ATAR Notes: Forum

Uni Stuff => General University Discussion and Queries => The University Journey Journal => Topic started by: addictwithatextbook on February 06, 2019, 05:57:19 pm

Title: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: addictwithatextbook on February 06, 2019, 05:57:19 pm
Hey. Who am I?
I am really awkward in real life.Anyway, I'm not a very regular poster on these forums and I did lurk from time to time during my VCE, which really helped me succeed. (Thanks!) I used to have a VCE Journey Journal that I discontinued somehow, in which I referred to myself as addict (which didn't sound good to me lol). Now it's pantaloon because I find it funny, because it's my username on Discord and also because it's an explicit reference to a song produced by my favourite artists.

Those or some facts about me. No printer just fax xx

What about VCE?
I graduated VCE from a "disadvantaged" school. A Catholic school would have been great if we had the money.
I tried really hard in VCE and it paid off. I got a 98+ ATAR with all of my study scores 40+ in a school where such success is not at all popular. I broke records which earned me a lot of fame - getting calls from the school and a few journalists, and for someone like me, it was DIFFICULT and EXHAUSTING. I know others would love fame and recognition, but I really just want to fly under the radar. It was good while it lasted, though.
Apologies for the non-specifics, I want to try to maintain partial anonymity in light of recent events featuring uncomfortable exposure.

What's with your course choice?
I really like law and I really like science. With a strength in the latter. I have no idea what to do afterwards but careers focusing on both aspects sound promising. I suck at verbal and written communication so I'm taking a risk studying law, but hopefully it develops me. My major for science is Biochemistry, which sounds more appealing to me than all the other choices Swinburne's got.

Swinburne your university?
Why did I choose Swinburne? Even though it's not a popular choice on these forums, I chose it for a few reasons.
One, distance. Two hours travel in a day is all goodie. I would've went to Monash if I lived closer.
Two, scholarship. An annual sum for the duration of my degree. I got offered one at Monash too but see point one. I would've went to Melbourne if I got a larger scholarship and more money was saved. Fees are an issue for my family. (I still need to submit my Youth Allowance claim on Centrelink!)
Three, double degree. (oh hey that rhymes) More choice since I'm unsure.
Four, smaller university. I don't know how to describe this reason... I just feel better?

Are you excited for university? What are your plans?
Actually, yeah. It's going to be different and I want to see how it's going to be like. I cherished all the relationships I made in high school and I want to meet new people. Hopefully I won't be too intimidated by really strong law students.
One thing I'm not looking forward to is my timetable for the first semester starting March. I finish 8:30pm on Mondays which means late nights (which I'm not a fan of) and missing out on praying. I got Fridays off though so yay. (Sem 2 looks WAY better with both Wednesday and Friday off and no late nights what a win in my textbooks)
As with work, I want to try stay as chill as possible and have time to do other things. But being competitive and a perfectionist, that may be hard to do.

What's happening now?
I wasted a month doing nothing too useful and abandoning my resolutions to read and exercise and at least bulk up my skinny bod (I'm getting a belly though so I have to do something about that) so I'm trying to get back to that.
Also recovering from a long, improvised Dux speech to my former school's staff (they act like students when assembling slksjskjkjs) by binging on the good Survivor seasons.
I'm going to attend orientation when it goes. So expect an entry afterwards, but I don't know if I can be trusted after the tragic and abrupt death of my VCE Journal. I hope to update this journal regularly, no less than once a month. As for what stuff I'll write in there... I'll just see how it goes and write whatever feels like needs to be written.
I also want to volunteer regularly and also get my Ps. Not going anywhere sucks because I need more hours. (Being unable to go to many places by car is a personal thing.)

That's all for now. Adios, amigos. - pantaloon :) <3
Title: Re: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: AngelWings on February 06, 2019, 06:28:00 pm
Hey Pantaloon! Nice start to your journal. :) (My responses got a little messy, so I've put them in the spoiler below.) 

A bunch of responses to your opening post
Now it's pantaloon because I find it funny, because it's my username on Discord and also because it's an explicit reference to a song produced by my favourite artists.
May I ask which song this is?

What's with your course choice?
I really like law and I really like science. With a strength in the latter. I have no idea what to do afterwards but careers focusing on both aspects sound promising. I suck at verbal and written communication so I'm taking a risk studying law, but hopefully it develops me. My major for science is Biochemistry, which sounds more appealing to me than all the other choices Swinburne's got.
Oh hey, biochem is somewhat the sister science of genetics (which I majored in), so high five! What aspects of law and science do you enjoy the most?

Four, smaller university. I don't know how to describe this reason... I just feel better?
Sometimes the smaller universities, like Swinburne, have a better sense of community feel since your cohorts are a lot smaller. Could this be the reason?

As with work, I want to try stay as chill as possible and have time to do other things. But being competitive and a perfectionist, that may be hard to do.
Pretty sure we have a lot of competitive and perfectionist people here on AN (myself included), so totally get where you're coming from here. I've found with age, I get slightly less competitive/ perfectionist and more comfortable with being myself. Hopefully this happens to you too. :) 

I hope to update this journal regularly, no less than once a month.
Hopefully, you do! :)
Title: Re: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: sweetiepi on February 06, 2019, 07:48:33 pm
Totally get what you mean by the smaller uni/campus feel- I go to the Parkville campus of Monash- it definitely has a community vibe! ^-^

I'm excited to hear some more about you and your uni journal!!! ^-^
Title: Re: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: addictwithatextbook on February 06, 2019, 09:19:29 pm
May I ask which song this is?
The Pantaloon by twenty one pilots ;)
Oh hey, biochem is somewhat the sister science of genetics (which I majored in), so high five! What aspects of law and science do you enjoy the most?
That's cool! *high fives back* The aspects of law I enjoy the most is probably the processes of the justice systems and the variety. It's kind of general but it was all new and interesting to me. With science, I just really enjoy the theory and the application to real life, more than the mathematical side of it. It's super interesting.
Sometimes the smaller universities, like Swinburne, have a better sense of community feel since your cohorts are a lot smaller. Could this be the reason?
I think so! This could be it but I can never pinpoint the feeling exactly haha
Pretty sure we have a lot of competitive and perfectionist people here on AN (myself included), so totally get where you're coming from here. I've found with age, I get slightly less competitive/ perfectionist and more comfortable with being myself. Hopefully this happens to you too. :)
Thank you! I do realise how much me time I've missed in high school and I don't really want that to happen.
Hopefully, you do! :)
I hope so too. Thank you so much AngelWings! I am much more motivated now :)

And @insanipi Thank you very much! I appreciate it. :)
Title: Re: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: strawberries on February 09, 2019, 01:19:33 pm
  • I am a really big Survivor fan and I want to apply for an Australian season but (happy birthday Raven!) i can't swem :(
omg I love that show too (although I haven't even watched DvG or the latest Aus season oops)
i love the strategy part esp. I really want to audition one day too but I'd probs be first off cos I'm not fit haha.

goodluck for uni this year :) x
Title: Re: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: addictwithatextbook on February 09, 2019, 04:51:06 pm
omg I love that show too (although I haven't even watched DvG or the latest Aus season oops)
i love the strategy part esp. I really want to audition one day too but I'd probs be first off cos I'm not fit haha.
DvG is a must-watch. A step up from apparently all seasons since Cagayan. Many fantastic moments. I also got the Kalokalo buff for my birthday :) Aus CvC is above-average and a good watch. You should audition and give it a go! A lot of people have use the time between being accepted as the cast and filming for training so you can become fit ;) After all, if your social game is exceptional, I doubt being fit matters :)
goodluck for uni this year :) x
Thank you heaps :)
Title: Re: pantaloon's five years into science and law
Post by: strawberries on February 10, 2019, 02:42:26 pm
DvG is a must-watch. A step up from apparently all seasons since Cagayan. Many fantastic moments. I also got the Kalokalo buff for my birthday :) Aus CvC is above-average and a good watch. You should audition and give it a go! A lot of people have use the time between being accepted as the cast and filming for training so you can become fit ;) After all, if your social game is exceptional, I doubt being fit matters :)
wow is DvG that good? i really better get onto it :P
i watched like the first 4 eps of CvC actually (forgot most of what happened) and will hopefully finish the rest soon! (so much to catch up on before S38)

maybe we should both apply. perhaps we can get on the same season and have a pre-game alliance ;)