ATAR Notes: Forum

Administration => AN Community Lounge => Topic started by: heids on August 03, 2016, 12:07:06 pm

Title: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: heids on August 03, 2016, 12:07:06 pm
For those of us that have been here for a little while (and those who are new, too), I thought it'd be pretty cool to look back at

a) who sent you your first PM
b) what your first post was

just to see how far we've come since then haha, and probably for some laughs.  LOL, reading my early posts is pretty hilarious.  Da memories :')

a) My first PM was sent by Rod welcoming me to AN and asking if I was Bangladeshi due to my username back then (bangali_lok), thanks Rod! :D
b) My first post (LOL)
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: jamonwindeyer on August 03, 2016, 12:17:22 pm
Great idea!

My first post back in June last year ;)

The first PM in my inbox is from early this year, which makes me think I deleted some from last year...
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: RuiAce on August 03, 2016, 12:26:43 pm
It was either me helping answer a chemistry question or the now dead challenge threads for maths.

First message was a compliment from Brenden lol :)
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: Aaron on August 03, 2016, 12:32:08 pm
First post

First PM was having a sook to nina about my Study Guide being delivered late (and the response was the first one sent to me)... oh boy those were the days  ::)
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: pi on August 03, 2016, 12:34:48 pm
Of course my first post was asking for copyright materials, back when AN was much more lenient about that sort of stuff ;)
My teacher has a copy but won't lend it, maybe other schools have them?

And my first PM I got was someone asking about my opinions on VCE physics.
wna tell me if physics is shit and if there are any good teachers?
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: studybuddy7777 on August 03, 2016, 12:44:46 pm
I think this is a good idea!

My first post an English essay to be marked :D

My first post ;D

My first PM was Jamon to commend me on my work on the forums closely followed by CinnamonTea telling my about A'isha (CT thought it was a post not a pm ;D)

Even though ive only been on Atarnotes for not even 2 weeks it seems like ages since i decided to join up!!
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: brenden on August 03, 2016, 12:48:11 pm
This is the best thread idea ever.

My first post was a really unclear explanation before the Unit 3 mid-year VCAA Psych exam
Essentially the phonological loop is a temporary store for sounds (think of a phone when you hear 'phono'), so when you're sub-vocally rehearsing verbal information you're using your phonological loop.
The Central Exec. however, coordinates or integrates material from the slave systems of working memory. It makes the decisions and combines the loop and the sketchpad (I like to think of the Exec as the 'Big Boss').
For example, working out the price of 5 tins of Pringles, your C. Exec would decide that you need your 5 times tables, order the Buffer to retrieve these times tables from LTM, at which point the sketchpad might form the mental image of "5 x 2.45", the phonological loop might be in use "5 x 2.45, 5 x 2.45, 5 x 2.45" while the Central Executive coordinates that material and makes the decision as to how much those Pringles are going to cost you.
I'm really sorry if I just confused you more. I'm not used to explaining things without the use of my hands and verbal intonation lol.

My first PM was to a user called katykins - I asked a Theatre Studies question... I think we're the only two people in the history of ATAR Notes to have ever taken Theatre Studies.
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: sweetiepi on August 03, 2016, 03:01:14 pm
The person who sent me my first PM is Heidi... :P
(Although that was around two weeks ago! (I think) :P )
But my post was this.
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: spectroscopy on August 03, 2016, 04:04:58 pm
the first PM I ever received on atarnotes was paulsterio telling me his results for physics for his sacs, exam1, and exam 2...
the fact that it was from him as well as the fact it was so long ago that physics still had 2 exams shows how long i've been around LOL

and this is my first post LOL
So my school is offering unit 3/4 bio next year (year 11), and im pretty keen on doing it next year, because all over these forums it seems the highest achievers who've done bio did so in year 11,
i was just curious, as to whether you need unit 1/2 to do well in units 3/4
don't laugh at my lack of knowledge please  :-[
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: Rod on August 03, 2016, 07:10:15 pm
First PM:

A user named Anchy and I were discussing our year 11 results and motivating each other for the ultimate year 12.

First post

Was in the HHD thread 2013:

''Congratulations guys!  :)

Like juzza said, hope you guys stick around next year and help us year 11s follow your foot steps!''

I was congratulating people like Joseph, Smiley, Yearning for simplicity and some others on their amazing HHD scores. Each of them kept their word and stayed active on AtarNotes and helped immensely throughout year 12. One of them (Joseph) is still very active and still contributes to this forum so much :D
Title: Re: AN Nostalgia: Your First Post and First PM
Post by: Alter on August 03, 2016, 08:29:08 pm
My first post was in the Psych 2014 thread with a vague question about detail in notes. A very fitting "This is my first post!" as well.

My first PM was from strawberries who asked me about German as we were the only two doing German in the Class of 2015 thread!