ATAR Notes: Forum

HSC Stuff => HSC Science Stuff => HSC Subjects + Help => HSC Physics => Topic started by: fkkiwi on October 27, 2018, 03:45:17 pm

Title: How to best answer questions
Post by: fkkiwi on October 27, 2018, 03:45:17 pm
Hey guys,

Just looking for some advice on ways to best answer the short/extended response questions in Physics. I find my problem is sometimes writing too much and not being very concise, because I usually put in as much information as possible related to the dotpoint to cover my bases.

However, I feel this wastes time so I was wondering if anyone has a particular strategy they use to write concisely, but enough to satisfy the criteria for the question?
Title: Re: How to best answer questions
Post by: jamonwindeyer on October 27, 2018, 03:56:04 pm
Hey! I don't know if it's a full strategy per say, but I think it is really important to plan out your responses to those things (internally or externally). Knowing what you want to say before you say it helps keep you on track. In terms of knowing exactly what to write - Go to the syllabus. Try and think of the dot points being targeted, and write just enough to convince the marker that you know the content for them.

Additionally, the space they provide is a good indicator. Aim to hit the length they provide ;D