ATAR Notes: Forum

General Discussion => Accountability and Motivation => Topic started by: maxoxo on February 24, 2019, 03:47:37 pm

Title: 9 months till the HSC journal
Post by: maxoxo on February 24, 2019, 03:47:37 pm
'I may have lost the battle but I will not lose this war'

Hey all!
The HSC is one of the undoubtedly numerous challenges that life has thrown at me- one that I will of course persevere in. Honestly, so far, I have not met my potential, and I acknowledge that. My marks are mostly band 5 with one band 6, but these are only the first assessments, I still have a chance to redeem myself, and I am starting this journal to prove to myself, and anyone else who may come after me that I can and I will.

My goal is at least 99.6 ATAR. Of course, this isn't the be all or end all of my goals and aspirations, but nontheless many believe in me and tell me I can definitely get it, even when sometimes I myself don't. So I'm doing this for them- the people that believe in me, and the people who may look up to me that may one day be in the same situation that I am in right now. So far. I've been going at 70%, and so I need to start going at 100%.

I have other goals I want to achieve. I have several leadership roles which I want to fulfil to my greatest potential- to truly make a change and leave something behind. I also want to level up in Hopkido, which I have just begun this year. I want to wake up early at 4:30 everyday. To top it off, I want to improve some of my personality faults as well, like my lacking self-discipline and irrationality at times.

This year is a giant milestone to the rest of my life. Every minute counts, and I don't want to waste it. Resilience is key, so I'll keep this journal to keep me on track.

I hope whoever's reading this is doing well,
All the best,
Title: Re: 9 months till the HSC journal
Post by: sweetiepi on February 24, 2019, 03:52:15 pm
Hey there maxoxo!

I love how you've got some clear goals that you've set out! That waking up every morning at 4:30 sounds like a tough one to me, what's your game plan for that? (I can barely get up at 6, let alone anything earlier than that) :)

I'm interested in seeing your progress unfold, and I hope to see more updates! ^-^
Title: Re: 9 months till the HSC journal
Post by: AngelWings on February 24, 2019, 04:33:58 pm
Like Insanipi, I'm looking forward to seeing how your story unfolds. :) Your schedule seems pretty hectic, so don't forget to set some breaks as well to work at your best. Just curious: Is there a course aspiration along with the 99.6 ATAR goal? What sort of direction are you hoping for after the HSC? Wishing you all the best and hope to read more from you soon!