ATAR Notes: Forum

HSC Stuff => HSC Humanities Stuff => HSC Subjects + Help => HSC Legal Studies => Topic started by: annn1e on March 20, 2018, 08:01:07 pm

Title: Crime syllabus
Post by: annn1e on March 20, 2018, 08:01:07 pm
hi, for crime under police powers there is 'search property and seize evidence' but two dot points under there is 'search and seizure, use of warrants' and another dot point under that is 'warrants' . Does this mean anything different or are they all the same?

And also, police powers involves detain and question suspects as well as arrest and interrogate suspects/ and of course 5 dot points under is detention and interrogation.

 If someone could explain both the repeat in content that would be so great thankyou
Title: Re: Crime syllabus
Post by: NowYouTseMe on March 28, 2018, 01:50:59 pm
so what I think is that the 'use of warrants' under investigating crime is about how the use of warrants exemplifies judicial oversight over the police force, exemplifying the separation of powers between the judiciary and the executive, whereas the second dot point that's just 'warrants' is more about defining what warrants are than the significance of their use.