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General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => Other General Discussion => Topic started by: /0 on October 31, 2009, 06:35:51 am

Title: TED: science of motivation
Post by: /0 on October 31, 2009, 06:35:51 am
An interesting TED talk on the science of motivation:

I think it might have some interesting consequences with regard to traditional education and its goal-oriented approaches.
Title: Re: TED: science of motivation
Post by: periwinkle on November 01, 2009, 09:28:04 am

   illuminating indeed :)
Title: Re: TED: science of motivation
Post by: anonuser0511 on November 03, 2009, 02:17:49 am
very interesting definitely have felt this "limiting" feeling

Although I have an alternate theory of why those offered the high incentive fail in the cognitive tasks.
  Often complementing a young child in a task they excel in a detrimental in their progress. Feeling they have build up a false illusion of greatness they do everything they can to preserve this, that is they become afraid to try. I have a feeling that in these studies the experimenter puts a bias on the ones who are rewarded or they hold a predisposition that those who get rewarded will do better which similarly "limit" their scope.

However, who am i to argue with London's finest? Their theory after all does make sense.