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VCE Stuff => VCE Science => VCE Mathematics/Science/Technology => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Biology => Topic started by: dev_xy on August 17, 2019, 03:47:43 pm

Title: Answering extended response Q
Post by: dev_xy on August 17, 2019, 03:47:43 pm
Hi, I was wondering whether past high achievers have a certain approach to answering extended response questions. I really struggle answering those questions, I know the content but writing is my weakness so any help will be appreciated!

I sometimes write too long when explaining answers, I want to change that.

Does anyone know if we can use dot points? I know you can use it in physics and chemistry but I have never been sure if you can for biology

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Answering extended response Q
Post by: PhoenixxFire on August 17, 2019, 06:04:23 pm
You can use dot points, but I wouldn't. My approach to answering long questions was always to be as succinct as possible. I would write in paragraphs but use as few words as possible and be very direct, not explain things in a roundabout way.

A lot of being able to answer these sorts of questions just comes down to practice. You need to be able to understand what it is that the question is answering and only answer that, a lot of people end up writing too much and not actually addressing what the question wants you to write about. To help with this, reread the question as you're writing and ask yourself whether that sentence is actually answering it, if not don't include it. Editing your answer when you mark it also helps, rather than just ticking off the bits that are right, cross out anything that you didn't need to include and add anything else that you should have included.

We have a thread here where you can post questions and your answer, and get specific feedback on it which might be more helpful than me giving general advice, given I haven't read your answers.