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VCE Stuff => VCE Business Studies => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Legal Studies => Topic started by: connej on June 10, 2012, 11:04:27 am

Title: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 10, 2012, 11:04:27 am
How has everyone been going thus far?

What scores has everyone been getting?
How did everyone find Unit 3? I hear Unit 4 will be easier  ;D

AOS 1: 22/25
AOS 2: 47/50
AOS 3: 23/25

I really need to get 42 plus for legal! Does anyone know if i'm on track?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 10, 2012, 08:22:48 pm
So far, I've gotten:

AOS 1: 25/25
AOS 2 part 1: 29/30
AOS 2 part 2: 20/20

Haven't received AOS 3 marks back yet, but I'm really hoping I only lost one mark at the most :/ No idea what my ranking is, so just hoping to minimize marks lost as much as possible.

I really liked AOS 1! Best intro to the unit. :) Found AOS 2 & 3 a lot less interesting (probably because I basically just did a bunch of ROTE-learning and regurgitated it where necessary). Which was your favourite?

To be honest, Unit 4 is scaring me XD Don't want to screw up on SACs now, haha. I haven't looked at Unit 4 or done anything much for Legal lately, though...having no motivation sucks.

As long as you maintain your SAC ranking and do well in the exam, then you definitely have a chance at 42+!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 10, 2012, 08:40:03 pm
wow your doing so well!! Are there any other at your school doing that well?
I stuffed up a question in aos1 where we had to evaluate parliament as law maker, I didnt really know how to evaluate properly but most people dropped marks there, i also lost all my marks from the aos 3 sac on an evaluate question, i really have to master that before the exam! I think im going to start to look at unti 4 tonight! I have done a review of unti 3 so i think i should move ahead :S
I also liked aos 1 best :)
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 10, 2012, 08:57:56 pm
Thanks - you too! I haven't asked anyone for their SAC marks as I don't feel like it's any of my business, but our school generally has a strong cohort, going off past years :)

Yeah, we had that parliament question on our SAC too. Most important thing with evaluating is to match strengths with weaknesses, or the other way around if it says to evaluate the weaknesses of something. Examples for strengths or weaknesses (or even both) are good too.

I lost a mark on the referral of powers :( Definitely learnt my lesson that day, though - don't give up cramming right before a SAC :P I literally got to that page and convinced myself that we didn't need to remember the names of the Acts that the states passed to refer their powers to the Commonwealth, and then I saw "Provide an example" on the SAC and I was like :'( Lol, at least I won't be making that mistake again!

Oh, well, if you're going to do some study...I guess I'd better do some too! :P
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 10, 2012, 09:05:31 pm
I was pretty sure i did the evaluating question properly, I'll have to have a look at where i went wrong! :(

I think i got a question just like that about the referral of powers! I know i get like that aswell, i dont really 'cram' right before a SAC becuase i feel that i already know enough

I'm starting to look at unti 4 right now! Do you use any books like checkpoints to help revise?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 10, 2012, 09:25:37 pm
If you got the structure and stuff down, then just make sure you've expanded enough on your points. :) If your school gives you summarised notes of everything, try and base your answers off that. If not, then try giving your teacher practice questions to correct.

Haha yeah, the good thing about Legal is that the scope of questions is pretty limited, and somewhat predictable. =D Oh, you're lucky then! I find I get too complacent and tend to just browse the internet, unless I have SACs coming up.

Awesome! Let me know if there's anything tricky that I should watch out for =]

I have the A+ Legal questions and A+ notes (not sure what the proper name for either of them is) and something else, I think, but I haven't actually looked at them yet. :/
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 10, 2012, 09:31:22 pm
We certainly dont get a detailed response but i always go over my result with my teacher to try and get the marks back that i lost

I have a+ notes aswell, it's so good! I think i'm going to be using it more than my text book (which i ont really like) from now on!

Unit 4 actually seems harder because there is a bit more to remember such the jurisdictions of all the courts and VCAT! I think im going to go through everything now to get a head start
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 10, 2012, 09:39:58 pm
Yeah, it can be hard for teachers as well, with so much work being submitted. =P

I should start using it more then xD Haven't even opened my textbook in weeks...I don't really like it that much either. Which one do you have? We've got the Justice & Outcomes one, and it's massive.

How many courts is that, roughly? I hope it's not too many. :o And okay, good luck! :) I still haven't started studying, I think I'm just gonna give up for today, stop feeling guilty about it, and put in some extra effort tomorrow.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 10, 2012, 09:48:58 pm
Yeah we have the same text book! i like the small green summaries on the side of each page, i find myself just writting those bits out over and over again.

I think its only the Magistrates, County and Supreme court. Thats actually not too bad!

I've got to start worker harder so i can get marks as high as yours  :D
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: eeps on June 10, 2012, 10:02:56 pm
I think its only the Magistrates, County and Supreme court. Thats actually not too bad!

In addition to that, you have also got to learn the jurisdiction of VCAT and the High Court of Australia. I would just keep in mind that being the highest ranked person in SACs doesn't necessarily equate to achieving the highest study score. Someone ranked below you in SACs can still end up with a higher score than you and vice versa. And yeh, don't slack off now. If anything, continually revise material each week; be it from Unit 3 or the material covered in class during that week - because this will ultimately save you time when it comes to revising for the exam.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 10, 2012, 10:08:58 pm
I don't think I've really looked at those summaries...I only check the textbook for case studies. When I looked at it in the summer, there seemed to be quite a bit of stuff that wasn't really relevant to the course.

5 courts is alright, I guess. I just hope their jurisdictions aren't huge.

Just do your best :) And then you'll be faced with the problem of trying to maintain it and doing well on the exam...=P

Would you happen to have Skype or MSN? We can spam each other with Legal stuff and help each other to study. =] (Not today, though - I'm busy procrastinating!)

I would just keep in mind that being the highest ranked person in SACs doesn't necessarily equate to achieving the highest study score.

Yeah, that's true. I think it's why our teachers don't like telling us what rank we are.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 10, 2012, 10:29:33 pm
The jurisdictions of the courts is the easy part, the alternative dispute resolution methods are a bit more difficult to me

yes i did realise that just beucase someone is ranked number one in SAC's doesn't mean they will achieve the highest study score, this is good for me becuase i am number 3 at the moment i think!

yeah msn, pm me you email and i'll add you
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 10, 2012, 10:59:12 pm
Don't worry about it too much - you'll be going over it in class anyway. :)

Okay, I'll PM you in a sec.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: ThyJovan on June 11, 2012, 02:49:49 am
AOS 1: 24/25
AOS 2: 50/50

Now we await the AOS 3 results, loved the subject since I started Unit 1. Fingers crossed for a 45+.

A+ Legal Notes is so much better than my A+ Business one, it's practically my bible for the subject.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 11, 2012, 10:28:52 am
Well done! your doing really well

I know i have a+ notes for business also and i agree its so much worse, the legal one is perfect!!
It will be my bible for unit 4 :D
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: smith_2 on June 11, 2012, 05:27:56 pm
I haven't dropped a mark yet;

SAC 1: 25/25
SAC 2: 50/50
SAC 3: 25/25

But this does not automatically mean I will get a amazing result. Strong marks in Unit 4 and the exam ultimately are needed. I'm lucky in a sense that my school is infront of my friends schools and is already powering through AOS1, unit 4. Hoping for a good result overall this year however.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 11, 2012, 06:56:08 pm
Nice start though :) How does your school's cohort usually go?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 11, 2012, 08:30:05 pm
Wow no marks dropped for unit 3, thats pretty amazing! That makes my marks look so bad :(
Did anyone else at your school do that well?

Our school hasn't started unit 4 yet but i have! I need to get ahead lol
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: smith_2 on June 12, 2012, 12:08:02 am
My schools cohort is quite mixed to be honest. There are alot of people sitting on 70%- 80% and one other person on high 90's. Unit 4 is harder in my opinion to do so well in, for the simple fact that there are only 2 SAC's and therefore more chances to make little mistakes along the way.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 12, 2012, 03:02:16 pm

Thats true becuase there are less chances to make up for mistakes made in unit 4! But if your doing so well in unit 3 there is no reason unit 4 won't be the same with the same level of work!

Only 3 more SAC's until the exam for me :S
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: philcara16 on June 12, 2012, 06:28:49 pm
Have been dismal this year, really disappointed with Unit 3 considering I want a 40.

AOS 1: 17/25
AOS 2: 24/25 & 19/25 = 43/50
AOS 3: Haven't completed.

Due to exam week, we've been screwed over a bit in regards to time. Out of the three SACs we had, the first one was just a careless brain fart, whereas the third one had me studying for things which I didn't need. I base all my study notes off the study design (It's my gospel), which is complimented by my teacher's content reminder before each SAC. Long story short, I assumed it was the same as the study design but worded differently (as is usually the case for both his Legal and Business SAC notifications), and he required us to remember a couple of cases covered in part one of the outcome.  :-[

I feel really confident about this next area of study and truly believe I can achieve full marks.

Best case scenario is a 85/100. Not much you can do about that, just going to try my hardest in Unit 4 and hopefully get 185/200  ;D
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 13, 2012, 11:35:25 am
It's not the end the world if you haven't achieved the marks you desired in Unit 3 (those marks are actually good)

As you said just try harder in unit 4!

I hope you do achieve full marks in AOS 3  :)
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Jezza on June 13, 2012, 11:37:58 am
Sac 1: 28/30 (Second highest in my cohort)
Sac 2: 19/22
Sac 3: 18/20 (Equal highest mark for this sac)

In total I've only dropped 7 marks

Am I on track for 40 so far?

I'm ranked about 3rd or 4th in my cohort.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 13, 2012, 12:59:39 pm
Well done your doing well so far, i think your ranking is more important your actual mark.

With a high ranking and an a+ on the exam you should get over 40!

Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Jezza on June 13, 2012, 01:21:19 pm
Well done your doing well so far, i think your ranking is more important your actual mark.

With a high ranking and an a+ on the exam you should get over 40!

Last year's paper was out of 70. What was the A+ cutoff exactly if you know?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 13, 2012, 01:36:49 pm
Over 60.5 was an A+ last year

Over 55 was an A

So it isn't overly hard to get an A+!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: JCurmi on June 18, 2012, 10:27:53 pm
Unit 3 - 91/100

I'm fairly pleased, ranked about 3rd or 4th but I've been lazy and haven't been putting in as much effort! Will definitely try harder in Unit 4!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 18, 2012, 11:33:30 pm
Got my last SAC back! Lost a mark, so now I'm on 98/100 for this unit.

I think our teacher said we can email her about rankings, but I'm not sure I want to know after all.  :-\

Either way, Unit 4 soon! :D
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: eeps on June 19, 2012, 04:01:39 pm
Last year was the first year of the new study design for VCE Legal Studies. The main difference from the previous study design is the 10-mark question in the exam. In previous years, there was the option of either 'A' or 'B' (Unit 3 or Unit 4 based question) - however, VCAA got rid of that. Now, there is only one question which can come from Unit 3, Unit 4 or be a combination of both units (as was last year's). Unit 4 is more applicable to what the law actually is. Good luck for Unit 4.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: KristyDanielle on June 19, 2012, 04:11:07 pm
Well done - you seem to be going very well. You are lucky your school gives you your exact mark! Our school only gives us a 'range' for VCE Year 12 subjects. We don't get to find out our exact scores, but our work gets put in a range: Excellent, very good, good, satisfactory and low.

So far, for legal studies, I have been placed in the 'Excellent' range for every single SAC. So, I'm hoping that's a good sign! I'm looking forward to Unit 4 as it is definitely more my area of strength.

Good luck for Unit 4 everyone!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 19, 2012, 05:10:51 pm
Thanks! Congratulations on your results as well :D

Do you get to find out what you need to improve on? If so, then I guess the range isn't too bad.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on June 22, 2012, 07:05:35 pm
I have to really start working on unit 4 this weekend,
there is so much in aos 1 its hard to know what to concentrate on,
is anyone else having the same promlem?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: ellaa81 on June 24, 2012, 12:42:43 pm
SAC 1: 24/25
SAC 2: 28/30
SAC 3: 19/20
SAC 4: 21/25

Was going good until the last one :( oh well hopefully I'll just make it up in the exam.
My main concern is that I can barely remember anything from the first 3 sacs because I mainly used rote-learning... anyone else in a similar position? If so, what are you going to do to relearn everything?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Soul_Khan on June 24, 2012, 04:11:05 pm
I think the majority of people use rote-learning in Psychology so you're not the only one. I don't think you need to remember anything from Unit 3 besides Research Methods for Unit 4.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: ellaa81 on June 24, 2012, 04:33:03 pm
I think the majority of people use rote-learning in Psychology so you're not the only one. I don't think you need to remember anything from Unit 3 besides Research Methods for Unit 4.

 ??? Ok I'm tripping out.. aren't I on the legal studies thread? Haha
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Soul_Khan on June 24, 2012, 05:05:20 pm
No I'm the one who is tripping out. I shouldn't have smoked that joint before going on AN.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Iniquity on June 24, 2012, 07:46:02 pm
SAC 1: 24/25
SAC 2: 28/30
SAC 3: 19/20
SAC 4: 21/25

Was going good until the last one :( oh well hopefully I'll just make it up in the exam.
My main concern is that I can barely remember anything from the first 3 sacs because I mainly used wrote learning... anyone else in a similar position? If so, what are you going to do to relearn everything?

Yeah, I ROTE-learned heaps of stuff too. There's some of it that I'm not too sure about anymore, so I'm just going to write it all out again until I've got it memorised. I'd also recommend remembering the information in dot points - you don't want to forget a sentence under stress and be unable to write down the rest of your answer.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: EmmaCow on June 24, 2012, 09:04:28 pm
Wow guys! you're all doing so well- can't believe you guys are getting full marks on some sacs!
teachers at my school are way crazy, they refuse to give full marks on any sac because apparently it bumps at the end of the year, so whoever would have gotten full marks gets pushed down 3-5 marks. It is crazy.
AOS 1: 24/30
AOS 2: 46/50
AOS 3: 23.5/25

The last sac was evil- my teacher took off marks because i wrote 4 reasons when the question asked for three.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: philcara16 on June 25, 2012, 02:12:58 pm
Just got my last result back. My results for Unit 3 were:

AOS 1: 17/25 (20/30 on paper)
AOS 2 (Part 1): 24/25 (27/28)
AOS 2 (Part 2): 19/25 (19/25)
AOS 3: 23/25 (27.5/30)

Overall: 83/100

Not happy to be honest, made far too many silly mistakes. Still ranked 1st in my cohort though.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: sunintherain on June 25, 2012, 07:54:02 pm
not doing as well as some of you, in AOS2 i got complacent and didn't bother studying! so mad at myself for that!
AOS1 : 39/40
AOS2: 42.5/50
AOS3: 34.5/37
I've lost a total of 11 marks!! hopefully i can regain some of that back in the exam and in unit 4! Good work guys!!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Abbe Crixus on July 03, 2012, 05:33:24 pm
I've had a bad year in legal studies :( i thought this would be my best subject, it is my worst.

1st SAC 22/25
2nd SAC 43/50
3rd SAC 21/25

I think my cohort is fairly weak though as my teachers are giving us questions that are a little tricky to answer i'm finding. Or perhaps we're just a bunch of idiots xD. Either way, it works in my favour as i suspect i'm in the top third of my cohort.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on July 06, 2012, 02:01:48 pm
I've had a bad year in legal studies :( i thought this would be my best subject, it is my worst.

1st SAC 22/25
2nd SAC 43/50
3rd SAC 21/25

I think my cohort is fairly weak though as my teachers are giving us questions that are a little tricky to answer i'm finding. Or perhaps we're just a bunch of idiots xD. Either way, it works in my favour as i suspect i'm in the top third of my cohort.

Don't worry that not even bad, just try harder in unit 4 and remember that the exam is what counts most! Good luck!

How is everyone finding unit 4 so far? I have almost finished my notes for AOS 1 and I'm liking this topic at the moment but there is a lot to remember
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: EmmaCow on August 16, 2012, 08:16:52 pm
I love Unit 4! we're pumping through it so that we can get heaps of revision in!
already done the first sac for AOS1 and i got 27/30 where the highest mark was was 27.5- so ranked second in my cohort which was fine by me :)
doing AOS2 and loving civil procedure and the jury its fascinating! nearing the end guys! :D
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on August 17, 2012, 10:37:42 am
already done the first sac for AOS1 and i got 27/30 where the highest mark was was 27.5- so ranked second in my cohort which was fine by me :)
Nice work :)
Yeh i think unit 4 is much easier, there is just a bit more to remember i got 40/40 for AOS 1 and we are also moving very quickly through the unit, i have to start revising for exam soon :S
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: ThyJovan on August 18, 2012, 01:27:46 pm
There is definitely a lot more to remember, that last SAC was a pain in the ass but still managed to pull out the 40/40, was really pleased with that. Flying through Criminal Procedure and the rest, gonna have to be more dependent on doing the extra work at home this time, but that's the case with Unit 4 haha.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: EmmaCow on August 22, 2012, 10:14:36 pm
i take back the 'flying through civil and loving it'. its slowly killing me- why are there so many pre-trial procedures?! goodness.
apparently there is something called the july/august slump.. i am totally in it!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Ajsguns on August 23, 2012, 03:17:48 pm
98/100 for Unit 3 for me, however i screwed my first SAC up for U4 as i got really lazy :/ probably got 34-36/40 :/
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on August 23, 2012, 08:22:59 pm
98/100 for Unit 3 for me, however i screwed my first SAC up for U4 as i got really lazy :/ probably got 34-36/40 :/

I thought after my first SAC for unit 4 that i didn't do  extremely well and i ended up not dropping a mark so you never know!
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Ajsguns on August 31, 2012, 10:35:56 pm
Ugh 33/40 did i just cost myself a SS of above 40? :/
I'm so filthy at myself, i got lazy. I butchered the most simple 2 mark question ever.. Then lost another 5 marks to silly mistakes.

U3 - 98/100
U4 - 33/40

One more to come out of /60 which im hoping to score 57+/60 for so i finish with 90/100.

I would assume I'm ranked somewhere 1-3 in a weak (bad public school) cohort of around 30

Assume my grades look like this
U3 - 98/100 - High A+
U4 - 90/100 - Low A+
Exam - 66/70 - MID A+

What kind of Study Score would i be looking at?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: aabattery on August 31, 2012, 11:37:39 pm
Ugh 33/40 did i just cost myself a SS of above 40? :/
I'm so filthy at myself, i got lazy. I butchered the most simple 2 mark question ever.. Then lost another 5 marks to silly mistakes.

U3 - 98/100
U4 - 33/40

One more to come out of /60 which im hoping to score 57+/60 for so i finish with 90/100.

I would assume I'm ranked somewhere 1-3 in a weak (bad public school) cohort of around 30

Assume my grades look like this
U3 - 98/100 - High A+
U4 - 90/100 - Low A+
Exam - 66/70 - MID A+

What kind of Study Score would i be looking at?

Don't worry. I had pretty much identical marks to yours/your predictions and got 40+. You should be fine.

Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on September 01, 2012, 11:08:57 pm
You're doing really well! Good luck for the rest to the year

U4 - 90/100 - Low A+

90/100 is an A, not an A+
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: nisha on September 01, 2012, 11:45:15 pm
You're doing really well! Good luck for the rest to the year

U4 - 90/100 - Low A+

90/100 is an A, not an A+
I'm pretty sure 90-10/100 is just an A+...
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: connej on September 02, 2012, 10:06:01 am
You're doing really well! Good luck for the rest to the year

U4 - 90/100 - Low A+

90/100 is an A, not an A+
I'm pretty sure 90-10/100 is just an A+...

No actually i am pretty sure that an A+ is over 93 for unit 3 and 4

You can always check on the VCAA website, it will tell you
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: KristyDanielle on September 06, 2012, 03:56:58 pm
Wow, everyone here is so lucky! At my school we don't even get to find out what our exact scores are! The only thing we are allowed to find out is the 'range' we are in for each SAC - these being low, satisfactory, medium, high, very high or excellent.
Does anyone else's school run this way for Year 12? Is my school just weird?
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: ThyJovan on September 06, 2012, 04:44:45 pm
A bit weird, only in one of my classes (Media) do I find out only my grade, not the actual mark.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: Hannah_Banana on September 20, 2012, 06:31:21 pm
Unit 3 - 90/100
Unit 4 - 88/100

Exam prediction - A

I was happy with these until I saw everyone's amazing marks on here! My teacher told me that she is nitpicking my answers and marking harder than the examiner so we have near perfect answers.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: brenden on September 20, 2012, 06:36:41 pm
You can always check on the VCAA website, it will tell you
This is wrong. They show you moderated SAC results. Putting a letter grade on anything inside of your own cohort is just stupid. Some girl last week said you needed more that 95% in her English SAC to get an A+.
Ugh 33/40 did i just cost myself a SS of above 40? :/
I'm so filthy at myself, i got lazy. I butchered the most simple 2 mark question ever.. Then lost another 5 marks to silly mistakes.

U3 - 98/100
U4 - 33/40

One more to come out of /60 which im hoping to score 57+/60 for so i finish with 90/100.

I would assume I'm ranked somewhere 1-3 in a weak (bad public school) cohort of around 30

Assume my grades look like this
U3 - 98/100 - High A+
U4 - 90/100 - Low A+
Exam - 66/70 - MID A+

What kind of Study Score would i be looking at?

If you were rank 1 for both Units probably close to 44-45 is my best guess.

Wow, everyone here is so lucky! At my school we don't even get to find out what our exact scores are! The only thing we are allowed to find out is the 'range' we are in for each SAC - these being low, satisfactory, medium, high, very high or excellent.
Does anyone else's school run this way for Year 12? Is my school just weird?
The school doesn't run that way, it's up to the teacher's decision. My school's Bio class gets a range, but in Further we get exact etc.
Title: Re: Unit 3 scores - How did everyone go in Unit 3?
Post by: philcara16 on September 21, 2012, 03:39:26 pm
Got 39/40 on part 1 of the outcome 2 SAC. 20 marks available on the part 2 of the outcome.

Unit 3: 83/100 (1st in cohort).
Unit 4: 77/80.  (1st in cohort).