ATAR Notes: Forum

Uni Stuff => General University Discussion and Queries => The University Journey Journal => Topic started by: strawberries on August 22, 2017, 10:22:54 pm

Title: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 22, 2017, 10:22:54 pm
Hello I'm strawberries

I graduated VCE in 2015, took a gap year, and now I'm a first year at The Australian National University in Canberra :)
My degree is pretty complicated to explain, so let's just say I'm doing a kind of specialized arts degree :)

subjects I'm taking
Last semester I took intro courses in philosophy, politics, international relations and international security. In winter I took a course in political theory/philosophy, and this semester I'm doing a course in political economy, a course about how to write political science essays, and another intro course in IR (continued course of what I did in sem 1). I really enjoy what I'm doing in uni (although it's kinda hard!)

last semester
Last sem was quite ok! Do have a distinction average, which is ok, and I've literally learnt so much last sem! (although I've forgotten quite a bit, but still)
Uni social life is quite difficult though

But strawbs, what do you want to do after your degree?
Honestly I have no idea, in terms of future study, there are many things I'd consider. Perhaps honours in either international relations or political science, maybe a masters degree in this area? I'd also like to do a PhD but yeah, still early days yet :P (also love to explore other fields)
Also, have been considering a UoM JD for a while, don't know if I should start prepping for LSAT yet, as I'm still not 100% sure I want to go, and idk if I want to spend a long time studying a law degree. Have also wanted to do an MBA before...but yeah I'm so ambitious :P
Part of me just wants to get out of uni asap

In terms of career, I would probably like to work as a diplomat tbh (ideally but not realistically though, although my career ideas will probably change over time). Getting into DFAT is very competitive, so yeah.
Also I'd like to be a politician one day, but just as a job not as a career (still need to work out my political affiliations first).
I'd probably like to start up my own business or be a CEO or something, and I'd love to be working in somewhere like London or NYC #onecandream
I have a problem aiming high rather than realistic so tbh I have no idea what I'd realistically be able to do

diary today (22/8):
- had a tutorial and a lecture (very confused)
- I read like a tiny little bit for my essay that's due in a month, but yeah, spent a lot of today eating and doing chores :(
- i'm pretty happy I finished my readings last week for my political science lecture tomorrow :) (even though I'm still fairly confused)

I do have a long to-do list though: mainly just making more notes, I took notes of my readings all sem but I need to make them neater and combine into a doc so I get a booklet :)

yep...this post turned out rather long...and I spent time doing this...rather than doing actual work :P #procrastinationwins
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: K888 on August 22, 2017, 10:25:02 pm
The quality of thread titles here is top-notch. I take credit for starting the trend ;)

Great read! I look forward to following this throughout the rest of semester, strawbs :D
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: brenden on August 23, 2017, 10:45:36 am
Yaaaaaaaaas strawbs!
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 23, 2017, 09:21:20 pm
ahh 23/8 - not so productive in terms of work but I did go shopping and buy some groceries today!

today I only had an evening lecture, was quite okay :P
I also did a tiny bit of reading for my IR essay, I even wrote some paragraphs but chances are I'm probably not gonna use them as I'm not even close to finishing my research (but I just get into the habit of writing before I've finished researching)
ps. word limits need to be reasonable. 1000 words is not enough to get information across
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on August 23, 2017, 09:27:33 pm
ps. word limits need to be reasonable. 1000 words is not enough to get information across
Try a word count of 750. ;)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 23, 2017, 09:41:00 pm
Try a word count of 750. ;)
is that even considered an essay? :P

(have had small assignments worth 500 words though)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: K888 on August 23, 2017, 09:41:24 pm
Try a word count of 750. ;)
Feels 🙌

I have a limit of 2,500 words for my major semester assignment worth 20% of my semester grade. And this is an assignment that takes 9-10 weeks to do  ::)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on August 23, 2017, 10:08:47 pm
is that even considered an essay? :P

(have had small assignments worth 500 words though)
It's not an essay but I'm still struggling to strike a balance between describing/explaining what I'm talking about, and analysing it. :P I'm still working on cutting it down so I can meet the +10% word limit. ::)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 24, 2017, 10:41:47 pm

- I had 2 tutorials and 1 lecture...
- okay so in my political science tutorial I am very confused...we've liked talked about maths and statistics and standard deviations...I can't believe I forgot this shit
- I have a midterm next week for IPE...I've pretty much finished making my flashcards and typed up notes from all the lectures this year, but I might want to re-read some parts of the textbook and do parts I haven't quite finished yet...but at the moment, I feel okay about it
- I need to have a more defined to do list, I just pretty much do work whenver I feel like it :P
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: brenden on August 24, 2017, 10:43:41 pm
To do lists are a godsend!! You can still do stuff when you feel like it but... you get to cross it off your to do list when you're finished!
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: K888 on August 24, 2017, 10:45:00 pm
- okay so in my political science tutorial I am very confused...we've liked talked about maths and statistics and standard deviations...I can't believe I forgot this shit
I feel this! We're doing it in research right now and it's bringing back bad memories of Methods :(

Do you like all the units you're doing strawbs? Would you change any, in hindsight? :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 24, 2017, 10:48:15 pm
To do lists are a godsend!! You can still do stuff when you feel like it but... you get to cross it off your to do list when you're finished!
yep that's true! I did that during swotvac and I was pretty productive and got things done quickly...but now...(should probs make one xD)

I feel this! We're doing it in research right now and it's bringing back bad memories of Methods :(

Do you like all the units you're doing strawbs? Would you change any, in hindsight? :)
yeah tbh I quite liked doing the stats part of methods but I completely forgot it now  :o
technically all my units are compulsory for my degree so I have to do them sooner or later :P
so far they're quite good :D (actually political science didn't start off too well, but now it's ok!)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 27, 2017, 11:12:33 pm
weekend (26-27/8): so unproductive (ugh)

- so on Saturday it was Open Day, but I just decided to go and hang around to get free food :P
- I only have one midsem (this Thursday) for IPE, but for some strange reason I feel sorta good and confident about it? Like, I don't feel like I need to prepare much because I think I know most of it already ??
- I added more notes to my current set for IPE, except idek if I'm wasting my time or not anymore...or if I should print them out
- today I did half of my IR readings, and I decided to make a comparison table of the different IR schools of thought for no reason really...
yep...I need help with sorting out my life xD
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: sweetiepi on August 28, 2017, 07:56:49 pm
weekend (26-27/8): so unproductive (ugh)
I feel you on a spiritual level with the unproductivity- happens to me too!

How was today for you, Strawbs? :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 29, 2017, 11:26:50 pm
I feel you on a spiritual level with the unproductivity- happens to me too!

How was today for you, Strawbs? :)
yep  :-\

um so yesterday (28/8) - is it bad that I even forgot what I did??
I did answer some tute questions regarding for my tute today, I did try and make my notes for my IPE midsem a little neater and add a bit more info, but other than that I really can't remember.
ooh and I printed flashcards too

today (29/8):
- had an IPE tute. we discussed tutorial questions she emailed us...and yeah, i decided to probably answer too many questions ::)
- had an IR lecture where she discussed critical theories. to be honest, I'm sorta confused and didn't know what she was talking about on one hand, but on the other hand I found it pretty interesting? especially when you get a different view to your traditional schools (realism/liberalism)
like, the readings we got were supposed to be about Marxism and feminism, and an extra journal article on feminism (which I didn't read oops) but she spent little on that and more on discussing ideas, changes and other critical schools of thought (e.g. Frankfurt school)
- in the evening I played some sport and sucked...
- and since then, all I've done is clean up my IPE notes for my exam??

I have essays due in like 3 weeks...should probably get onto them (after I finish my exam)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 01, 2017, 09:28:59 pm
- so yesterday was my last day of classes cos of midterm break, I had 2 tutes followed by an exam for IPE
- my IPE exam went okay, it was an online open-book multiple choice, I did well but I'm sorta upset I didn't get 100% given the circumstances. oh well.
- also got my marks for my winter course. #bragging but pretty happy that I ended up with a HD in a 2nd-year unit which I had no idea what was going on...and it was my highest mark at uni so far :)
- since it was basically midterm break after I finished my exam, I pretty much went home and ate and chilled the rest of the day

- today...again another lazy morning...but by afternoon/evening I got going and I continued to research about my IR essay...I do have alot of resources so far (a lot of books + journals) but tbh idek if i'm researching too much?? haha :P
- also got my marks back for my political science paper :) literally thought I was going to fail so glad I didn't haha :P

by the end of this week I hope to finish my drafts for my IR and political science essays :)
(hopefully I won't procrastinate as bad as last midsem break! ::))
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on September 01, 2017, 09:38:18 pm
- also got my marks for my winter course. #bragging but pretty happy that I ended up with a HD in a 2nd-year unit which I had no idea what was going on...and it was my highest mark at uni so far :)
Yay, Strawberries <3

- today...again another lazy morning...but by afternoon/evening I got going and I continued to research about my IR essay...I do have alot of resources so far (a lot of books + journals) but tbh idek if i'm researching too much?? haha :P
Literally me, haha. I have so many notes that are just quotes that I might use. :P
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 07, 2017, 05:36:23 pm

- so today, I went to uni and studied in the student space from 9-5, honestly...I felt like I didn't really procrastinate and spend a lot of time doing other stuff (minus food breaks)..but when I look at it, I didn't accomplish much today? time just felt like it went really fast :(
So what did I do today?
- I've written parts of my IR essay over the past few days. It's only like 2/3 done in terms of info, but I'm way over word limit, so I made a plan and I'm probs gonna cut down/learn to say things in fewer words
- I played around a lot with excel today for my political science assignment. excel and pivot tables are confusing
- I also read about 20/80 pages of my IR reading
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 12, 2017, 09:22:27 pm
past few days

- pretty much been writing my essays, focusing on my IR one (cos it's due 2 days earlier) but I should probs focus more on PolSci cos it's worth more
- so I'm pretty much 'done' with my IR essay with a very bad draft (I got all my ideas), but now I'm trying to add in all my references + citations and is so confusing! (thank God footnotes reduce my word count by quite a bit though!)
- really worried about how I do on these essays :(
- midsem break is almost over!! nooo! :(
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on September 12, 2017, 09:36:00 pm
Strawberries, I love reading your updates! <3

- so I'm pretty much 'done' with my IR essay with a very bad draft (I got all my ideas), but now I'm trying to add in all my references + citations and is so confusing! (thank God footnotes reduce my word count by quite a bit though!)
- really worried about how I do on these essays :(
This reminds me of my first semester. :P I didn't uncheck the 'Include footnotes in word count' on Word and I only remembered to do so two or three days before the due date, and I had to frantically come up with another 300 words. :P

But, Strawbs, you'll be fine, I'm sure you've smashed them! Also glad I'm not the only one dealing with writing two essays at the moment, it's crazy!

Any tips for Politics or IR? I'm thinking of picking up a unit in either one next semester! :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 12, 2017, 09:48:46 pm
Strawberries, I love reading your updates! <3
This reminds me of my first semester. :P I didn't uncheck the 'Include footnotes in word count' on Word and I only remembered to do so two or three days before the due date, and I had to frantically come up with another 300 words. :P

But, Strawbs, you'll be fine, I'm sure you've smashed them! Also glad I'm not the only one dealing with writing two essays at the moment, it's crazy!

Any tips for Politics or IR? I'm thinking of picking up a unit in either one next semester! :)
Coffee! <3

hope your essays are going well! :D

tips for politics/IR, I actually don't have many tbh :P I found it fairly straightforward though (like in understanding content, writing good essays are hard though)
I don't think you have to be super into the news or anything, cos even rn we've mostly been studying theories rather than current events (but talked about historical events too...but I felt like you didn't need to be an expert cos it's self explanatory when you read texts/lectures...idk how the units are run at Monash so I'm not too sure)
also if you do politics though, be prepared for some maths/stats/graphs :P
good luck with you! :)

Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 17, 2017, 05:16:08 pm

so I finished writing my IR essay today! :)
I really need to see a learning advisor to check/read over my essay but we're only allowed to see them once every 14 days  :-\

in other words, next week is back to school! midsem went so quick! :(
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 20, 2017, 10:59:33 pm
had a very busy day today, although a lot of it was spent not necessarily on schoolwork

- so I slept in today till like 9 because I was busy staying up finishing my essay
- I made 2 trips to the city because I forgot to buy some things the first time ::)
- I got my essay checked over with a learning advisor
- I did quite a bit of washing (#yaychores)
- I had a lecture today
- I read a few pages of my IPE textbook reading

gonna be a busy week(end)!
strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Sine on September 20, 2017, 11:11:56 pm
- so I slept in today till like 9 because I was busy staying up finishing my essay
wow that's an early morning for me  :-\
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 21, 2017, 07:34:54 am
wow that's an early morning for me  :-\
really? what time do you usually start?
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: elysepopplewell on September 21, 2017, 09:17:28 am
Here to say I'm loving this journal title!
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Sine on September 21, 2017, 07:05:48 pm
really? what time do you usually start?
ranges anywhere between 8am to 2pm or whenever I wake up LOL
although I haven't been to an 8am since week 1-2.

Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 21, 2017, 10:47:48 pm
Here to say I'm loving this journal title!
haha thanks ;) love yours too :P

ranges anywhere between 8am to 2pm or whenever I wake up LOL
although I haven't been to an 8am since week 1-2.

yeah I mainly like to wake up early just so I can get some work done (but really I still wake up like 1-2 hrs later than I planned...:P)

- I had a PolSci tute - was okay i guess? I overheard two of the people I was in a group discussion with talking about their marks for the last assignment and it was higher than it makes me feel sorta bad?  :-\
- we had an IR tute but it was about how to write essays. I think the tutor hates me cos I asked so many stupid questions :P
- okay, so I was supposed to have an IPE lecture on FDI in the afternoon but I skipped it (:o) to go to work...I sorta feel bad about skipping though
- my feet were sore after standing up for over 6hrs in heels :)
- when I got home I rewatched the lecture I missed...I will probably never skip a lecture again shall I say :P
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 22, 2017, 11:17:19 pm

- finished TWO IR readings! yep, two! both took me forever to read and were like 40 pages but I got thru them :)
- also made some flashcards regarding some IR textbook definitions
- re-read my IR essay, it's not perfect but I really don't know how to fix it
- polsci essay: um it's getting close to due date but I felt like I haven't researched enough yet? so I did some more :P i'm still very confused and critical of my own work haha

EDIT: also started to write some applications
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: peterpiper on September 23, 2017, 12:20:49 am
- re-read my IR essay, it's not perfect but I really don't know how to fix it

Seriously me all the time. Can only comment when I did lit haha so I can't comment specifically (soz). The best thing is to just mull over the ideas in different ways and talk yourself through it - could what you say be more sophisticated? Were there any words that seem out-of-place/not the best word for that sentence? Are there any other interesting angles which you could've gone through to present that point., etc. I have a habit of just writing how I would say things, and if you can write directly all your ideas in a draft, that's great! Most of your time will be spent editing and making the ideas sound fluent/cohesive. Personally, I'd print out a draft of my essay and start ripping out sexy sentences with a pen-on-paper, or when the inspiration strikes - create new avenues for other ideas and start creating a second draft, repeat ad infinitum.
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 24, 2017, 11:11:23 pm
weekend 23/9-24/9
- ugh, spent most of the weekend working and being sick so I haven't had much time let alone feel well to get much/any work done :(
sucks after a fairly productive Friday
- I have so much shit due this week, I really don't know if I can finish it (well yes, I've finished but I could improve them a lot more)
- idek if I should ask for an extension. Personally don't like the idea of extensions but idk...(was my fault to work but couldn't help getting sick)

EDIT: Also have essays due in 4-5 weeks which I haven't started. :) :) :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: K888 on September 24, 2017, 11:39:10 pm
- idek if I should ask for an extension. Personally don't like the idea of extensions but idk...(was my fault to work but couldn't help getting sick)
Speaking from experience strawbs, sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and apply! The worst that can happen is you get knocked back :) But if you've been sick, it's impacted your ability to work to your best ability in regards to uni stuff, so you should seriously consider applying.

I got an extension for my major assignment (worth 20% of semester mark) and like, it still doesn't sit well 100% with me, but (deep down) I know that I did actually need it, and it was a smart idea to apply.
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 26, 2017, 09:59:23 pm
Speaking from experience strawbs, sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and apply! The worst that can happen is you get knocked back :) But if you've been sick, it's impacted your ability to work to your best ability in regards to uni stuff, so you should seriously consider applying.

I got an extension for my major assignment (worth 20% of semester mark) and like, it still doesn't sit well 100% with me, but (deep down) I know that I did actually need it, and it was a smart idea to apply.
ended up applying for the extension and she gave me 2 days :) I feel kinda bad tho haha :/

so today (26/9)
- had an IPE tutorial. really should've gone to the previous lecture and I probably would've paid more attention
- had a pretty good and interesting lecture on weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons in IR today (I'm really grateful I did most of the readings though!)
- in the evening/night I continued to write my polsci essay...but I really feel like it's going nowhere
I realize how far behind I am :(
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: EEEEEEP on September 26, 2017, 10:03:13 pm
ended up applying for the extension and she gave me 2 days :) I feel kinda bad tho haha :/

so today (26/9)
- had an IPE tutorial. really should've gone to the previous lecture and I probably would've paid more attention
- had a pretty good and interesting lecture on weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons in IR today (I'm really grateful I did most of the readings though!)
- in the evening/night I continued to write my polsci essay...but I really feel like it's going nowhere
I realize how far behind I am :(
Putin more effort +). Step at a time ~

You can get through this and catch up :D
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on September 28, 2017, 11:23:44 pm

just going to rant on my journal...

I just can't finish this essay. Got this extension and it's due in a few hours...I just can't >:( :( :'(

I've spent so much time on this essay and I feel like it'd be wasted if I don't get a good mark
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Jigsaw on September 28, 2017, 11:53:38 pm

just going to rant on my journal...

I just can't finish this essay. Got this extension and it's due in a few hours...I just can't >:( :( :'(

I've spent so much time on this essay and I feel like it'd be wasted if I don't get a good mark

Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on October 09, 2017, 08:24:24 pm
haven't updated in a while but yeah

so over the weekend (including Friday) I literally spent no time on schoolwork because I was working like full days + I suck.
today...I literally woke up at midday and spent 2 hours doing chores and thought I might start in the afternoon but I spent like almost 2 hours looking up exchange programs
i'm currently writing an essay, but I don't know which side I should take.

week 10, exams in just over a month and I cbf already
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: zofromuxo on October 09, 2017, 08:38:42 pm
haven't updated in a while but yeah

so over the weekend (including Friday) I literally spent no time on schoolwork because I was working like full days + I suck.
today...I literally woke up at midday and spent 2 hours doing chores and thought I might start in the afternoon but I spent like almost 2 hours looking up exchange programs
i'm currently writing an essay, but I don't know which side I should take.

week 10, exams in just over a month and I cbf already
What places have you decided for your exchange or are you still looking?

Ahh, exams at least you have time to not cbf, I can't mine are in 2 weeks times :(.
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on October 09, 2017, 09:13:16 pm
I spent like almost 2 hours looking up exchange programs
Story of my life. :P

Where are you thinking of going? <3
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on October 09, 2017, 09:21:53 pm
What places have you decided for your exchange or are you still looking?

Ahh, exams at least you have time to not cbf, I can't mine are in 2 weeks times :(.
good luck to you! :)
We had a 2-week midterm break so we're only at week 10 haha :/ whereas others are at wk11
Story of my life. :P

Where are you thinking of going? <3
We get to pick 5 preferences. So far, I'm thinking somewhere in America (all really competitive), probably Europe like Germany or France, or even like Asia (e.g. China/HK/Singapore). UK is also in consideration. Soooo many options but can't decide!

I think you said you were considering the UK right? Were you considering anywhere else? :) <3
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on October 09, 2017, 09:34:18 pm
good luck to you! :)
We get to pick 5 preferences. So far, I'm thinking Sciences Po or George Washington University (both are uuuuber competitive though), so if not, probably Germany (Konstanz) or Netherlands (Leiden) or Charles University in Prague. UK is also in consideration. Soooo many options but can't decide!

I think you said you were considering the UK right? Were you considering anywhere else? :) <3
The U.S. sounds so amazing, I'd love to do a study tour there!

You're lucky! We only get two preferences. :P I've definitely decided on the UK, but I'm in the same boat as you, there are so many options and I can't decide either. My first preference is also incredibly competitive, so my second preference needs to be a 'safer' one.
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on October 26, 2017, 05:41:18 pm
haven't updated in a while

but I have an essay due in a few hours
I suck :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: zofromuxo on October 26, 2017, 05:44:15 pm
haven't updated in a while

but I have an essay due in a few hours
I suck :)
Come on strawbs. I believe that you can do better then that. I look forward to another "proper" entry. :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on November 10, 2017, 07:02:49 pm
haven't updated this in forever but...(this is a really weird journal entry)

I haven't had a single exam yet. I've been spending like ~6-7hours each day for the past few days "studying" and eating takeout excessively.
I also keep sleeping in till 8/9 -_-
I don't even know how to feel.
I'm not even gonna bother studying for IR...especially as it's an open-book online essay-writing exam
Political Science...I think I'm screwed.
IPE - I really don't know.
I really don't know for any of my subjects if I'm studying "too much" of certain areas - I haven't done the readings for like 80% of the topics
Crappy marks for the whole year means that I have need like super high marks to get HDs :/

In a way, I am screwed...but...I don't know? :'( :'(
I don't even know how to describe how I feel right now?
I know for a fact I'm screwed, and I am worried, but I'm also okay at the same time?
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: peterpiper on November 12, 2017, 08:32:32 pm
In a way, I am screwed...but...I don't know? :'( :'(
I don't even know how to describe how I feel right now?
I know for a fact I'm screwed, and I am worried, but I'm also okay at the same time?

I actually spilt tea all over me when I read this. You may not be in the most celebratory feels to feel my excitement about this discovery, but that is probably the most relatable thing I've read in the history of reading anything. It's both sad and comforting that you're also experiencing this. 'Do I care?' 'Not really' 'Should I worry?' 'Yeah, start panicking more and maybe future you won't cripple from the overwhelming responsibilities you place on its poor back' 'But I'm feeling okay. It's not like it matters a lot' 'Doesn't matter. Do it anyway' 'Nah fuck it. Gotta watch some nature documentary' *panics mildly in the foreground of cerebral cortex
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on November 15, 2017, 04:37:40 pm
15th Nov

- finished my last exam today!! had 3 days in a row of exams!!
can say I (hopefully) finished first year (until results come :P and hopefully no supps)
- personally I still don't feel that 'relieved' but yeah, I actually sorta wanna start learning again already? #whatanerd
- over the next week I'll finalize my exchange preferences and get the college to sign them off before I send my application...I just don't know what my GPA will be like so not sure if it's worth considering competitive ones
- also consider what subjects/units/courses I'll be taking next year. I applied for a degree transfer but I may not get it and I may not want it...decisions
will most likely be taking a summer intensive unit

also interesting to think this time two years ago when I was finishing year 12 I didn't think I would be here doing what I have done :o
I also feel a lot less pressure and stress of the importance of uni compared to VCE? (despite harder work)

strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on December 05, 2017, 06:17:34 pm
random update for no reason cos I can

- last week, I finalized and submitted my applications for exchange
- got my results last week, did better in Sem 2 than Sem 1...but still sorta wish I did better. But I did meet the GPA required to go on exchange to restrictive partners :) - but still doesn't mean I'll get it though :/
- now I'm really in holiday mode and sleeping a lot. also working a fair bit too. now I really don't want to go back to uni tbh.
- sorta deciding what courses to take next year. possibly considering a degree transfer but not too sure yet - I wouldn't find out if my transfer application would be successful until like a week before class starts so idk :/

I should probably get into a better routine, do some cooking, read some books and prepare myself for 2nd year I guess?
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Coffee on December 05, 2017, 06:37:04 pm
random update for no reason cos I can

- last week, I finalized and submitted my applications for exchange
Yay, so exciting! Where are you thinking of going again?

I was choosing modules earlier for my exchange today. Aah, I'm so excited. ;D

- sorta deciding what courses to take next year. possibly considering a degree transfer but not too sure yet - I wouldn't find out if my transfer application would be successful until like a week before class starts so idk :/
What degree are you thinking of transferring to? :)

Enjoy your holidays, Strawberries. Well deserved. :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on December 05, 2017, 08:54:03 pm
Yay, so exciting! Where are you thinking of going again?

I was choosing modules earlier for my exchange today. Aah, I'm so excited. ;D
What degree are you thinking of transferring to? :)

Enjoy your holidays, Strawberries. Well deserved. :)
thanks Coffee! hope you're all well ;D

so I decided to apply to universities in USA, Netherlands, China, Canada and Czech Republic in that order. we'll see where I get :)
I'm thinking of doing something like Asian Studies, not too sure if I'd do it though :P
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on January 01, 2018, 02:56:29 pm
1st Jan 2018

idk if anyone'll read this but yeah w/e

Happy New Year! :D

anyways, now onto my uni journal. i'm so indecisive...
dunno if I should take 3 or 4 courses this semester. if I take 4, idk what to do as my fourth one? so many decisions!
also, if I do go on exchange next sem it really affects my course structure.
discovered our timetables are up and it looks like I have a 5-day timetable this semester with the 3 courses I've locked in :( (vs 4- and 3-day timetables last year)

also a week to go till my summer course!

hope everyone's having a good holidays,
strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on January 24, 2018, 02:13:02 pm
24th Jan

- finished my summer course last week :D
- our assessments included tutorial participation & discussion and a group seminar presentation and I am satisfied with results I guess
- however, we still have a takehome exam to complete as well as an essay, I am a bit nervous because I'm not too sure if I've fully understood the content and I don't think I can ask the lecturers regarding this :P
- there are so many essay topics to choose from, I'm leaning towards a few but I'm still undecided. it's due in like 3.5 weeks ://
we also have to analyze data from election studies which is sorta confusing but I'll play around with it when I finish my exam!

Also, semi rant here but I'm sort of upset that I can't enrol in a Diploma of Languages right now due to changes in Commonwealth funding. Like, I completely understand that they may not be able to "afford" it, I just wish we were known about it earlier :( I was really keen to go into depth into learning a language
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on January 31, 2018, 05:16:20 pm
31st Jan

wow already one month into the new year :o feel like it just started

I submitted my exam a few days ago, I do have an essay due in 2.5 weeks. I started very basic ideas/researching ~3-4 weeks ago, but because I've been so busy with my exam, I haven't started it until like today (lol oops). I hate myself.
Really indecisive about topics now. One I want to do is similar to the exam and I'm worried if I did the exam wrong that my essay will be wrong..:/

week 1 starts on the 19th. I still haven't fully decided what subjects I want to do. I'm pretty sure I'll begin learning a language (French), but the others...not too sure haha
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on February 20, 2018, 04:17:17 pm
20th Feb

- it's been a while! Idek if anyone's gonna read this haha.
- This week is week 1, last week was o-week and I've been really sick over the past 2 weeks :(
- I got an extension for my essay for my summer course. I'm happy with my mark I got in the final exam though :)
I'm hoping I can do equally well on my essay. #gettingthere
- This semester I'll be doing 4 subjects (#scared) - one on political theory, one for international relations, one about the EU and introductory French language. Really excited for learning stuff but also scared of the workload!
I'm already like super behind *shivers*
- I got approved next semester to study in Europe for exchange! :D super excited, hopefully it'll work out!

strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on April 24, 2018, 09:13:53 pm
24th April

been over 2 months, time for an update I guess? :P (if anyone's gonna read this)

So it's week 8 already, had our midsem break not long ago, also had a few assessments as well. I'll be honest, I haven't been doing too well and I have been struggling :/ I really don't know why. Sometimes I procrastinate and get unmotivated but most of the time I put in a lot of effort and don't see results.

I don't know what I should write haha...I have 2 essays due in <2 weeks (one I will probably be writing on theories of the EU formation for IR, and the other will be on theories of the European Parliament for my EU subject but I might change my mind on the second one lol) and I haven't finished researching/drafting yet...I also have a politics essay due in like <3 weeks and I will probably be comparing the ideas of Hobbes/Locke/Rousseau (which I need to re-read or at least read Sparknotes so I make sure I fully understand haha). I haven't even thought about finals yet...I feel like I need to start making notes already but idk :/ haha
right now
With French, I feel like that's the one I'm putting in the least effort in but I still find it qutie okay cos we get online homework (modules) each day and I complete them right after class most of the time. I did scrape a HD on my midterm/first test which we got back today but I made so many silly errors. With my other subjects, I seriously feel like I don't have enough background knowledge but idk if it's just me I've done okay on the assessments so far...and I generally seem to 'get' what they're saying in class, but I don't feel like I know enough extensively.
Also, I'm super hyped about going on exchange next semester!

Re non-academics, I am really uninvolved in clubs and extracurriculars, I really dunno what to do because everything seems 'full' already and I don't hear about anything. I probably should get involved re resumes/future careers, but I also feel like I don't have the time?

strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on May 13, 2018, 01:31:02 pm
13th may

cannot cut down my essay. haven't even finished researching/writing (done about 2/3rds-3/4s?) but am like still 400-500 over the limit :-\
oh yeah and it's overdue tomorrow :) :) :)

Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: sweetiepi on May 13, 2018, 01:45:29 pm
13th may

cannot cut down my essay. haven't even finished researching/writing (done about 2/3rds-3/4s?) but am like still 400-500 over the limit :-\
oh yeah and it's overdue tomorrow :) :) :)


Heya strawberries!
I reckon you can do it! ^_^

Best of luck for getting this essay done! <3
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on June 03, 2018, 04:40:18 pm
3rd June

Well exam period has begun last week!
I only have 2 exams this time, which is lucky, and they're also spread 1 week apart! (my previous exams were all on consecutive days).
Last Friday, I had my politics exam. I really don't know how I was an open book exam and everyone else brought in prepared essays whereas I just wrote it on the spot (cos I was lazy) so... :-[

Last week I also got 2 essays back (politics & IR) and was thrilled to get a HD for both of them :o I really wasn't expecting it but I did put in a lot of effort. :) after receiving those marks back I was slightly more confident I guess? idk, I just really hope I don't continue to fuck up my GPA...
This Friday is my IR exam - I'm actually really scared because this course is so hard with a lot of theoretical applications.

strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: peterpiper on June 03, 2018, 06:10:34 pm
3rd June

Well exam period has begun last week!
I only have 2 exams this time, which is lucky, and they're also spread 1 week apart! (my previous exams were all on consecutive days).
Last Friday, I had my politics exam. I really don't know how I was an open book exam and everyone else brought in prepared essays whereas I just wrote it on the spot (cos I was lazy) so... :-[

Last week I also got 2 essays back (politics & IR) and was thrilled to get a HD for both of them :o I really wasn't expecting it but I did put in a lot of effort. :) after receiving those marks back I was slightly more confident I guess? idk, I just really hope I don't continue to fuck up my GPA...
This Friday is my IR exam - I'm actually really scared because this course is so hard with a lot of theoretical applications.

strawbs x

Good luck strawbs! That's really great to hear that you did well on those pesky essays. You're almost there (until next semester *groan*) :P
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on August 30, 2018, 01:57:48 am
29th August 2018

So it's been nearly 3 months since I last posted! I got my results for semester 1 and in just under 2 weeks ago, I left Australia and flew to Europe for my exchange semester! :D

I did okay last semester I guess? I did increase my GPA, but my WAM (even though ANU doesn't have an official wam) went down. That semester was hard, glad it was over. I was also quite happy to get HDs in political theory and French :) But pretty much since then, I went back to Melbourne and have been super lazy.

I started classes at my exchange university this week. The work seems quite intense and I am going to a liberal arts college so there's lots of readings you have to do (like actually have to) :-X
hopefully I'll have enough time to travel to other countries & cities too! :)

I don't know if anyone's gonna bother reading this but if anyone has any questions or comments feel free to reply and I am willing to talk more about my exchange if anyone's interested lol (even though I only just started it)

strawbs x
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on February 10, 2019, 03:11:46 pm
10th February 2019

it's been almost 6 months since I've posted...but's been quite a 5.5 months I must say :)

semester 2, 2018:
so I spent mid august to mid jan in europe doing my exchange semester. was amazing. visited 20 countries. once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. if anyone is ever considering exchange, i would strongly recommend it. i did have my downs but i definitely do not regret it at all. met so many people from around the world, saw so many sights, tasted great food and did so many things i wouldn't usually do! to think even 12 months ago that i would cruise the baltic sea, walk around the red square in moscow, climb the eiffel tower, visit the colosseum, see oia santorini at sunset, ride a gondola in venice, cruise along the danube river...the list goes on! it was also my first white christmas and i also loved experiencing the european christmas markets! i could ramble on about my trip! (i'm actually considering doing another exchange in next year, but we'll see when time comes :P)

in terms of the actual academics, my grades were not too good, but luckily they don't count towards my gpa :P (another reason why you should do exchange people!!)

this year
now...this year...i have to take uni more seriously. i honestly haven't been in the mood since returning from europe. i was in such a euphoric state over there that now being back feels kinda...depressing?
i have a decent gpa, but i still want to maintain it. i'm still not 100% certain on what courses i want to take this year but they're all going to have to be politics courses (i'm kinda sad not to be doing french anymore. whilst i liked it i didn't work very hard while i was on exchange and i still want to continue learning the language somehow)
the only thing is i don't really want a 'career' in the political science/IR field anymore, but i still have interest in my degree so idek what i'm doing by sticking it out :P

it took me forever to secure accommodation back in canberra, especially because i wouldn't be guaranteed on campus housing. i lived in a studio apartment on campus last year which was super convenient (but not super cheap) but i got a very late offer to live in a single dorm which i'll be moving into in a few days. it is cheaper but less convenient, but much more social so hopefully it works out :)

I keep saying i'll take part in more clubs and extracurriculars. maybe i'll stick to it this year? who knows.
I probably need to start looking at relevant work experience and perhaps internships.

I guess that's it for a 5-month update
If you read through all of this you're amazing and ily <3  :-*
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Calebark on February 10, 2019, 08:52:47 pm
Welcome back after all this time! I don't know much about exchange semesters, so I'm making a formal request for details pls. Did you study in one country and visit the others in your free time? Or bits and pieces of study in multiple countries? Either way super exciting
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Erutepa on February 10, 2019, 08:53:49 pm
10th February 2019

it's been almost 6 months since I've posted...but's been quite a 5.5 months I must say :)

semester 2, 2018:
so I spent mid august to mid jan in europe doing my exchange semester. was amazing. visited 20 countries. once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. if anyone is ever considering exchange, i would strongly recommend it. i did have my downs but i definitely do not regret it at all. met so many people from around the world, saw so many sights, tasted great food and did so many things i wouldn't usually do! to think even 12 months ago that i would cruise the baltic sea, walk around the red square in moscow, climb the eiffel tower, visit the colosseum, see oia santorini at sunset, ride a gondola in venice, cruise along the danube river...the list goes on! it was also my first white christmas and i also loved experiencing the european christmas markets! i could ramble on about my trip! (i'm actually considering doing another exchange in next year, but we'll see when time comes :P)

Exchange sounds sooo cool. I have definitely though about going, and it seems to be a very valuable and worthwhile experience.

I guess that's it for a 5-month update
If you read through all of this you're amazing and ily <3  :-*
I already know I'm amazing  :P
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on February 10, 2019, 09:35:42 pm
Welcome back after all this time! I don't know much about exchange semesters, so I'm making a formal request for details pls. Did you study in one country and visit the others in your free time? Or bits and pieces of study in multiple countries? Either way super exciting
thanks! yeah basically you just stay in one country, but since Europe consists of several small countries all located very close to each other, I travelled in my free time (during my mid-semester break, I visited 5 countries in 9 days which was pretty cool :P - quite a short stay in each country but i wanted to see as much as I could)
there are short programs which exist if you are interested in only doing a couple of weeks over the break or something (not too familiar with these) and then you may travel afterwards (or before)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: sweetiepi on February 10, 2019, 09:36:33 pm
Loving seeing your update, strawbs! ^-^
I'm so glad you secured accommodation, I hear that is a pain to get sometimes, haha! :)

What are you looking forward to most this semester? :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on February 10, 2019, 09:42:32 pm
Loving seeing your update, strawbs! ^-^
I'm so glad you secured accommodation, I hear that is a pain to get sometimes, haha! :)

What are you looking forward to most this semester? :)
thanks insanipi :)
tbh, I honestly don't know what I'm most looking forward too :o haven't got many plans but my courses probably will be good, but I guess i'm waiting for something exciting to happen? haha
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: Jigsaw on February 10, 2019, 10:05:10 pm
Yayy! I'm so happy to see this being updated. Your journal is one of the first I ended up reading, so it's awesome to see your progress :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: smamsmo22 on February 10, 2019, 11:43:08 pm
Hey! I haven't always been a super regular AN user so I hadn't read much of your journal until now; that being said, I'm excited to hear more :)
Exchange sounds really cool!! Which country was your exchange based? How did you find studying over there and deal socially in terms of the school you were attending? (If that's how the arrangement worked?)

Also, I had a random question, but I thought you'd be able to offer some good info as you've been living interstate for a few years now. Overall, do you like living out of home? Do you like the lifestyle in Canberra and do you see yourself staying after uni or returning (or going somewhere else?) What have you found is the biggest challenge with living away from home?

Thanks in advance for your responses :)
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on February 11, 2019, 11:10:22 am
Yayy! I'm so happy to see this being updated. Your journal is one of the first I ended up reading, so it's awesome to see your progress :)
thank you :) <3

Hey! I haven't always been a super regular AN user so I hadn't read much of your journal until now; that being said, I'm excited to hear more :)
Exchange sounds really cool!! Which country was your exchange based?
The Netherlands

How did you find studying over there and deal socially in terms of the school you were attending? (If that's how the arrangement worked?)
I went to a liberal arts college there so it was kinda more "intense" than a 'normal uni'. Lots of readings to do and lots of small assignments (instead of the usual one big essay and one big exam). But no lectures either!
Socially I felt like I belonged quite well. The school I went to was almost 90% international students from all over the world (lots from Europe but also quite a few from Asia, USA and Africa).   

Also, I had a random question, but I thought you'd be able to offer some good info as you've been living interstate for a few years now. Overall, do you like living out of home? Do you like the lifestyle in Canberra and do you see yourself staying after uni or returning (or going somewhere else?) What have you found is the biggest challenge with living away from home?

Thanks in advance for your responses :)
Do I like living out of home? I guess sometimes, haha. I can eat as many snacks as I want without judgement :P
Canberra lifestyle - is quieter than Melbourne ofc haha. But it's nice and calm, very easy to get around and public transport is much better than Melbourne :P

I'd love to stay in Canberra (lots of public service jobs and such there), but idk if I want to spend time looking for housing so I might just move back home to Melbourne with my parents afterwards. No idea, we'll see :P

The biggest challenge living away from home...I'm not sure haha. I guess the chores? (I'm such a bad kid haha). You have to manage everything for yourself like grocery shopping, which can get annoying but luckily I lived quite close to the supermarkets so it wasn't too bad.
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on February 25, 2019, 04:13:24 pm
25th Feb 2019

So uni officially started today! For the first time, I have classes on all 5 days (but only for weeks 1-6), and then 3 days from weeks 7-12.
Honestly, since my exchange, I haven't been feeling 'it'. I don't know.

Random points
- This semester I'm taking 4 courses: foreign policy, media politics, public policy and US politics
- I honestly don't know what I want to do with my life. I kinda wanna change degrees. I have been interested in studying history, I'd like to further continue studies in French, so I'm not sure. Most likely though, I'm gonna stick it out with what I have because I've already come so far.
- I feel like I'm really disorganized. I've moved into my new place, it's small. Very community-like though. But it takes twice as long to get to the shops which kinda sucks. I feel like I have a million things to do - some of which are the simplest tasks yet I find extremely demanding that I don't even feel like starting. All I want to do is literally lie in bed at the moment.
- Today, I just had a 1hr lecture. It went fine cos it was an introductory lecture. What sucks is that I have a timetable clash so I will have to skip one lecture each week. Oh well.
- Last week was o-week. I signed up to a bunch of clubs. Maybe I'll actually go this year?

my to-do list this week (some non-uni related)
- print necessary readings
- finish readings for this week, commence readings the next week
- perhaps think about my first 2 assignments
- tidy my room and re-organize my desk. it isn't so bad right now, I just need to rearrange a lot of stuff.
- go to Officeworks/Typo/stationery shop and buy stuff so I can be inspired to study lol
- start exercising
- touch up my CV and apply for more jobs
- search up recipes and pre-plan meals

someone pls pray for me so I hope I can survive. sorry this was kinda a depressing entry lol

strawbs xx
Title: Re: Are you pickin' up what i'm Putin down? - strawberries' university journey
Post by: strawberries on July 24, 2019, 08:47:13 pm
update 5 months later

we're now in semester 2. I did alright in semester 1, but my mark for my IR course in foreign policy is the highest I've ever gotten on a uni course so that's good :) I also randomly applied for an internship at a big 4 consulting firm (forgot to apply for the other ones lol) and made it to the final stage of interviews but didn't get it :/ sad but it was a good experience, surprised I even got that far. i've been doing heaps of sport though last sem.

i also did an intensive winter course, but we have an essay that is due in a few weeks

this sem I really hate my timetable. As an 'arts' student, low contact hours but still 4 days of class a week. I know I can skip lectures but I still live on campus so it's not like it's inconvenient for me to go to school. I actually admire people who skip lectures tbh - like they don't go to class AND do well, while managing something like work/extracurriculars? I wish I could do that!
this semester I'm doing 3 courses (one on IR theory, one on political methodology and one on game theory) as well as an internship in parliament in the office of a Senator which is exciting but also scary. This internship will also be for-credit and we need to complete a 4k word research report at the end.

i've got exciting stuff on this sem but still scary.
