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VCE Stuff => VCE English Studies => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE English & EAL => Topic started by: g1mp1e on March 04, 2015, 09:44:12 pm

Title: -
Post by: g1mp1e on March 04, 2015, 09:44:12 pm

Title: Re: Language Analysis Piece
Post by: M_BONG on March 04, 2015, 10:04:16 pm
There you go! I had a quick look - this is not very detailed but what I would say is try to be selective in your evidence/what you write and in doing so, you should cut down on summary and focus more on analysis. Also, decide how you are going to structure your paragraphs more effectively

In terms of progress, I think you are doing well, considering it's only March. 
Title: Re: Language Analysis Piece
Post by: g1mp1e on March 04, 2015, 10:37:32 pm
Title: Re: Language Analysis Piece
Post by: M_BONG on March 04, 2015, 10:54:12 pm

Sorry, I don't usually give out numerical marks because I am not a qualified teacher and not really experienced in giving out marks haha but I recond VCAA would give this a 6 or a 7 if if it were at the end of the year. You may be looking at a 7 for the SAC if you wrote this on the day- so that's a low B+ I think.. I am not sure about how Mulholland marks though.

SACs are technically cross marked but only if teachers put them out to be cross-marked - that is, if your teacher has any doubts/queries over the marks, they will put them out to be cross-marked. Otherwise, it would be unrealistic for teachers to be crossmarking 300 SACs in one-day (that's right, crossmarking/moderation only takes a day). If your SAC is cross-marked, the crossmarker's initials will be written down on your assessment/criteria sheet and if the box is left empty, it wasn't crossmarked.

You should analyse headlines and subheadings if it's worth analysing - that is the general rule for most things in English. If you have something interesting or worthwhile to say, say it. Otherwise, analysing headlines just because you think you have to will ruin your whole piece. Whether you analyse it in a separate or same paragraph depends on how you structure your paragraphs - whether by arguments, chronologically, by techniques/devices or by key players/stakeholders. Again, like I said in the comments make sure you have one approach and try to be consistent.
Title: Re: Language Analysis Piece
Post by: M_BONG on March 05, 2015, 06:43:36 pm
Ah ok, thanks for the advice. Since the SAC is next week, are there any short term strategies I could use to quickly boost my mark to a 9-10?
Yes. The best 'short-term strategy' is to spam your teacher with practice essays and trying to implement every minor detail they ask you to in their comments - even if you think they are blatantly stupid. Sometimes, and I note sometimes, if you implement what they ask you to - however pedantic - you might just boost your mark up even if your essay isn't worth a 9 or a 10. That's what I call playing the VCE game, haha. Not viable in the long run though.

Title: Re: Language Analysis Piece
Post by: g1mp1e on March 05, 2015, 10:09:52 pm
Yes. The best 'short-term strategy' is to spam your teacher with practice essays and trying to implement every minor detail they ask you to in their comments - even if you think they are blatantly stupid. Sometimes, and I note sometimes, if you implement what they ask you to - however pedantic - you might just boost your mark up even if your essay isn't worth a 9 or a 10. That's what I call playing the VCE game, haha. Not viable in the long run though.

Mint! Thanks heaps for everything man, and wish me luck haha! :P
Title: Re: Language Analysis Piece
Post by: g1mp1e on March 06, 2015, 01:15:36 pm
Yes. The best 'short-term strategy' is to spam your teacher with practice essays and trying to implement every minor detail they ask you to in their comments - even if you think they are blatantly stupid. Sometimes, and I note sometimes, if you implement what they ask you to - however pedantic - you might just boost your mark up even if your essay isn't worth a 9 or a 10. That's what I call playing the VCE game, haha. Not viable in the long run though.

Also, by any chance, do you have a copy of the piece that you wrote for the SAC on Julian Knight from last year? If so, would you mind sending me a PM?