ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => VCE Arts => VCE Arts/Humanities/Health => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Theatre Studies => Topic started by: kefoo on August 06, 2012, 10:20:29 am

Title: Monologues 2012
Post by: kefoo on August 06, 2012, 10:20:29 am
I'm doing Louie from Lost in Yonkers ; )))))
Title: Re: Monologues 2012
Post by: brenden on August 24, 2012, 03:30:24 am
Creature from Frankenstein. I think that will be the most popular one. Where are you at with your monologue and performance analysis?
Title: Re: Monologues 2012
Post by: katykins on September 06, 2012, 08:57:09 pm
Hanna from 'The Rain' by Daniel Keene. I know, not many people do theatre studies on atar notes! My performance date is on the 23rd of october, what about everyone else?
Title: Re: Monologues 2012
Post by: brenden on September 07, 2012, 05:04:31 pm
Hanna from 'The Rain' by Daniel Keene. I know, not many people do theatre studies on atar notes! My performance date is on the 23rd of october, what about everyone else?
Two girls in my class are doing that. Mine's on the 24th! Unfortunately the night before my graduation/valedictory.
Where are people (or you?lol) at with line learning?
Title: Re: Monologues 2012
Post by: katykins on September 08, 2012, 07:29:45 pm
well so far i know my lines they are just a bit jumbled. half the class has essentially learned lines, the other is slightly lacking and havnt started blocking. im thinking of doing sound as a stagecraft element for the exam, and that wil be tricky so i should start on that haha that sucks man! our graduation is around the end of november so no stress invloved. do you remeber what time your exam is? i think mines 2:12 or something? cant think of a more nerve racking exam to do!
Title: Re: Monologues 2012
Post by: krystal1012 on September 19, 2012, 06:35:44 pm
I'm doing Bella from Lost In Yonkers. I have been a bit slack; I haven't memorised all of it yet and haven't started blocking it. Mine is on the 10th of October (woo hoo!  :P), so I only really have 3 weeks to prepare. Really should've gotten on to it earlier, but I suppose I'll just have to get as much done as possible with what time I have.
Title: Re: Monologues 2012
Post by: katykins on September 20, 2012, 10:51:13 pm
My friends doing that one! we help each other out! well that is soooooo early!! dont stress you will be fine, at least you have the holidays to prepare and its a few weeks before written exams so you can focus entirely on them!! :)