ATAR Notes: Forum

General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => Other General Discussion => Topic started by: lm21074 on October 13, 2019, 09:55:46 am

Title: What's your favourite beverage?
Post by: lm21074 on October 13, 2019, 09:55:46 am

As you may or may know, we have a tea thread and multiple coffee threads around (most recently, this one), but after doing some digging, I am yet to find one that mentions all the other drink options!

Whether it's tea, coffee, juice, water, or anything else, what's your favourite beverage? Feel free to share the recipe for your perfect drink!

Over to you. :)
Title: Re: What's your favourite beverage and why?
Post by: r1ckworthy on October 13, 2019, 10:07:47 am
French Earl Grey tea. I drink way too much, but it tastes pretty nice when mixed with a bit of sugar, and the experience of drinking it is almost meditative ;D.

I also like multiple versions of tea from T2, especially their black tea collection.

Coffee is a big one. I put like a bit of coffee, add 2-3 cm of boiling water, the rest whole-cream milk and so on and so forth ;D. Wakes you up to say the least.

Water is pretty nice, I like to finish 700ml every 1.5 hrs or so. I just need something to sip on while I'm studying ;D.

Title: Re: What's your favourite beverage and why?
Post by: sweetiepi on October 13, 2019, 10:16:12 am
If I'm craving something sweet: Strawberry Lemonade Cordial or Apple Juice. I mean, I am a sweet tooth, but these are definitely my go-to if I want a sweet drink.

If I'm studying: water. Especially if I have a lot of study to do- yesterday I'm pretty sure that I finished a good 3 bottles worth in 2 hours aha :'D Stay hydrated y'all! Also coffee. Because coffee is a stimulant, and even a weak cappucino will keep me going for hours :')

If I'm relaxing: tea. Chamomile or peppermint & lime if I'm going to sleep soon, otherwise T2's black and dessert teas are grouse. Plus, I have quite a few boxes of tea that expire next year that I need to drink after buying them because I got them all on sale and then realised that I have like 2 years' worth of tea in my possesion. OOPS :')
Title: Re: What's your favourite beverage and why?
Post by: owidjaja on October 13, 2019, 10:33:30 am
Definitely coffee is up there as a favourite beverage, usually a cappuccino with one sugar but in the summer I'd get an iced coffee or a vanilla sweat cream cold brew. If I'm not up for caffeine but I'm walking past a Starbucks or Gloria Jeans, I'd order a caramel frappuccino or a creme brûlée chiller.

Bubble tea is also another favourite of mine but my drink depends on where I'm getting it from. If I'm buying from Gong Cha, I'd either buy a Royal Pearl Milk Tea or a Brown Sugar Milk Tea with pearls. If I'm buying from Chatime, I'd get an Oolong Milk Tea with pearls and half sugar.

I don't think I have a specific reason why I like these beverages except for the fact that they're nice little treats I get myself whenever I'm out, especially if I just came out of an exam.
Title: Re: What's your favourite beverage?
Post by: Coolmate on October 13, 2019, 11:45:02 am
My favourite beverage would have to be ice cold chocolate milk that has a strong chocolate flavour  :D

I have always liked chocolate milk, but when it is ice cold and has a strong chocolate flavour it tastes more awesome 8)

My reason why I like this beverage: It tastes good and is a nice one off snack? (/drink) ;D

Coolmate 8)
Title: Re: What's your favourite beverage?
Post by: caffinatedloz on October 28, 2019, 08:25:41 pm
Homemade lemonade all of the way. Mix sugar with hot water. Add in lemon juice (or a mixture of lemon juice, lime juice and orange juice). Add more water and lots of ice. Sometimes mint too. ;D
Title: Re: What's your favourite beverage?
Post by: Snow Leopard on November 01, 2019, 06:32:00 pm
Water, hot chocolate (especially in winter), orange juice (with meals) and soft drinks (only at festivals/parties etc).
Tea and coffee are too bitter for me.