ATAR Notes: Forum

General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => Topic started by: K3NpAcH1 on November 13, 2018, 02:28:08 am

Title: science to dent/med?
Post by: K3NpAcH1 on November 13, 2018, 02:28:08 am
Heya guys!
So i was just wondering, coming from the uni kids, how realistic is it to do a bachelor of science at melb and get in to post grad dent(melb) or even med(melb or deakin)? Im not top gun ( 99+ atar, so no guaranteed full fee places for me) but is it doable? I know like 2500 kids do science at melb and there are only 91 places in dent and i think my mate said like 250 in med (those of which are taken by guaranteed places, a hand full of biomed etc  :'( ). So before i make the decision at the end of the year to do melb science, how hard is it to maintain that high GPA/ WAM and score well on the GAMSAT. How many kids from science make it into dent/ med? Has anyone here made it via the science pathway or no someone who did? Basically, i wanna know if this is doable. And not some unrealistic false hope. Im not the naturally smart top guns out there who blitz through everything. But i am a grinder and will put in the work-is that enough taking into account  a job next year and a relationship.
Cheers guys :)
Thanks in advance and any comments would be greatly appreciated
OH! right also, i forgot, if i somehow screw up my gpa along the way, can i do further study like research to improve it? So this way the last three yrs will be taken to account? (1/6 first, 2/6 second, 3/6 first half of third?)
Alritey thnx guys :)
Title: Re: science to dent/med?
Post by: vox nihili on November 13, 2018, 06:54:37 am
Heya guys!
So i was just wondering, coming from the uni kids, how realistic is it to do a bachelor of science at melb and get in to post grad dent(melb) or even med(melb or deakin)? Im not top gun ( 99+ atar, so no guaranteed full fee places for me) but is it doable? I know like 2500 kids do science at melb and there are only 91 places in dent and i think my mate said like 250 in med (those of which are taken by guaranteed places, a hand full of biomed etc  :'( ). So before i make the decision at the end of the year to do melb science, how hard is it to maintain that high GPA/ WAM and score well on the GAMSAT. How many kids from science make it into dent/ med? Has anyone here made it via the science pathway or no someone who did? Basically, i wanna know if this is doable. And not some unrealistic false hope. Im not the naturally smart top guns out there who blitz through everything. But i am a grinder and will put in the work-is that enough taking into account  a job next year and a relationship.
Cheers guys :)
Thanks in advance and any comments would be greatly appreciated
OH! right also, i forgot, if i somehow screw up my gpa along the way, can i do further study like research to improve it? So this way the last three yrs will be taken to account? (1/6 first, 2/6 second, 3/6 first half of third?)
Alritey thnx guys :)

Yes you can do further study to improve your GPA, and quite a few people try this pathway into med.

The reality is that it’s tough to get into but nowhere near as tough as getting in via school. If you’re really keen to do med and happy to put your head down and work, then the science pathway is very feasible.
I think the reality of it is that a lot of students who don’t do as well at school often do a lot better at uni. This is particularly the case for kids from public schools, who often find that their performance lifts relative to their private school counterparts at uni. Sadly, the ATAR is more strongly a measure of your family’s wealth than your academic ability.
Title: Re: science to dent/med?
Post by: Alter on November 13, 2018, 10:07:40 am
Moved to General Discussion boards. The University Results sub-forum is strictly for discussion re: end-of-semester university marks and grading, so please be mindful of where you post.

As for your questions, there are many things to keep in mind. Above all else, you need to be aware of the fact that the undergrad you do has no bearing on your ability to get into med at Melbourne, apart from satisfying the pre-requisite subjects in anat/biochem/physiology. There is absolutely no selection bias towards biomedicine students, so a candidate from BSc is just as likely to get an offer as a biomed student with the same scores. On top of that, it's not really possible to give you the statistics or numbers that you're after, because they don't exist. Not everyone in science wants to medicine, and of those that do, not all of them apply with competitive scores. The same is true for biomedicine - there are many that have other interests (research; physio, etc.) or that don't have strong enough GAMSAT/GPA combos to apply with. Because of this, it becomes complicated to say statements such as 'x number of people out of 500 get in'.

Additionally, nobody can really tell you with any objective measure how difficult it is to have a high enough combo score to qualify for an interview, because this difficulty is subjective to each person. I would remark, though, that it's not some impossible pipe dream reserved for the gunners with a 7.0 and 100 GAMSAT. The reason that there are no scores that anyone can give you that are definitely indicative of 'cut-offs' is because a lower GPA can be remedied by a stronger GAMSAT and vice versa. Similarly, it's important to note that these scores are subject to change from year-to-year, and that as of late, Melbourne uni are placing increased emphasis on the MMI process (now worth 50% of your ranking).

Two more notes about grades: (1) As vox mentioned, it is possible to complete further study to boost your GPA, but you shouldn't rely on this. Most universities (including unimelb) only consider undergraduate study (Bachelor degree, including honours) into your wGPA calculation. Boosting your grades isn't as simple as getting a higher GAMSAT if you've already finished your degree, because it means doing honours (which might not take effect at mid-year) or another undergrad degree. (2) The weighting for each respective year is now 1:2:2, so second year is worth double that of first year, and equal to third year.
Title: Re: science to dent/med?
Post by: K3NpAcH1 on November 13, 2018, 02:45:48 pm
Thanks for the replies guys! I really appreciate it :). Really helps me. And yehh sorry about posting in wrong place I'm pretty green hahaha.