ATAR Notes: Forum

Administration => AN Community Lounge => Topic started by: jamonwindeyer on December 18, 2017, 07:23:44 pm

Title: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: jamonwindeyer on December 18, 2017, 07:23:44 pm
Want to be our next moderator?
 Click here!

The ATAR Notes Moderator Team are what keeps the site moving smoothly. They facilitate discussion, keep things organised, contribute content, and just generally make the forums a better place for everyone. Being a moderator is an amazing opportunity to help steer AN in cool new directions, it looks great on resumes, and you'll get access to sections of the forums no one else can see (it is mostly just lots of banter).

What are the Criteria? There are no hard criteria for becoming a moderator, but we'd expect users to have an established history of contributions and helpful posts on the forums (particularly in the area they want to moderate), and be able to continue this into the future. You should be able to bring ideas for improving the forums and be able to help make those ideas a reality.

You do not need to have graduated to be a moderator, and you do not need to be a genius in your subject area to be a moderator! :)

What are the Responsibilities? State moderators should be doing two things. First, they need to be keeping their section(s) of the forums clean and organised. Getting rid of spam, ensuring that all new topics are in the right place, making sure that resources are organised with mega-threads if required – Etc, etc.

Secondly, and definitely more importantly, moderators need to be promoting the positive culture of ATAR Notes, making their section a better place. This is totally up to interpretation, but a few awesome things that State mods have done that meet this description perfectly:

- This Debating Thread for HSC History Extension students to swap ideas and gain new perspectives on their content.

- Aural Analysis Club, a semi-regular chance for practice of a specific section of the exam.

- This Week in Chemistry – A news thread where news stories are shared to promote wider understanding of the topic area.

- The Creative Corner, an entire section spearheaded by Coffee.

Do you need to be writing a guide a week or hosting a huge competition 100% of the time? Absolutely not, but the most effective state moderators will be doing things like this, even just on occasion. At the basic level, we expect state moderators to be encouraging questions and/or responding to questions in their relevant section. In general, just create good vibes – It goes a long way to making this site the amazing community it is :)

How Many Moderators Will We Choose? We don't have a threshold we want or need to meet. It will depend on the applicants, the sections they are passionate about moderating, and where we feel people will be able to contribute the most :)

Know someone who would be perfect? Give them a shout out below!! It might encourage them to put their name forward. We'd hate for a deserving member of the community not to apply because they feel intimidated by the process.

Interested in applying? Click here!
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: cookiedream on December 18, 2017, 07:35:25 pm
Know someone who would be perfect? Give them a shout out below!! It might encourage them to put their name forward. We'd hate for a deserving member of the community not to apply because they feel intimidated by the process.

Quantum44, I'm looking at you ;)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: snowisawesome on December 18, 2017, 07:36:15 pm
How many posts do you need to become a moderator?
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: AngelWings on December 18, 2017, 07:38:28 pm
Quantum44, I'm looking at you ;)
I nominate you, Cookiedream. In all seriousness, I do. I think you'd be great.

(Reason I haven't nominated myself is because I'm not sure what I'm doing next year and if I'll even be on the forums regularly enough.)

How many posts do you need to become a moderator?
I don't think there's a number. As long as you're super helpful and have a certain area that you help a lot in.
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on December 18, 2017, 07:53:08 pm
Quote from: jamonwindeyer
At the basic level, we expect state moderators to be encouraging questions and/or responding to questions in their relevant section. In general, just create good vibes – It goes a long way to making this site the amazing community it is :)

I would like to highlight this, so much. If you do apply, you understand that you need to be an active contributor to your section (contributing, along with moderation actions where necessary). You are essentially the 'gatekeeper' for the sections you are assigned to.

This means making guides, responding to questions, making the section the best it can be... etc :)

I wish everybody the best of luck with their applications and hope to see some fresh faces soon :)

Any questions, again, please post here and one of us will respond :)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: sweetiepi on December 18, 2017, 07:55:01 pm
Quantum44, I'm looking at you ;)
Seconding this, and looking at you too, cookiedream! ;D
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: K888 on December 18, 2017, 08:03:29 pm

Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: RuiAce on December 18, 2017, 08:16:17 pm
I'm backing chelseam
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Calebark on December 18, 2017, 08:35:10 pm
That Jamon guy would make a great mod imo
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: RuiAce on December 18, 2017, 08:38:29 pm
That Jamon guy would make a great mod imo
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: snowisawesome on December 18, 2017, 08:40:54 pm
Can moderators remain moderators for as long as they want, or is there a limit to the amount of time they can be a moderator for?
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: prickles on December 18, 2017, 08:45:31 pm
Can moderators remain moderators for as long as they want, or is there a limit to the amount of time they can be a moderator for?
I think you can be a mod till your old and grey if you wanted to be - but if life is getting too hectic, you can opt out of it kinda? May be wrong  :D
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: AngelWings on December 18, 2017, 08:46:26 pm
Other good contenders I would like to nominate, because these guys are no brainers (so much so that I don't even need to link their profiles!):
- Zhen
- Paigek3
- Beatroot
- Opengangs
- VanillaRice
- Rodero
- Fantasticbeasts3
- Clarke54321

This is not an exhaustive list, by the way. Just ones I've noticed, can recall at this point in time and have yet to be mentioned. 
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on December 18, 2017, 08:55:28 pm
Obviously I cannot make official endorsements or recommendations for specific people.... but for those who have contributed and feel like they are mature enough to take on this position and help others who are going to be doing their Year 12 etc next year.... please put your name forward. Some names have already been mentioned above that would be ideal candidates :)

Even if you have doubts that you can be a mod.. we examine based on merit so if you're a new-er person but have been making super awesome contributions, just try! Let us know why you want to join us and show that you're interested. Convince us.

Attitude and a willingness to positively contribute is definitely the key pre-requisite (in addition to activity)... get that sorted and the rest is left to us. :)

Honestly, it doesn't matter if you've been a member for 2 months or 5 years (unfortunately, like me, who's probably a bit past the expiry date).
You need to hit that submit button to be in the running... :)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on December 18, 2017, 09:10:22 pm
Can moderators remain moderators for as long as they want, or is there a limit to the amount of time they can be a moderator for?

As long as they're active and contributing to their section, sure. They most certainly can opt-out if they find that life is getting in the way. :) We do recommend that so that somebody else who is keen for an opportunity to take their place. Rarely do mods get removed, unless they have been inactive for a significant amount of time without letting anybody know (or if they .. act in a way which is against what we expect of mods).
I think you can be a mod till your old and grey if you wanted to be - but if life is getting too hectic, you can opt out of it kinda? May be wrong  :D
Not wrong in the slightest :) Ty.
Although.. one would question why you would still be modding when your hair is grey...... bigger things await in your young lives! im probably the last person who should be stating this lol
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: sudodds on December 18, 2017, 09:20:04 pm
Other mod perks include being part of a snazzy Facebook group chat that no admins/Nat mods are part of :)))))

yep definitely none of those in there!

Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on December 18, 2017, 09:21:19 pm
yep definitely none of those in there!



better fix that one who has infiltrated your gathering, quicksmart. We can't have an odd one out in blue.
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: heids on December 18, 2017, 09:42:55 pm
NOTE: if you've applied before and weren't modded but would still like to join the team, please reapply!
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: jamonwindeyer on December 18, 2017, 09:46:28 pm

NOTE: if you've applied before and weren't modded but would still like to join the team, please reapply!

Meant to mention this! Lots of great applicants from the past who have only gone on to do even more impressive things even without being modded - If you are still keen, give it another go!
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Sine on December 19, 2017, 04:50:10 pm
off the top of my head

Clarke54321 ~ October MOTM winner
miniturtle ~ September MOTM winner
Syndicate ~ March MOTM winner

obviously not an exhaustive list and additionally everyone that has been mentioned beforehand should definitely apply.
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: snowisawesome on December 19, 2017, 04:58:43 pm
marvin k mooney

All you guys would make great moderators ;D
I've probably missed quite a few people too :P
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Joseph41 on December 19, 2017, 05:07:38 pm
Hey all,

Not too much to add - just really want to encourage everybody interested to apply. Can't wait to see your applications! :D
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: jamonwindeyer on December 19, 2017, 06:39:41 pm
Just wanted to say as a sort of public acknowledgement, really love the applications I'm reading so far. Clearly lots of thought has gone into them and I'm really excited to have such an awesome group of people wanting to contribute to the community!!

If you haven't applied yet, please do so! No minimum post count, no minimum respect - You just need to be able to show us you are passionate about helping this community be the best it can be ;D
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: RuiAce on December 19, 2017, 08:07:03 pm
Is there a due date for these applications?
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: jamonwindeyer on December 20, 2017, 12:12:25 am
Is there a due date for these applications?

No harsh one yet - We'll leave the form open over the Christmas and New Year period ;D though obviously getting it in earlier means you'll be considered earlier so there's that :)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: TheSapaInca on December 20, 2017, 12:32:24 am
cookiedreams and zhen !! they are way too helpful and deserve it!!
I haven't heard of Quantum44 as I've only been here for a month or so. I'm sure he's a nice guy, looking at all your comments haha
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: jamonwindeyer on December 22, 2017, 04:08:17 pm
A little bump before the Christmas weekend - Would love to see some new applications! Happy holidays everyone
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: TheAspiringDoc on December 31, 2017, 01:39:42 pm
Are moderators required/have an obligation to log on every so often?

Also what do moderators do?

Mod edit: Merged double post. Please edit your existing post rather than posting again.

Edit: I don't think you got the intended irony of my non-merge
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on December 31, 2017, 02:04:45 pm
Are moderators required/have an obligation to log on every so often?
Obviously being a moderator requires you to maintain your section and answer questions etc, so there is an understanding that logging on is a requirement. If you are bombarded by work or something, you can just let us know and we'll take it from there. I think here the important thing is communication. If you just go AWOL for a long period of time, then we have a problem. If you let us know about your inactivity in advance, all sweet!

Also what do moderators do?
The tl;dr version:
- Maintain the section they're assigned to by answering questions, making guides etc.
- Participation in the community via posting.
- Dealing with mod-related issues for their section (e.g. moving, deleting, closing), or elevating issues to the natmods via the mod board.

This has also been stated on the thread's first post by Jamon (extract below in spoiler):
What are the Responsibilities? State moderators should be doing two things. First, they need to be keeping their section(s) of the forums clean and organised. Getting rid of spam, ensuring that all new topics are in the right place, making sure that resources are organised with mega-threads if required – Etc, etc.

Secondly, and definitely more importantly, moderators need to be promoting the positive culture of ATAR Notes, making their section a better place. This is totally up to interpretation, but a few awesome things that State mods have done that meet this description perfectly:

- This Debating Thread for HSC History Extension students to swap ideas and gain new perspectives on their content.

- Aural Analysis Club, a semi-regular chance for practice of a specific section of the exam.

- This Week in Chemistry – A news thread where news stories are shared to promote wider understanding of the topic area.

- The Creative Corner, an entire section spearheaded by Coffee.

Do you need to be writing a guide a week or hosting a huge competition 100% of the time? Absolutely not, but the most effective state moderators will be doing things like this, even just on occasion. At the basic level, we expect state moderators to be encouraging questions and/or responding to questions in their relevant section. In general, just create good vibes – It goes a long way to making this site the amazing community it is :)

Any other questions by anybody? Please feel free to post and we'll do our best to answer them for you :)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on January 02, 2018, 11:11:06 pm
VCE Technology Moderator(s) required!

We are currently seeking expressions of interest for the VCE Technology section (the boards within this are included). Ideally, we'd like somebody who has completed (or is completing) one or more of the following subjects:

* VCE Computing (Units 1/2, 3/4 Informatics, 3/4 Software Development)
* VCE Algorithmics (HESS) 3/4
* VCE Food Studies 1-4
* VCE Systems Engineering 1-4
* VCE Agricultural and Horticultural Studies 1-4
* VCE Product Design and Technology 1-4

As you may identify, this section hasn't received much activity over the past couple of years and we'd like somebody who will assist us in getting it back to some sort of normality. Things like creating guides, promoting the section and facilitating discussion (among regular mod duties) will be a requirement. :)

If you feel you'd be a great fit for this, see below.

How to apply:

* If you've already submitted an application this round and would like VCE Technology added to your preferred sections, please send me a PM directly with a short statement as to why you're interested and what subjects you're completing/have completed (from the list above).

* If you haven't submitted a mod application yet, you'll need to do that. Click this link to fill one in.

If you are interested, please apply ASAP.

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: owidjaja on January 18, 2018, 10:17:02 pm
Not sure if it's too late to ask but do you need a specific number of posts to be a moderator (contemplating if I should apply at the moment)?

Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: Aaron on January 18, 2018, 10:18:21 pm
Not sure if it's too late to ask but do you need a specific number of posts to be a moderator (contemplating if I should apply at the moment)?

No specific number necessary :)

Obviously we'd like to see some prior contributions and activity to demonstrate a track record, but that certainly isn't a mandatory pre-requisite :)
Title: Re: Apply to be a Moderator in 2018!
Post by: jamonwindeyer on January 20, 2018, 03:45:35 pm
Just a note that I've just closed this form - Stay tuned for other application rounds later in 2018! ;D for those who submitted, keep your eyes on your inboxes - The announcements are happening slowly which means our new mods are also finding out slowly ;)