ATAR Notes: Forum

National Education => Interstate Discussion and Comparison => General National Education Discussion => Textual Anaylsis & Quotes => Topic started by: caffinatedloz on January 04, 2020, 05:23:04 pm

Title: Jane Eyre Textual Analysis Thread
Post by: caffinatedloz on January 04, 2020, 05:23:04 pm
What is this thread for?
This thread is for discussing and understanding the text Jane Eyre. It is a central place for inter-state discussion and sharing of resources, as well as a place to ask questions and discuss themes. Find the quote bank for Jane Eyre here. Everyone is welcome to contribute; even if you're unsure of yourself, providing different perspectives is incredibly valuable. Please don't be dissuaded by the fact that you haven't finished Year 12, or didn't score as highly as others, or your advice contradicts something else you've seen on this thread, or whatever; none of this disqualifies you from helping others. And if you're worried you do have some sort of misconception, put it out there and someone else can clarify and modify your understanding! There'll be a whole bunch of other high-scoring students with their own wealths of wisdom to share with you, so you may even get multiple answers from different people offering their insights - very cool.


Also see here for a great free downloadable summary added to the notes section of ATARNotes by user ieatcrayons

Key themes of this text include belonging, family, status, beauty, religion, oppression and gender (sexism).

Free Notes:
Jane Eyre Creative Sac by bianic
Jane Eyre Creative Response by achre
A+ Jane Eyre Essay by MaddyClash
40/40 Prompt Based Jane Eyre Essay by Coffee

If you can't download the notes...
To download the notes or make a post in this thread, you will first need an ATAR Notes account. You probably already have one, but if you don't, it takes about four seconds to sign up - and is completely free!

Other Resources:
Information about Charlotte Brontė (the author) can be found here and here.
Find a copy of the text in full here.
Sparknotes, Shmoop and Grade Saver all have summaries and resources.

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