Aaron and say that you're going to be digging a huge hole for yourself if you decide to overdo it. Trust me - I've made the mistake of overworking myself before and it's not pretty. 

In terms of a science career, you don't need to do all 3 VCE science subjects. I've seen people do one and still do really well later on.
I am sure nearly anybody on here will tell you that 7 subjects is way too much especially with the subject selection you have listed 
I agree with Aaron here. Fun fact: I studied 3 U1/2s in Year 10 (Psych and General Maths at school and Chinese SL at a language school), but chose to reduce this number down to 1 U3/4 in Year 11 (Psych). I'm really glad I did this, because Psych didn't even end up as one of my best subjects, while Further (which I did in Year 12 and follows on from General Maths) did.     
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: aspiringantelope on December 09, 2018, 04:10:33 pm
Those are some pretty heavy subjects. I agree with Aaron and say that you're going to be digging a huge hole for yourself if you decide to overdo it. Trust me - I've made the mistake of overworking myself before and it's not pretty. 

In terms of a science career, you don't need to do all 3 VCE science subjects. I've seen people do one and still do really well later on.I agree with Aaron here. Fun fact: I studied 3 U1/2s in Year 10 (Psych and General Maths at school and Chinese SL at a language school), but chose to reduce this number down to 1 U3/4 in Year 11 (Psych). I'm really glad I did this, because Psych didn't even end up as one of my best subjects, while Further (which I did in Year 12 and follows on from General Maths) did.     
Does that mean you did Chinese in Year 12? o.O
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: AngelWings on December 09, 2018, 04:26:08 pm
Does that mean you did Chinese in Year 12? o.O
Nope. Didn't do Year 12 Chinese SL. Out of the LOTE subjects, I just studied Japanese SL at a Year 12 level.

My VCE subjects looked as follows:
AngelWings' VCE subjects
Year 10 (2012): at school - Psychology U1/2, General Maths U1/2; at language school - Chinese SL U1/2
Year 11 (2013): Psychology U3/4, English Language U1/2, Methods U1/2, Chemistry U1/2, Japanese SL U1/2, Economics U1/2
Year 12 (2014): English Language U3/4, Methods U3/4, Chemistry U3/4, Japanese SL U3/4, Further U3/4
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: aspiringantelope on December 09, 2018, 05:14:24 pm
Nope. Didn't do Year 12 Chinese SL. Out of the LOTE subjects, I just studied Japanese SL at a Year 12 level.

My VCE subjects looked as follows:
AngelWings' VCE subjects
Year 10 (2012): at school - Psychology U1/2, General Maths U1/2; at language school - Chinese SL U1/2
Year 11 (2013): Psychology U3/4, English Language U1/2, Methods U1/2, Chemistry U1/2, Japanese SL U1/2, Economics U1/2
Year 12 (2014): English Language U3/4, Methods U3/4, Chemistry U3/4, Japanese SL U3/4, Further U3/4
Wow, must've been pretty though doing a LOTE in Year 12!!!
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: justinely on December 09, 2018, 05:26:11 pm
This is my plan:

Year 10:
- Bio 1/2
- Chinese SL 1/2

Year 11:
- English 1/2 (or eng lang if i can)
- Chem 1/2
- Methods 1/2
- Spesh 1/2
- Bio 3/4
- Chinese SL 3/4

Year 12:
- English/eng lang 3/4
- Chem 3/4
- Methods 3/4
- Spesh 3/4

Future goals: At the moment, my goal is to become a surgeon!  :)
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: aspiringantelope on December 09, 2018, 05:36:10 pm
A vague plan from me - most likely there will be changes if a course I would want to go in has a prerequisite
2019 - Math Methods 1/2, LOTE 1/2
2020 - Math Methods 3/4, LOTE 3/4, An English Subject 1/2, Bio/Chem 1/2, Spec 1/2, Economics 1/2
2021 - An English Subject 1/2, Bio/Chem 3/4, Spec 3/4, Economics 3/4

By "An English Subject", I mean one of the three English subjects because currently I am not known to the differences between the three, thus, unable to choose one that I am comfortable with.
For Bio/Chem, the choice would heavily depend on the prerequisite of the course I would want to get a place in (even though I don't think Biology is a prerequisite for much as I've know)
Not confirmed about Specialist and Economics -________-
Currently in a puzzling stage  :-\ But I think by the middle of next year, I will have consolidated my choices  ;D

BTW, from the recent posts from the class of 2021 students, it seems that everyone is doing two 3/4s in Year 11 o.O
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Aaron on December 09, 2018, 05:57:38 pm
You don't have to do two 3/4's in Y11. Don't let others sway your decision making - it is about you and what you believe is best for you individually. This is a very common error students new to VCE make - choosing subjects due to opinions of others. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for others.

Two 3/4's in Year 11 would definitely help ease your workload in Year 12, as you'd only need to do 4 to get the full six that will contribute to your ATAR.. But you can do 1 in Year 11 and 5 in Year 12, or even just stick with 4-5 as the last two only contribute 10% of the score to the aggregate.

From the list you've described above, you only have 5 3/4 subjects in total. Is this intended? While I understand, you still have a sixth option which can still contribute 10% of its study score to your aggregate... and if you get a 40 in the 6th subject, that's still a 4 added which when you get to the upper end, can mean quite a bit.

Edit: realised you meant English 3/4 in the first sub 2021. Just remember that to even get your VCE, you need at least 3 units of an english subject and there has to be a sequence of Units 3 and 4 involved.

Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: aspiringantelope on December 09, 2018, 07:14:20 pm
You don't have to do two 3/4's in Y11. Don't let others sway your decision making - it is about you and what you believe is best for you individually. This is a very common error students new to VCE make - choosing subjects due to opinions of others. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for others.

Two 3/4's in Year 11 would definitely help ease your workload in Year 12, as you'd only need to do 4 to get the full six that will contribute to your ATAR.. But you can do 1 in Year 11 and 5 in Year 12, or even just stick with 4-5 as the last two only contribute 10% of the score to the aggregate.

From the list you've described above, you only have 5 3/4 subjects in total. Is this intended? While I understand, you still have a sixth option which can still contribute 10% of its study score to your aggregate... and if you get a 40 in the 6th subject, that's still a 4 added which when you get to the upper end, can mean quite a bit.

Edit: realised you meant English 3/4 in the first sub 2021. Just remember that to even get your VCE, you need at least 3 units of an english subject and there has to be a sequence of Units 3 and 4 involved.
Yep thanks! I've chosen to do two 3/4 subjects in Year 11 to alleviate the workload in Year 12 and focus mainly (not entirely) for "An English Subject", as it would be a prerequisite and that I could say that English is not one of my strongest subjects.
By the way, can anyone help me differentiate the difference between English, English Language and Literature?

Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: AngelWings on December 09, 2018, 09:07:42 pm
To avoid derailing this thread, I'm going to mention some resources to check out re: English subjects and just PM you the rest of my reply.
By the way, can anyone help me differentiate the difference between English, English Language and Literature?
I wouldn't be overly concerned about picking your English subject right now. You can make the decision later and change if need be.

Having said that, if you desperately want to know, an explanation can be found here. You can also find out by reading their study designs. I've linked them here: English (mainstream), English Language and Literature.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Sine on December 09, 2018, 11:02:58 pm
In terms of Bio/Chem you'd probably have to go with chem since as you have said it is a prerequsitie for heaps more courses than Biology. However, to my knowledge Biology is a necessary prerequisite (no substitutes) for Dentistry @ Latrobe.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: turtlesforeveryone on December 11, 2018, 08:26:13 am
In terms of Bio/Chem you'd probably have to go with chem since as you have said it is a prerequsitie for heaps more courses than Biology. However, to my knowledge Biology is a necessary prerequisite (no substitutes) for Dentistry @ Latrobe.

Would you mind helping me choose which science subject/s to choose for VCE? I definitely know I am going to do physics as it is my favourite and the one that comes easiest to me. However, I chose to accelerate biology next year (now that I think about it it was a bad choice, I picked it because the school thinks physics and chemistry is 'too hard), but I have heard chemistry is a prerequisite for many courses around STEM in university. So, is it fine to do just one science subject, or should I pick a combination, either physics-bio or physics-chem?
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: AngelWings on December 11, 2018, 09:49:05 am
Would you mind helping me choose which science subject/s to choose for VCE?
We can suggest things all we like but ultimately the decision rests upon you.
I definitely know I am going to do physics as it is my favourite and the one that comes easiest to me. However, I chose to accelerate biology next year (now that I think about it it was a bad choice, I picked it because the school thinks physics and chemistry is 'too hard), but I have heard chemistry is a prerequisite for many courses around STEM in university.
Chem is a prerequisite for several areas but probably not as many as you think. You can find out which ones here. Also, and this is my personal opinion, Chem isn’t a great subject to accelerate so you haven’t really lost anything. If you’re concerned, you could always do chemistry normally (U1/2 in Year 11, etc.) and alter your subjects slightly.
So, is it fine to do just one science subject, or should I pick a combination, either physics-bio or physics-chem?
You can do as few or as many science subjects as you like. There are no restrictions by VCAA as to how many science subjects will contribute to your final results, unlike other areas e.g LOTE or maths.
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: Bri MT on December 11, 2018, 10:08:34 am
Would you mind helping me choose which science subject/s to choose for VCE? I definitely know I am going to do physics as it is my favourite and the one that comes easiest to me. However, I chose to accelerate biology next year (now that I think about it it was a bad choice, I picked it because the school thinks physics and chemistry is 'too hard), but I have heard chemistry is a prerequisite for many courses around STEM in university. So, is it fine to do just one science subject, or should I pick a combination, either physics-bio or physics-chem?

Generally if you want to get into a science course you need 1 science subject and methods or spec
For (bio)med you generally specifically require chem and methods or spec
At some unis engineering has the same prereqs as science but at Monash you specifically need chem or physics.
There are some courses with biology as a prereq but not many

If you want to look up different courses, this is a useful tool
Keep in mind that for the above courses, as with most courses you also need a minimum score in an English subject.

Is there anywhere in STEM in particular that you're interested in?

(Btw, I studied VCE bio, chem, physics & psych, and I wouldn't say there's anything particularly challenging about studying chem and physics together. )
Title: Re: Plans For VCE 1/2,3/4
Post by: turtlesforeveryone on December 11, 2018, 02:30:58 pm
We can suggest things all we like but ultimately the decision rests upon you.  Chem is a prerequisite for several areas but probably not as many as you think. You can find out which ones here. Also, and this is my personal opinion, Chem isn’t a great subject to accelerate so you haven’t really lost anything. If you’re concerned, you could always do chemistry normally (U1/2 in Year 11, etc.) and alter your subjects slightly.  You can do as few or as many science subjects as you like. There are no restrictions by VCAA as to how many science subjects will contribute to your final results, unlike other areas e.g LOTE or maths.

Thanks AngelWings. I took a look at the link you sent and  I think I will just keep the one physics subject with possibly the addition of biology as most of the engineering courses require one of chemistry of physics. As of now I'm not sure of which course or path I want to take yet but this should do for now. Thanks for your help!