ATAR Notes: Forum

General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => News and Politics => Topic started by: beatroot on December 09, 2019, 08:13:41 pm

Title: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: beatroot on December 09, 2019, 08:13:41 pm
Hey everyone! If you don’t already know, hundreds of bushfires have been occurring across the state for the past 2-3 months and are still happening up to this day (this also includes parts of Queensland too). Hundreds of lives have been affected. Wildlife, in particular koalas, have been wiped out by the bushfires. Countless national parks across the state has been burnt to a crisp and some highways have been shut down.

Rural towns are facing Stage 5 water crisis and only have a month’s supply worth of water left. Farmers have lost their farms and livelihood. The smoke from the bushfires have reached Sydney and Sydneysiders face smoke haze everyday. You can barely see the Sydney’s city skyline that’s how bad it is. Everytime I step outside the house, the air smells burnt, the sun is bright red and the light has a hint of dark orange. People who haven’t had asthma attacks in years are faced with them again due to the smoke in the air.

Down below is a video I took last week when I was on the train crossing the Harbour Bridge. There is no filter on this whatsoever- This is the actual haze that Sydneysiders face everyday. Those living in rural towns are facing worse conditions.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of articles and news reports talking about the NSW bushfires online so feel free to read and/or watch those. Reports have said that this will only get worse as temperatures will rise up to 50 degrees during the Summer months.

Today I am posting this in the forums, not only to raise awareness to those who live in Victoria and Queensland, but also to tell everyone how you can help New South Wales during this catastrophic time. Climate change is a clear sign that Mother Nature needs our help!

This is just a short list of things that you can do to help people in New South Wales. At the moment, donating money is the best option to help NSW as this can help victims recover. Your money will go towards food, clothing and essentials and support to help people recover from the fires. But also help provide resources and supplies for our firefighters and volunteers.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your donation is. Your money can help those affected by the bushfires. You can even organise a fundraiser. Our firefighters need as many resources as much as possible. The temperature will rise up to 50 degrees this Summer and they need to be prepared for big fires across the state. Hundreds of families and farmers need money to recover during this time and also to prepare for the future.

Australian Red Cross Disaster Recovery and Relief

Vinnies Bushfire Appeal

Support the NSW Rural Fire Services and volunteers!

Help communities rebuild!

However, we understand not everyone can donate money. Check down below what other things you can donate.

Donate your clothes to your nearest Vinnies! All proceeds will be donated to the bushfire victims.

Head down to your closest blood donation centre to donate blood.  Check out the website for blood donation centres near you!

The Rescue Collective on Facebook has a list of supplies they need for the bushfires (both for Queensland and New South Wales)

No donations? Not a problem. I've provided some suggestions down below on how you can help NSW.

Check on your friends and family who live in NSW. The 'Fires Near Me' app has real time data for fires across Australia.

Let Scott Morrison know that climate change is an issue that matters to you!

Participate in Climate Strikes in your state and demand for action! Our government needs to know that something needs to be done about the fires in Australia.

Or simply spread the word to others on how you can help New South Wales! It is absolutely gobsmacking to see what is happening to our state. NSW would appreciate any type of help so that families, communities and wildlife can recover during this time and prepare for the rest of the Summer. Thank you!
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: beatroot on December 13, 2019, 05:21:49 pm
Additional ways to help (from triplejhack's instagram post)

Make a direct bank transfer to the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS)
Account Name: NSW Rural Fire Service
BSB: 032-001 /  Account No: 171051

Donate to Port Macquarie's Koala Hospital right here

Some areas in NSW need specific donations. Check the GIVIT website for specific details.

Koalas in Care is another non-profit organisation helping the koalas affected by the fires.

All proceeds from any Vinnies purchase will help those rebuild their lives, recover and prepare.
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: beatroot on January 04, 2020, 10:36:32 pm
Bumping this thread! New South Wales needs your help more than ever.

Victoria is also in need of donations and resources. Please refer to the links above on how to help out.

Thanks everyone 💙
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: ArtyDreams on January 04, 2020, 11:12:12 pm
Thanks so much for doing this Bea!

I've been feeling so down and heartbroken today - it is absolutely devasting hearing about all of this happening to our country.  :-[

Any donation, big or small will go a long way.

Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: Bri MT on January 04, 2020, 11:27:35 pm
Bumping this thread! New South Wales needs your help more than ever.

Victoria is also in need of donations and resources. Please refer to the links above on how to help out.

Thanks everyone 💙

I had a big post written up for Vic which I accidentally deleted before posting but for Vic:

- Bushfire Disaster Appeal
- Wildlife
- accomodation

Here's a screenshot I took this morning (each blob is a fire from the past 72 hours):
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: brothanathan on January 04, 2020, 11:30:28 pm
Sending prayers to those fire-stricken communities <3
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: K.Smithy on January 05, 2020, 12:29:48 am
I have heard of 4 schools that have had buildings and infrastructure destroyed by the fires - Batemans Bay Primary School, Clifton Creek Primary School, Cobargo State School and Quaama Public School (please let me know if I have been misinformed or if there are any other schools to add to the list). I am sure that these schools are going to need lots of help getting back on their feet. While there are government organisations that will help with the rebuilding of classrooms and any other structures that have been severely damaged, these organisations won't cover the costs of new classroom materials and equipment. Once the new school year rolls around I am hoping to talk to my principle about potentially organising support for the schools that have been affected. Im hoping we can donate old desks and chairs and even school supplies. Or even something as simple as gift cards to Office Works for the teachers to buy any classroom essentials.

My mum's workplace is also helping out with the fires. People have been donating money so that they can produce a whole heap of equipment for the fire fighters (masks, suits, boots, etc.) - I'm hoping I can organise some fundraisers at school to organise for more equipment to be sent down to NSW and Victoria.

I was wondering if anyone knew of any organisations that I can get in touch with, that can help my school provide class-room equipment to NSW and Victorian schools that have been affected? (hopefully, my school will be able to help out..)

Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: beatroot on January 06, 2020, 11:43:36 am
Will “Eggboy” Connolly and Magda Szubanski have started a gofundme page to raise money for mental health support for the bushfire victims.

Will post more fundraising pages/organisations when I get internet access on my laptop!
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: sweetiepi on January 06, 2020, 11:53:46 am
Authors across Australia have also set up an online auction on twitter, #AuthorsforFireys, where you can bid for a ton of amazing goodies from authors, and the highest bidder has to donate their pledged amount to the CFA in order to receive the goodies! :)
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: Sine on January 06, 2020, 08:02:24 pm
Shane Warne is auctioning off his Baggy Green cricket cap (number 350) to generate funds for the bushfire appeal. Currently sitting at $309,500. :)

For those who may not be aware - Test cricketers receive one of these caps at their first test match and they wear the same one throughout their career.
Title: Re: NSW Bushfires - How you can help!
Post by: K.Smithy on January 07, 2020, 07:10:27 pm
Tomorrow Boost Juice is donating ALL of the proceeds from the sales of "Acai All Day", "Keen for Green", and "Wild Blueberry" boosts to Vinnies and the RSPCA as these organisations are helping families and animals who have been affected by the fires.