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General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => News and Politics => Topic started by: Joseph41 on August 20, 2018, 05:24:49 pm

Title: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Joseph41 on August 20, 2018, 05:24:49 pm
Pretty basic question: how interested in politics are you? Specifically Australian politics, but I guess politics more broadly.

Personally, I used to have absolutely zero interest in politics. Like, zero. But gradually, as the years have gone by, I've become more and more interested. I'm definitely not close to being an expert atm, but the interest level is still increasing.

100% not interested in entering politics (hah), but I find it all pretty interesting.

How about you?
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Yertle the Turtle on August 20, 2018, 05:27:19 pm
Pretty basic question: how interested in politics are you? Specifically Australian politics, but I guess politics more broadly.

Personally, I used to have absolutely zero interest in politics. Like, zero. But gradually, as the years have gone by, I've become more and more interested. I'm definitely not close to being an expert atm, but the interest level is still increasing.

100% not interested in entering politics (hah), but I find it all pretty interesting.

How about you?
Not really interested, I largely just find it a bit boring and dumb, everyone complains about it whatever happens, and I'm not a fan of a lot of decisions that are made, so put together, I just don't care very much. Largely, I don't like politicians, and that doesn't help either.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Aaron on August 20, 2018, 05:28:51 pm
Used to be really engaged but question time really turned me off... and the fact that politicians can't say straight answers and resort to robo-responses (also used as a diversion tactic). Be real, be a representative, tell us straight what's going on. Maybe then i'd be interested?

MPs are representatives of their electorate. Don't like when they use personal opinions/agendas to influence what the people want.
I personally also think they are entitled, stuck up and are completely out of touch with the regular Aussie. They really don't do much for their high pay check.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Bri MT on August 20, 2018, 05:57:40 pm
l keep up to date with current political topics but the older I've gotten the more disenfranchised I've felt
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: owidjaja on August 20, 2018, 06:00:52 pm
I used to be not interested in politics. These days, I'm kinda into politics but only if politicians address the issues I'm interested in, i.e. live animal export, tampon tax, probably because I've started writing articles in the field of environmental and animal rights so I've been kinda up to date with politics that relate to these fields.

Apart from that, I only have a basic idea on the "goals" of each political party (thanks to learning to Weimar Germany politics). I'm hoping my basic understanding of politics can help me have a vague idea on who to vote, especially how I'll be turning 18 next year.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: appleandbee on August 20, 2018, 06:21:06 pm
Not interested in politics in of in itself, but to be interested in social issues (for me it's public health and environment, also I do find issues on education, tackling economic and racial disadvantage relevant), you can't help but ignore the reasons behind a lack of  political impetus in pursuing x policy or wonder what the motivations/incentives are behind y policy. I didn't even know there was a state election soon until my career mentor (who does health planning or the government) informed me of one.

I do keep up with pure international politics (especially Eurasian pol since it is quite interesting) a bit for the purposes debating though. I guess economic policy on both a domestic and international level are tied in with political incentives as well.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Sine on August 20, 2018, 06:30:22 pm
More interested in US politics since it's basically a meme at this point. Only transiently into Australian politics.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Joseph41 on August 20, 2018, 06:35:42 pm
More interested in US politics since it's basically a meme at this point. Only transiently into Australian politics.

Reckon Trump will go around again?
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Aaron on August 20, 2018, 06:55:35 pm
Reckon Trump will go around again?

People thought he stood no chance against Clinton and look how that turned out.

The guy acts like an idiot but you don't get to being a successful businessman like him without the smarts.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: S200 on August 20, 2018, 08:39:49 pm
Reckon Trump will go around again?
He only needs to have a portion of the most powerful country in the world to support him, with the entirety of the second-most powerful nation in the world behind him! :D

An entirely unbiased news source of course..
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: turinturambar on August 20, 2018, 11:45:50 pm
Victorian and Australian politics - not really.
I'm under no illusion that my vote will make much difference to the country. If I decide I care enough I'm sure I'll have to learn a lot more and find other ways to influence on issues I care about.  Been a bit annoyed by recent-ish things I've seen seeming to suggest Queensland will determine the next federal election, but that may just show my ignorance...

I'm involved in several majority-US forums, so I probably hear more about US politics. And I also keep track of the mother country's self-destruction Taking Back Control.

Reckon Trump will go around again?

He has incumbency advantage, and his detractors (of which there are many) ignore this to their peril.
Whether he'll still be able to find people to work in the White House is another matter, but I suspect there's still plenty of people who want the prestige.

The guy acts like an idiot but you don't get to being a successful businessman like him without the smarts.

His detractors also point out that it helps to be a successful businessman starting with a large fortune and negotiating a few bankruptcy style restructurings.
Have to admit I was a bit annoyed after hearing a few people hype Trump as a "deal maker" to find out that his Art of the Deal was actually ghost-written. And that the ghost-writer isn't very happy with Trump now.
Title: Re: How interested are you in politics atm?
Post by: Sine on August 21, 2018, 01:07:20 am
Reckon Trump will go around again?
no idea what the analytics say right now but historically most presidents get reelected. Only something like 3 haven't got 2 terms since the 1930's.