ATAR Notes: Forum

Uni Stuff => Faculties => Arts => Topic started by: catnus on December 19, 2013, 06:57:50 pm

Title: Languages - How do you get past the plateau?
Post by: catnus on December 19, 2013, 06:57:50 pm
Hi all,

I'd really like to know your thoughts on how to get over the inevitable language learning plateau that we all eventually reach. Once you get to a certain level of fluency (when you can basically articulate what you mean more or less), additional words and more flowery vocabulary just doesn't seem to stick (as they are not so common) and we often become complacent, thinking we can get by. How wouldyou guys get past this stage?

Thanks for your help!
Title: Re: Languages - How do you get past the plateau?
Post by: alondouek on December 19, 2013, 07:11:09 pm
Immersion really helps with this. Try to do things that you usually do in the language that you're learning, rather than in English e.g. watching TV or browsing the internet. It also helps to know someone fluent that you can converse with. If this is difficult, that's good because your pushing your knowledge and your vocabulary. Eventually it'll become easier, and that's how you know you're improving :)
Title: Re: Languages - How do you get past the plateau?
Post by: BigAl on December 19, 2013, 07:17:13 pm
Yes I agree with you. Learning a new language requires less steeper learning curve in the beginning until the stage you just described. There is so much stuff to learn. As you progress it becomes much more complicated and sophisticated. So there is a little bit of stuff and it requires more effort. I'm still unable to use complex words in my expressions but I would rather keep things simpler. After all, my language skills suck.

I'm not even using complex words in my first language Turkish. So I guess you need to be talented but that doesn't mean sophisticated use of language cannot be achievable with hard work.
Title: Re: Languages - How do you get past the plateau?
Post by: spectroscopy on December 19, 2013, 07:29:01 pm
duolingos helpful - most people usually get over it, but if you stick it out and push right to the end there is some seriously awesome vocabulary and levels at the end
also if youve gotten to a late-game stage where you can do everything grammar wise you just need to learn more words you can try one of the following things
- if there is a book that you know really well and have read heaps of times, read that book in the language youre learning (this one definitely works if you can persist, though i dont think it has the best value for time)
- you could aim to learn 1 or 2 new words a day, write it out in your new language and english like 20 times and boom you know it, revise weekly and monthly and then yearly, youll be happy with your progress !!
- go overseas and immerse in the culture, this one is arguably the most effective and quickest for people at the plateau stage though it is expensive - but usually a good experience

best of luck !!