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Title: Luke: Resources
Post by: heids on December 13, 2014, 01:38:46 pm
Please PM me at any time with any good resources/word bank ideas, broken links or suggestions! Enjoy, fellow Lukites :D

Dramatised NIV audio of Luke
Great for second authorship/dating/structure/literary style SAC
A wide but very useful variety of stuff
Literary forms and techniques in the Bible

DARRELL BOCK (Bible Gateway)
A site that in 2014 had Tannehill and Johnson's commentaries on the special chapters (don't know if it'll be updated for 2015).
Journey to Jerusalem section

The following are mostly from Google Books – just search ‘Luke’ or ‘Luke commentary’.  Be aware that, being previews, you may only get a few chapters of commentary (which can be quite disappointing!).
 - Robert Tannehill
 - Sharon Ringe
 - Fred Craddock
 - Robert Stein (my favourite?)
 - Leon Morris (short)
 - Joel Green (very detailed and 'scholarly', hard to understand in places)
 - Craig Evans, or you could buy it for $6 (BUY IT!!! :P)
 - John MacArthur, Lk 18-24
 - John MacArthur, Lk 1-5
 - John Caroll
 - Luke Johnson
 - David Tiede
 - Joel Green's Theology of Luke
 - John Phillips (not very deep and won't explain much literary or historical context, but may help you get what the passage is all about)

Word bank
Literary forms
Annunciation: birth announcement of a special child by an angel
Angelophany: appearance of an angel
Pronouncement: a really important statement that someone makes.
Passion prediction: when Jesus predicts his future sufferings.
Exorcism: when Jesus casts out a demon.
Canticle: hymn
Pericope/vignette/extract/unit: alternate with the word 'passage', which you get sick of using 400 times per exam.

Magnificat: Mary's hymn, 1:46-56
Benedictus: Zechariah's hymn, 1:67-80
Nunc Dimittis: Simeon's hymn, 2:

Parousia: Jesus' second coming
Eschaton: end time, when Jesus returns.
Eschatological: to do with the end times.
Soteriological: to do with salvation
Christological: to do with Christ/the Messiah
Pneumatological: to do with the Spirit
Messianic: to do with the Messiah
Messianism: belief in the Messiah
Mosaic Law: the Law of Moses
Torah: first five books of the OT, the Law of Moses
Second temple period: Jesus' era
Metanoia: repentance
Salvific: of salvation (e.g. salvific plan: plan of salvation)
Davidic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Isaianic: of David, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah etc. - e.g. Jesus' Davidic heritage
Greco-Roman: e.g. Greco-Roman world, worldviews etc. - Greek/Roman
First century culture/era/epoch/period
Hellenistic: to do with the Greeks/Gentiles; e.g. Luke's audience was mainly Hellenistic
Septuagint/LXX: the Old Testament in Greek, which would have been what they read in Jesus' time
Divine purpose: God's plans
Prophet: someone sent with a message from God, often with the Holy Spirit
Angelic: of/do to with angels

See these attachments below: a Word NRSV copy of Luke with a wide margin, which is good to print and annotate/highlight throughout the year.  Also, previous years' Luke exam questions: THE MOST USEFUL THING IN THIS POST.  Remember you have to log in (or register) before you can see the attachments!
Title: Re: Luke: Resources
Post by: heids on January 15, 2015, 09:41:18 pm
IN PROGRESS: apologies but it's easier to make additions as I go than come up with the whole thing at once :)

Table Fellowship (TF)
In this era, meeting round a common table symbolised friendship, intimacy and unity, and a sharing of lifestyles and values.  Eating with someone suggested that you were accepting them as equals; the Pharisees wouldn't eat with religious, social or economic inferiors.

Jesus' radical inclusivism is profoundingly counter-cultural, as he eats with all who invite him (including outcasts like tax collectors and 'sinners'):
 - 5:29-34 – Levi's banquet
 - 7:34
 - 15:2
 - 19:5-10 – Zacchaeus
His table fellowship can be seen as expressing forgiveness and acceptance into the KOG, an acted-out parable.

He also eats with Pharisees:
 - 7:36-50 – where the sinful woman anoints his feet
 - 11:37-38 onwards – woes to the Pharisees
 - 14:1 – teachings about humility and the Great Banquet parable
At each occasion, he says or does something shocking that overturns conventional worldviews.

Eschatological table fellowship (i.e. in the KOG)
 - 13:26-29
 - 14:15-24 - parable of Great Banquet
 - 22:16, 28-30
Holy Spirit (HS)

Infancy Narrative
The HS enables pious characters to provide divine interpretation of the significance of the births of John and Jesus in God's salvific plan.  Elizabeth details the significance of Mary's pregnancy to history; Zechariah describes John's forerunner role and the prophecies that will reach fulfilment in Jesus' birth; Simeon identifies Jesus as the “consolation” of Israel (Messiah), reveals the universal nature of Jesus' ministry, and foreshadows the future suffering and division of the Messiah which the Jews did not expect.

 - 1:15 (JTB)
 - 1:35 (HS involvement in Jesus' conception)
 - 1:41 (Elizabeth)
 - 1:67 (Zechariah)
 - 2:25, 26, 27 (Simeon)

Jesus is anointed by the HS, which points to his identity as the agent of God and equips him to fulfil his miraculous ministry of powerful healings and preaching the KOG.
 - 3:16
 - 3:22
 - 4:1
 - 4:14
 - 5:17
 - 6:19
Infancy narrative: Elizabeth, Mary, Anna
 - filled with the HS (provide divine interpretation of God's salvific plan); prophets
 - male-female pairing: possibly stresses equality of man and woman in God's salvific plan, and their equal  importance to the new community
 - this section is Luke's own material
 - Mary sings before Z

Galilean ministry, journey to Jerusalem: healed Jairus' daughter, the haemorrhaging woman, bent woman, Mary Magdalene and other women (who were his disciples), woman calling out in crowd
Identity of Jesus (ID)
Kingdom of God (KOG)
Discipleship (Disc)
Universal salvation (US)
Prophecy and Fulfilment (P&F)
Prayer (Pr)

Note: see my themes notes in the Notes section for a more detailed and completed (if less clear and neat) bunch of notes on themes!
Title: Re: Luke: Resources
Post by: MissSunshine on June 21, 2018, 08:05:34 pm
Hi! Just wondering which commentary you think is the best for wrapping your head around different themes. That's probably the thing I'm finding most difficult and thought maybe you would have a good idea of which would be most helpful.
Thanks  :)