ATAR Notes: Forum

Uni Stuff => Faculties => Science => Topic started by: TheAspiringDoc on October 15, 2018, 04:29:33 pm

Title: Conceptual/memorisation subjects in Uni Science
Post by: TheAspiringDoc on October 15, 2018, 04:29:33 pm
Hey can anyone tell me how relevant memorisation and conceptual understanding are to different science subjects in uni? For example, is there a big emphasis on memorising pathways/mechanisms/definitions/structures in anatomy, biochemistry, chemistry, psychology or physiology in uni?

I'm asking because I think my learning strengths are memorisation and understanding mechanisms (e.g. transcription/translation), and I'm thinking about what sciences to do.

Thanks  :)
Title: Re: Conceptual/memorisation subjects in Uni Science
Post by: qwdfbn1996 on October 15, 2018, 05:57:20 pm
Probably a mix of both in most subjects but if I had to pick one or the other: (memorising as the stuff you need to really sit down and rote learn, conceptual as the stuff you need to try and understand and once understood aren't as easily forgotten)
anatomy- memorising
biochem- 50-50
chem- conceptual
psychology- memorising
physiology- conceptual (maybe 50-50)
the maths and physics subjects would probably be more conceptual
Title: Re: Conceptual/memorisation subjects in Uni Science
Post by: Bri MT on October 15, 2018, 06:12:18 pm
Bio:  very similar to VCE bio but with extra bits of information here and there + plant life cycle + basic classification of organisms

Combination of understanding and memorisation.  Limited application.  Most memorisation of all my subjects.

advanced chemistry:
Expands on yr 11&12 chem

Mainly understanding with limited memorisation and some application. 

Maths (I did 1020 (didn't study spec level) & 1030(after spec level)):
Almost entirely understanding and application - especially for 1030. Need to know some definitions but are encouraged to learn them through understanding and derivation