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General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => Other General Discussion => Topic started by: Owlbird83 on June 29, 2020, 08:21:49 pm

Title: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Owlbird83 on June 29, 2020, 08:21:49 pm
Hi Atar Notes people!  ;D

I’m curious about the amount of introverts vs extroverts on here!

I have a hypothesis that there will be a higher proportion of introverts possibly? I know it’s a whole spectrum though and not a one or the other, so I’ve added the ambivert option for people in the middle.

Introverts are defined as gaining energy from being alone, and losing energy from being around a lot of people for a long time.
Extroverts are defined as gaining energy from being around other people and being social.

There is a stereotype that introverts are more shy and quiet, and extroverts seem more loud and confident, but this isn’t always the case.
On the internet I found lots of different percentages of what they think the population is but it seemed like introverts were less than half, and extroverts were a bit over half.

Personally, I am an extrovert (I think) and take every opportunity to be around people, but also am a bit shy so come across as introverted. On personality quizzes I sometimes get around the middle, because my internal feelings about liking large gatherings and getting energy from being around others cancel out with my ‘introverted’ traits of seeming more quiet and lacking social skills.

Do you guys have thoughts on this? Do your personality traits conflict with the way you get energized? AHH I feel like a youtube person who’s saying ‘leave a comment down below’
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Aaron on June 29, 2020, 08:28:55 pm
Always been introverted but my career choice has forced me to be more extroverted so to speak.
Every personality test i've done says i'm introverted so I guess we'll go with that. I think its also what makes me a very good teacher as well - something different.
I've put in the middle for your poll.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Joseph41 on June 30, 2020, 10:10:01 am
Couldn't be more introverted if I tried haha.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: keltingmeith on June 30, 2020, 10:40:18 am
Couldn't be more introverted if I tried haha.

Idk man, I've seen you in person multiple times. Feel like that wouldn't happen if you could be more introverted


Me? I tend to toe the line everytime I test this. Almost don't even believe the idea of introverted and extraverted people truly exist
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Joseph41 on June 30, 2020, 10:52:56 am
Idk man, I've seen you in person multiple times. Feel like that wouldn't happen if you could be more introverted


Me? I tend to toe the line everytime I test this. Almost don't even believe the idea of introverted and extraverted people truly exist

I had to sleep for 7-8 months after each of those occasions. ;)
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: owidjaja on June 30, 2020, 11:37:29 am
Severely introverted hehe.

When I go to work parties, I'm either trying to busy myself (watching Netflix on someone else's phone lol) or hanging out with the same two or three people (and clinging to Angelina lmao). As much as I enjoy hanging out with my friends, I'm really enjoying quarantine. I know at some point some people are getting sick of staying at home, but not me. I wish we could be in quarantine forever (without covid as the cause, of course) and I'm really dreading when my campus opens up and start face-to-face classes.

That being said, when the situation arises where I actually have to talk to someone (i.e a phone call or if I'm asking questions at a career expo), I won't avoid interacting them but it gets exhausting that at some point I just don't wanna talk to anyone lol.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Bri MT on June 30, 2020, 12:14:34 pm
A lot of people who haven't seen me much outside of uni and school pick me as extraverted. I'm someone who will introduce themselves to classmates in a lecture, tute, or lab. I enjoy public speaking and I tend to pick up leadership positions even when I'm not actively trying to.

On the other hand, I'm very comfortable sitting just with my own thoughts. My impulse when stressed isn't to reach out but to withdraw. I've gone days without talking to anyone and that's felt peaceful rather than lonely. Recently I was talking to a friend and mentioned that I now thought I was an introvert rather than an ambivert - they laughed and said me being an introvert was obvious.

I've answered introvert in the poll.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: PhoenixxFire on June 30, 2020, 12:29:12 pm
I think most people would think I'm an introvert but I'm more of an ambivert with anxiety haha. I get tired of peopling if I'm around people for too long and need time alone to recover but I also struggle when I'm alone for too long and need to be around people to get out of the funk. Hard to tell which parts are me and which are caused by mental illness.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: sweetiepi on June 30, 2020, 12:32:49 pm
I'm definitely more of an introvert, I am completely fine to be alone (and read) rather than go out and see people haha! 😅
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: AngelWings on June 30, 2020, 01:28:27 pm
Funnily enough, I used to call myself an ambivert with introverted tendencies, basically meaning that on the spectrum of introvert to extrovert, I sit in the middle but slightly more towards the introverted side. When I was still studying (especially in uni), I was able to basically chat to anyone and, sometimes, gain energy from that interaction like an extrovert does, but most of the time, it would be that I was more introverted and derived my energy from being alone for a bit. It really just depended on my mood at that moment.

Nowadays, I’m more of an introvert and, on very few occasions, show that ambiverted side of me.

I picked introvert in the poll above, though.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: angewina_naguen on June 30, 2020, 02:36:27 pm
This was a really difficult poll for me because I sorta had to juggle a few factors into it. I actually do think I'm quite extroverted but that doesn't mean I don't have any signs of an introvert in me. I don't crave human interaction and/or need it to gain energy but when I am around people, I've always found myself feeling better. This is also perhaps why I gravitated towards teaching because I couldn't imagine myself working alone and I know I thrive well off of being able to lead and/or follow others.

Alternatively, I do enjoy being on my own and find it, as Bri said, peaceful. This has been particularly the case since I started university and realised that I needed to be more in tune with myself. I have often made decisions on behalf of this new priority to give myself more "me time" but even in these cases, I do end up in public spaces. If I'm feeling like studying, I might go to a nearby cafe or to the library. If I'm feeling like doing some of my hobbies, I'll go bowling by myself. Ultimately, I'm still surrounded by people but I will be, in terms of company, alone  :)

My childhood friends and I had a conversation where we were talking about the types of people we would be at a party. One of my friends is very much the life of the party, another is the babysitter for everyone there. My friend described me as the person who would go and talk to anybody who was sitting by themselves or appearing to be left out. I thought this was a really interesting way of describing my personality (and now that I think about it, has been true on more than one occasion). I think this is a pretty good way to strike a balance between my extroverted and introverted aspects  :)

I chose ambivert for the poll!

Severely introverted hehe.

When I go to work parties, I'm either trying to busy myself (watching Netflix on someone else's phone lol) or hanging out with the same two or three people (and clinging to Angelina lmao).

And you can cling on to me any time  ;D
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Partyking1234 on June 30, 2020, 03:14:40 pm
Right off the bat, I see myself as very extroverted :)

More often than not, my own personality has a tendency to be able to draw in introverts. In most social settings, I'm one of the louder people amongst the crowd and that gets the attention of others to want to participate. On top of that, I've been told many times that people quite like my sense of humour and my own laugh, so I think that's also another factor. I often get quite drained when I'm on my own, so being in quarantine has affected me dramatically, but being able to have the odd day or two to see Angelina is quite relieving or even other social gatherings that are organised. Even when I'm stuck at home, I'll often gravitate towards online video games where I can interact with other people (as of recently, Valorant has been my go-to and boy is it fun to both get some crazy wins and talk smack to toxic team players). That contributes to my feelings of gaining energy from other people as an extrovert. I can be on my own, just not for too long because I do get very drained as a result of it.

So to end off, definitely Extrovert :)
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: whys on June 30, 2020, 04:28:32 pm
Interesting discussion! With all the personality tests I've done, I always come out as a bit more introverted than extroverted, but I feel like I'm neither ambiverted nor either of the two. I'm simply nothing (although I did put down ambivert in the poll!). I'm a people person and I like interacting with others a lot, but I also love doing stereotypical 'introvert' things like sitting at home by myself with a book or movie or just daydreaming (which is why I always come out more introverted in personality tests). I'm not like, a super extroverted party animal or anything, but if I'm in a room with a bunch of people, am not talking to anyone myself and I see you alone you bet I'm going to come up and talk to you! I really enjoy meeting people and helping people, but at the same time I like to stay at home alone because I'm lazy and it's so much easier than having to get up and go outside. So yeah, I'm sort of an ambivert and sort of none of them at the same time.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: eloisegrace on June 30, 2020, 06:27:26 pm
I feel like I am truly in the minority here! I would definitely classify myself as an extrovert. I love getting involved in school sports, leadership and simple classroom discussions. I love talking to people and honestly miss school in the holidays as I am not seeing people as much. I also crave human interaction and because of this I absolutely hated quarantine.

I do love just sitting in my own thoughts at times but definitely I am definitely a more extroverted personality. Hence I put that for this poll :)
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: 1729 on July 01, 2020, 02:40:44 pm
I’m an introvert as well but what many people fail to understand is being introverted doesn’t automatically make you suck at all social skills. I’m a good public speaker and things like that make people confused when they find out I’m introverted and really want to go home at random. However Social distancing and self-isolation? I, an introvert and socially anxious homo sapien have been training my whole life for this very moment.Plus I use to be an extrovert but then turned into an introvert haha but dont think it's bad, I think it let's me develop my character a lot more without having to withhold a persona for people.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Owlbird83 on July 01, 2020, 07:28:56 pm
I’m an introvert as well but what many people fail to understand is being introverted doesn’t automatically make you suck at all social skills. I’m a good public speaker and things like that make people confused when they find out I’m introverted and really want to go home at random. However Social distancing and self-isolation? I, an introvert and socially anxious homo sapien have been training my whole life for this very moment.Plus I use to be an extrovert but then turned into an introvert haha but dont think it's bad, I think it let's me develop my character a lot more without having to withhold a persona for people.

Yeah, definitely! My best friend is the unspoken 'leader' in my friendship group, and she's the most charismatic person who everyone gravitates too, and she's an introvert. I think in my friend group the people who are the the most confident and talkative are the introverts.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: AlphaZero on July 01, 2020, 09:30:06 pm
Introverts are defined as gaining energy from being alone, and losing energy from being around a lot of people for a long time.
Extroverts are defined as gaining energy from being around other people and being social.

There is a stereotype that introverts are more shy and quiet, and extroverts seem more loud and confident, but this isn’t always the case

Can I ask what motivates your definitions of "introverted" and "extroverted"? It seems quite different from what I've read. Interestingly, the Google definitions of introversion and extroversion contain the words "shy" and "confident" respectively.

I put myself as ambiverted by the way. When I'm solving a maths problem for example, I'm in my own world. Nothing else matters and I want nothing more than to be alone with my pens and lots of paper. I feel "at peace" alone as some others in this thread have said. On the other hand, I'm a very confident person and I believe in myself. I like being around people and I'm almost always found to be the leader.

If we decide to use the slightly 'dodgy' MBTI, I'm probably a mix of 'assertive architect' and 'assertive commander'.
Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: Owlbird83 on July 01, 2020, 10:01:29 pm
Can I ask what motivates your definitions of "introverted" and "extroverted"? It seems quite different from what I've read. Interestingly, the Google definitions of introversion and extroversion contain the words "shy" and "confident" respectively.

Yeah, I've seen places where extroverted and introverted are more defined by like the traits of how loud/confident/talkative someone is, but from the articles I've read, I got the impression that the key idea behind the classifications were about if people are more stimulated externally from the environment or internally. Maybe I am partly ignoring the idea that these words can be used as just a way to describe how someone is perceived by others in terms of confidence/shyness. However, I believe that the shyness/confidence idea came afterwards.

Jung was the person who first created these extroversion/introversion theories and if you google his name with them, extroversion and introversion are more related to the individual's mind rather than their external traits.
He said that "Each person seems to be energized more by either the external world (extroversion) or the internal world (introversion)."
I think this idea is maybe a little lost and there's now a more broader idea of what the words mean.

Edit: I kept looking and found that Jung seems to describe introverts and extroverts also with those adjectives such as contemplative, shy, reserved/outgoing. So it looks like there's two parts to this, but they don't always seem to align? What do you think?

Title: Re: Ratio of introverts to extroverts on AN?
Post by: AlphaZero on July 02, 2020, 12:42:23 am

I'm hesitant to make any conclusive statements about a subject I've never really interacted with (that being Psychology), but just based on what you've said, it seems that there are few ways of characterising introversion and extroversion.

One way is to define them by how others observe someone, as either "shy" or "confident" for example. This is obviously a gross oversimplification, and I'm sure there are more precise words that can be used that capture the nuances of what we think introversion and extroversion should mean.

Another seems to be characterised by personal experience. So, someone is introverted if they themselves feel that they "gain energy" from being alone, or something like that. Please let me know if I'm wrong...

How we therefore describe people on the introverted-extroverted 'spectrum' obviously depends on the definition we adopt. To me, it seems a lot easier to use the second definition as it only has one degree of freedom, and then show correlations between "shyness" and "introversion", and "confidence" and "extroversion". This construction makes the most sense to me since I too personally believe that someone who I perceive as "introverted" need not be shy for example.

Argh I don't know. I probably made this more complicated than it needs to be lol