ATAR Notes: Forum

QCE Stuff => QCE English Subjects => QCE Subjects + Help => QCE English as an Additional Language => Topic started by: darren12345 on June 12, 2020, 06:36:33 pm

Title: are QCE's EAL be scaled higher than normal english subject?
Post by: darren12345 on June 12, 2020, 06:36:33 pm
Hi, I'm a year 11 EAL student, and upon researching i figured that in other states EAL is scaled higher than normal English, i wonder would that be the same for Queenland? I have been making a decision to whether change to English or stay at EAL, because normal English's topics are way more intreasting than EAL. However im quite hesitant because EAL might give me more of a advantage than normal english.
Any tips?