ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => Victorian Education Discussion => The VCE Journey Journal => Topic started by: T2468 on December 26, 2019, 07:24:42 am

Title: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: T2468 on December 26, 2019, 07:24:42 am
Hey there! So I've mostly been a bystander on ATAR Notes but I figured that I'd give writing a shot. My main reasons for doing this are accountability (we'll see how that goes), fun and just being able to have a record of my studies that I can reflect on when I'm older.

Some fun facts about me:
- Will be starting Year 11 next year (Class of 2021!!!)
- I love to read! I really like to read YA but specifically dystopian and fantasy. My favourite series are Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games and The Selection.
- My career goal atm is Medicine. I originally tossed between doing Law and Medicine but ultimately decided on Medicine because I prefer science to humanities. I want to try and do Medicine through first doing BioMed though because I'm scared I'll change my mind at 21 and want to do something completely different! Later in life, I want to do something interesting and maybe open a business or write books.

- Biology 3/4: This will be my only 3/4 subject next year. When I first applied for doing it, I was so happy and had this totally optimistic outlook on it. I'm a bit apprehensive now that the time for me to actually do it is actually coming. My school has a good record for getting 45+ Year 11 scores so hopefully I'll be fine.
- Business Management: I don't know how I feel about doing this subject anymore. I chose it because the study design appealed to me, heard good reviews and talked to many people like my careers counsellors and student mentors about it. Also, it is apparently not to hard which I was good for me because I could budget my study time with subject I will mention later. HOWEVER, one of my friends told me it was a stupid idea and that's been playing at the back of my mind ever since. My class list isn't the greatest and I have no friends (which probably shouldn't be something to worry about but still). I've gone through the subjects my school offers and haven't found anything I'd exchange it for, so I guess I'm trying to console myself by saying it's my best option.
- Chemistry: I really like science in general so this was an easy choice. It's also a pre-req for a few courses.
- German and English: Decided to talk about these two together because they are mostly in the same boat. I'm super fortunate as LOTEs and English come very naturally to me. Up until now, I could spend maybe 10-30 mins total prior to an assessment preparing and score an A+. I think for VCE I'll probably have to actually study though and I will actually try harder.
- Methods: So this is the interesting subject for me. Maths is a challenge subject for me. It's kind of weird though, because I usually will get rubbish grades but every now and again, I'll get 100%. It usually takes up the majority of my study time and effort so hopefully I can do well. I feel quite confident for my performance in my VCE subjects, I just need to work harder for Maths. I'm doing it because literally every course I want to do has it as a requirement.

So that's all I have to say for now! Hopefully, this will be a positive journal and help someone. Happy Holidays!
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: caffinatedloz on December 26, 2019, 07:27:38 am
So great to meet you T! ;D Very much looking forward to getting to know you better. I'm also a Victorian student starting Year 11 next year with biology as my 3/4! Can't wait to hear what you think about it!

What did you do/are you doing for Christmas? ;D
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: Snow Leopard on December 26, 2019, 08:36:06 pm
Hey :)
Your journal's been a great read so far and it's so nice to see another LOTE student on AN!!!
What do find the most challenging skill for German?
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: K.Smithy on December 26, 2019, 09:04:16 pm
Hey T2468! :)

- I love to read! I really like to read YA but specifically dystopian and fantasy. My favourite series are Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games and The Selection.

Ooh, I love reading too! But I'm more of a non-fiction kinda gal - I love anything Stephen Hawking :) But I have read most of The Hunger Games series, and I loved it.

- My career goal atm is Medicine. I originally tossed between doing Law and Medicine but ultimately decided on Medicine because I prefer science to humanities. I want to try and do Medicine through first doing BioMed though because I'm scared I'll change my mind at 21 and want to do something completely different! Later in life, I want to do something interesting and maybe open a business or write books.

Ooh, that's exciting. I've heard of a lot of people tossing up between medicine and law. But it seems like you've really put some thought into it. Its a good idea to do biomed if you fear that you may change your mind - it definitely leaves your options open. But hey, writing books doesn't sound too bad ;)

- Biology 3/4: This will be my only 3/4 subject next year. When I first applied for doing it, I was so happy and had this totally optimistic outlook on it. I'm a bit apprehensive now that the time for me to actually do it is actually coming. My school has a good record for getting 45+ Year 11 scores so hopefully I'll be fine.
- Business Management: I don't know how I feel about doing this subject anymore. I chose it because the study design appealed to me, heard good reviews and talked to many people like my careers counsellors and student mentors about it. Also, it is apparently not to hard which I was good for me because I could budget my study time with subject I will mention later. HOWEVER, one of my friends told me it was a stupid idea and that's been playing at the back of my mind ever since. My class list isn't the greatest and I have no friends (which probably shouldn't be something to worry about but still). I've gone through the subjects my school offers and haven't found anything I'd exchange it for, so I guess I'm trying to console myself by saying it's my best option.
- Chemistry: I really like science in general so this was an easy choice. It's also a pre-req for a few courses.
- German and English: Decided to talk about these two together because they are mostly in the same boat. I'm super fortunate as LOTEs and English come very naturally to me. Up until now, I could spend maybe 10-30 mins total prior to an assessment preparing and score an A+. I think for VCE I'll probably have to actually study though and I will actually try harder.
- Methods: So this is the interesting subject for me. Maths is a challenge subject for me. It's kind of weird though, because I usually will get rubbish grades but every now and again, I'll get 100%. It usually takes up the majority of my study time and effort so hopefully I can do well. I feel quite confident for my performance in my VCE subjects, I just need to work harder for Maths. I'm doing it because literally every course I want to do has it as a requirement.

I have English, Methods and Biology in common with you. Personally, I love bio (particularly units 3/4) and methods - but I'm from QLD so I'm not too sure how the syllabus differs down in Victoria. With methods, I can relate to your experiences. Methods is not my best subject (by far), which is weird because I really love maths ;D I try not to let my struggles get in the way of my enjoyment though. But yeah, I think everyone has that subject that they just have to try that little bit harder in and that is completely normal and fine. I like to think about maths (or any subject/topic I struggle with) like vision. Yes I know this sounds weird ;D I have glasses so I need a little help to see. That doesn't mean I should give up on seeing because I'm hopeless at it, I just need a little help (ok, well a lot of help... ;D). Maths is the same. A lot of people think that "they aren't math people" and then they give up. But sometimes you just need that bit of extra help :)

As for business management, you could definitely take into account your friends opinion, but if I were you I wouldn't let it completely dictate the decisions you make. Do you know why they said it was a stupid idea? Are they talking from personal experience or do they just not like the subject? If you are having some doubts, I would definitely consider talking to more people about it and expressing your concerns. If you do end up deciding to change subjects that is completely fine! Majority of people, in my experience, change subjects in grade 11.

Man, I'm jealous! I would love to study German as a subject, but my school doesn't offer it  :-\ I've been self-learning for the past year and a bit, but progress has been slow... I find learning words fine, it is more so how you structure sentences that I just don't understand. The weird arrangement of verbs, nouns, etc... messes with my brain... And what is up with these gendered words??? Der, die, Das,... wut?? 😂 I was buddies with a German exchange student for a couple weeks this year, so she just hung out with me while she was at my school. And she was saying that there really isn't a rule to the whole gendered words stuff... you're just meant to pick it up.

So that's all I have to say for now! Hopefully, this will be a positive journal and help someone. Happy Holidays!

I look forward to seeing what comes! Have a good holidays! :D
- Katelyn
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: eemmaa on December 26, 2019, 10:41:30 pm
Hey, great to see another class of 2021 student! I'm doing 3/4 bio next year too! Excited to see your journal progress :)
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: T2468 on December 26, 2019, 11:11:05 pm
So great to meet you T! ;D Very much looking forward to getting to know you better. I'm also a Victorian student starting Year 11 next year with biology as my 3/4! Can't wait to hear what you think about it!

What did you do/are you doing for Christmas? ;D

Hey! I'm abroad over the holidays so I've been experiencing new things! It was kind of weird not being in Australia but I reckon it was still good since I did all the regular things like eating way too much, opening presents and listening to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" 1000 times :)

Hey :)
Your journal's been a great read so far and it's so nice to see another LOTE student on AN!!!
What do find the most challenging skill for German?

Thanks and good question! Out of the four basic skills (i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking) I find listening the hardest. I swear in every listening exam everyone speaks a mile a minute!. However, getting into more advanced stuff, expressing complex ideas fluently is what I find hardest. I find it frustrating when I know what i want to say and have the vocabulary to say, but can't exactly express it fluently. But I love German either way and can't wait to do more of it next year.

Hey T2468! :)

IMethods is not my best subject (by far), which is weird because I really love maths ;D I try not to let my struggles get in the way of my enjoyment though. But yeah, I think everyone has that subject that they just have to try that little bit harder in and that is completely normal and fine. I like to think about maths (or any subject/topic I struggle with) like vision. Yes I know this sounds weird ;D I have glasses so I need a little help to see. That doesn't mean I should give up on seeing because I'm hopeless at it, I just need a little help (ok, well a lot of help... ;D). Maths is the same. A lot of people think that "they aren't math people" and then they give up. But sometimes you just need that bit of extra help :)

I love this analogy! I think I might print that out and stick it on my wall or something! Thanks, this actually mean a lot.

As for business management, you could definitely take into account your friends opinion, but if I were you I wouldn't let it completely dictate the decisions you make. Do you know why they said it was a stupid idea? Are they talking from personal experience or do they just not like the subject? If you are having some doubts, I would definitely consider talking to more people about it and expressing your concerns. If you do end up deciding to change subjects that is completely fine! Majority of people, in my experience, change subjects in grade 11.

Honestly, I don't really know. I get where they're coming from and appreciated the advice but I guess I'll just do what I think is best. And yeah, you're right. Worst case scenario, I'll just switch my subjects.

Man, I'm jealous! I would love to study German as a subject, but my school doesn't offer it  :-\ I've been self-learning for the past year and a bit, but progress has been slow... I find learning words fine, it is more so how you structure sentences that I just don't understand. The weird arrangement of verbs, nouns, etc... messes with my brain... And what is up with these gendered words??? Der, die, Das,... wut?? 😂 I was buddies with a German exchange student for a couple weeks this year, so she just hung out with me while she was at my school. And she was saying that there really isn't a rule to the whole gendered words stuff... you're just meant to pick it up.

Exactly! It's such a funny language.  After a while you do get used to it but it's not fun in the beginning.

Thanks for the advice and positive feedback!

Hey, great to see another class of 2021 student! I'm doing 3/4 bio next year too! Excited to see your journal progress :)

Thanks! Best of luck for both of us then  :D

Mod edit: merged consecutive posts. You're not in trouble or anything but please only double post if there is a strong reason to e.g. double posting in your journal >24 hours apart is fine :)
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: caffinatedloz on December 27, 2019, 06:58:51 am
Hey! I'm abroad on exchange over the holidays so I've been experiencing new things! It was kind of weird not being with my family but I reckon it was still good since I did all the regular things like eating way too much, opening presents and listening to Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" 1000 times :)
That sounds amazing! Where are you doing exchange?  ;D
Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: ArtyDreams on December 27, 2019, 11:04:39 am
Welcome to the forums!

I'm excited to see your journal throughout the next year! It looks like you have a great array of subjects!!

What are some of your hobbies??

Happy Holidays!!

Title: Re: Secret Life of a VCE Student
Post by: T2468 on December 27, 2019, 05:37:05 pm
Welcome to the forums!

I'm excited to see your journal throughout the next year! It looks like you have a great array of subjects!!

What are some of your hobbies??

Happy Holidays!!

Thanks! I enjoy reading, travelling and recently, baking.